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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I read an article many of the big name stock car racers are cutting their cranks down to fit honda size main bearings to gain extra horsepower and superior oiling ..crank has less far to go to get back to the oil again and the reduced friction is an automatic horsepower gain.. The physics of it ( with charts and graphs in the article ) seemed to make sense and those cars go 400 miles at 9000 rpm so there might be something to it..
  2. Directly ,,, as in PM or a e-mail ?? i would like a large and a XL i could pick up if you have them ,,i live local-ish to the dealership and would prefer to pay cash..
  3. So you guys will have 4 Datsuns tore apart then.?? Are you i a competition with Indy as to who can disassemble the most .?? :poke: There is a ZX in Mcleary with those wheels on it ,,,when you get off the expressway turn toward town ,, then you have to take a left,, and there is a auto shop right on the corner,, you will see car melting into the ground on right side of driveway.. He wanted a crap load of money for that car because he said he is restoring another in a shed somewhere....but maybe he would part with just one cap.. You never know.
  4. Were the AOL chat rooms all closed this afternoon or what??
  5. The starter in the Warthog was getting to the point of having to bang on it every time he started it , so before he went to football practice today i made him change it.. Oreilly`s has them in stock locally for 31 bucks but i dug around and tested a few i have, and found 2 that seemed to work.. I sure wish i had a bunch of really cool junk instead of just a bunch of useable parts ....Anyways he`s back on the road and not out any money in doing so. Official starter testing area ....and the two that passed. Him rubbin his fender, so deep into it,, he might need to wash his face afterwards And the 1-800 number in case it fails ...you can bet yer ass imma calling It was in the lizard mobiles trunk when we pulled it out of the shed it was in,, so the warranty might have expired 7 or 8 years ago... :lol:
  6. Wow. all this bike riding has got me bushed , i think i need to go take a nap. :lol: Thanks for documenting your adventures, it really is fun to check out the pictures and the story behind them first thing on a Monday morning.. B) ...Man the weather has been beautiful the last few weeks ,, i think i will go finish my coffee out on the porch..
  7. Ok, you lost me... Where am i supposed to hook up the fish again???
  8. i think they make a normal looking thremstat to replace that old design but i`m not sure about your exact year engine..try http://www.speedwaymotors.com/ or call these guys if local to you. they might know where to send you. http://www.summitracing.com/ (edit ) thought i would add ,,,i know very little about flatheads , :P i just have a few old geezer freinds with them..
  9. :rofl: You almost got coffee out the nose on that one.
  10. Thought this was just getting bumped for the sake of bumping ,,but now i see you got a few done,,,and it`s back to school time, for my 4 boys and all the cash output that entails ,, so i will have to wait for the next round.... :( On another note remember when $75. dollar tennis shoes were the real high dollar ones?? ggaahh now their the mid-priced ones..
  11. I bet that,, that is as bad as it could be and still be able to drive it around.. Oops ,, i just noticed this was a wanted ad after i posted,,,sorry man.
  12. For doing them with what looks like a sawzall or cutter blade,,,your bends are pretty even i must say.
  13. I know over on the realm joking around is frowned upon ,,,but that was what i was doing.. :blush: ( again a joke ) When I ( fat long haired dude ) came to your house with my brother ( old bald dude ) to buy a windshield ,, you had a black and a white seat and a couple brown seat covers ( apparently out of the wagon you sold to a member named Goatchi ) for sale also.. I was going to carry them from that adjoining room off the garage to my mini-van of science,, You said " i would rather carry them over and around coupe,, that way if I scratch car I won`t have anybody but myself to be mad at ." .. But that story , as you can see, is much less entertaining. We were there again buying a orange drivers door for my brothers 4 door,,again in a 2005 dodge mini van but since my family has 2 that are the same just different colors, i`m not sure which one i drove either time...That time the car was out in the yard or in the driveway ,,hell i don`t remember , but it was in broad daylight..
  14. Kinda a while ago but,, threads drop so fast in here ( which is a good thing ) that i didn`t see response.. I could have swore that when i was there the car you threatened to punch me in the face, like Mike Tyson, if i got that car seat even somewhat close to, was a faded greenish color.. My brain is apparently a used up husk of a thing , cuz it was obviously a silver car.......always. i`m still picturing it in my mind as green . :lol:
  15. That totally blows man . Did they break anything else .?.
  16. You should have said an obscure places you have the car in front of in that thread you made a while ago....And just go down the list of pictures you have,, lol .

  17. It`s like a scavenger hunt ,,if you post a picture YOU have to pick the next place ,,get it ??
  18. You looked taller in person..
  19. I missed my nappy time this afternoon.. :P Actually they should rename turrets to ,,,Jalen ,,,, they both cause spontaneous outbursts of cuss words .. I ment Tourettes!! FUCK!!
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