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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. That`s how they are thought of here as well.. :lol: I love them for some reason ..and ratted out like this one ,,with the tires all stickin out and all ,,,bad ass.
  2. That`s cool,, i have you on my favorited Ebay sellers list for quite a while now,, that`s why i asked.. B)
  3. I would guess that`s your guy ,,i went to look at his feedback and he has it set to private so his 100% feedback is probably from the few accounts..Also those accounts should be scrutinized by Ebay also because they are probably in on it..That`s if they really want to stop the scammers .. So i have a question ,,did you change your Ratsun name to KGB from the other ,,like on ebay account??
  4. My friend sent this video to me of Jrock in Coeur d`alene on vacation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygeWsoYYMuQ

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. bananahamuck


      Logical1 ..

      problem is your a tech wizard

      and im the one finger typing old person in the fast lane..

    3. Logical1


      Snicker, 'home row' is not in my vocabulary! As for AdBlock its a 1 click install into chrome & firefox. Best thing my guru showed me!

    4. jrock4224


      i need a sign on to go humble myself....

  5. Plastigage shows if there`s to much or not enough clearance ,, you only change bearing size if you machine crank..The bearings you have now should have marks on them labeled if they are over size or not.. I label and tag and ziplock bag everthing,, the less remembering i have to do the better off i am it seems. i also have a spiral notebook to write all the readings down in also.. but i`m like you strickly garage builder no real machine shop experiance..
  6. There was one of those exact wagons my son was going to buy in Chehalis,, real nice shape,, but it had a bent front end, and we looked for more than a year for a front end...Never did find one ...Now they pop up all the time. BUT, he seems to love the wagon he gots now, so i guess the scrappers that probably gave the guy 150. bucks for it ,, enjoyed the pipe hits it gave them..
  7. My personal opinion is i would rather drive a Daiwoo than a Subaru. Subarus are for 20 somethings that wear to much Axe deodorant or lesbians...period :)
  8. You don`t want to get evolved with the 521 guys ( and chick ) cuz it will take you over man ,, like the 610-710 guys...You think anybody would honestly love those things ??,,,answer no,, but they bought one and it took over their good senses , like Christine.. It`s a trap!! Where`s that neg rep button when you need it?? huh where is it??
  9. There`s a place called Devils Tower it`s in Wyoming USA and it gives you that same feeling when your walking around it,, and you see the spirit bags people have left hanging in the brush... Gets you daydreaming of past peoples , something intense.
  10. Man, it must take forever to clean those wheels.
  11. It`s like the purple limo of buzz saws .. :thumbup:
  12. I dont think you have to open it up ,,isn`t the switch under a little cover on top of motor that you can pop off with a screw driver?? ( edit ) Went out and played with the 79 and i dont think that little switch is the park switch as i had thought... so you probably do have to take the whole cover off ,,like those guys merntioned.
  13. The good thing about late model 510s is at least they aren`t a 210....Oh, and did i mention the replaceable u-joints... :lol: Welcome to the forum , Here`s our car now let`s see yours CLICK this link below for build thread on car above http://community.rat...ge__hl__doodies
  14. IMO Not that much of an improvement OG
  15. If it makes you feel any better ,,, I almost voted for yours and it took me alot of debating to decide on the one i did vote for... :)
  16. Front yard bro-sight .. thanks man ..
  17. Trying to make sure we are seeing the same thing.. Do you mean you have to turn the switch on column to where it`s half in the off position and half of the blue mark showing through the little window ?? Are you holding it in that position because the one in the parts car wouldn`t stay in that position, when i went out and looked at it just now. like i said im just clarifing what your having to do,, to stop them..
  18. Is that Metalmonkeys truck in the background?? :rofl: :rofl:
  19. There`s a place just out of Aberdeen Wa called Central park , that when it`s a Fall full moon ,, the moon rises almost directly up in the center of the long straight away that is lined with very large evergreen trees..It makes the moon look enormous till it gets up over the tree line.. ( edit ) I do know the moon is actually enormous ,, but it alway looks so tiny up in the sky.
  20. 110 is really low , how many revolutions did it spin during test , You sure you got valves adjusted correctly?? I like to adjust them on the " very slightly " loose side on a new engine just to be safe..
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