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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. It`s still there floating around out the kitchen window,,, wife says " what`s that , a car part floating around in there??" I say " doh no maybe one of the boys was messing around.".. She looks out window again shrugs shoulders and says,, " huh,, yeah probably " FYI ... Jalen kept the zebra sticker...FML
  2. Isn`t a bonnet something you wear on your head ?? :lol: Technically your correct they look like they are just lenses,, but here just the lense are still called tailights in many cases..
  3. bananahamuck

    620 concept

    They build those in a town about 20 miles from here so i`ve seen a few in person,,and they really don't look that bad..When you see it with the hood up it doesn`t look half built , the inner structures are bleaded pretty seamlessly..It`s not a kit ,, you give them your vette and they do all the work..Kind of like a cartoon version of a 62 vette would i buy one ,,,fuck no, but they are built with quite a bit of quality control.
  4. It snowed in Billings Montana yesterday and was supposed to snow today..
  5. bananahamuck

    I want a Z

    I ran into a curb that was dislocated from the next section once while parking ,, and it left a gash like that...
  6. don`t let the door hit you in the ass on the way up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Canada%E2%80%93United_States_border_crossings
  7. So do i ,,, It`s the one on my car. :D You know ,,,others can only see one side of the car at a time.. so fuck-em and feed-em fish ,, if they don`t like it,,, take away the fish.
  8. Looking at your ad for the Toyota ,it looked like you live near Ephrata ,,and my brother was up on the hill looking into one of the junkyards ( because closed )and he thought he saw a 280zx do you know if there`s one there??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyo


      That I do.. I have to grab some parts there tomorrow. I will check and get back to you.. I know he keeps a few cars in there that are not in his computer so sometimes you just gotta go out back and look around.. What parts are you looking for?

    3. bananahamuck


      Just in general,, maybe front struts and grey fake leather seats..He just mentioned seeing it ,, but he lives in Auburn wa and was on mini vacation. We used to go to that area and sun lakes every summer..but gas and food prices has kept us closer to home..

    4. Kyo


      Sorry for the Late Reply Been over in ID Helping out some Family. I did not check the Suspension but the Interior was Shot in my Opinion not much worth saving there. Yeah Sun lakes is a Cool Place All of us from High School Use to spend our summers over there and on Blue lake Having fun on the Boat...

  9. Did possibly moving out of the desert ever cross your mind?? :P It`s rained here Saturday morning
  10. Well i did tell him to mark and bag stuff to keep from losing things...did he lose anything ?? well then ,,, your welcome. :lol:
  11. I see in the engine picture the car looks to be pumpkin orange ,,, Does your parts car have orange fender and a drivers door?? And where did you get 3 cars ??
  12. i like how you took all the various input from everybody ,, and actually applied it without ,,ignoring , or down right blowing them off which i have seen alot of on here lately...There is so many really knowledgeable people on here that wanna help and you used them to your advantage to git-er done .. :thumbup: B)
  13. Spent the day cleaning a spot out for the red truck and the jeep ,,,,, let me know.. :lol:
  14. I wish it was orange but,, butterscotch,,, but this is the nicer side ,, got it after a jealous boyfriend kicked the drivers door so hard it busted the window out...
  15. i could roll over there ,, it is the dirty part of town but i will wear an 80s style shirt and pull the collar up around my head so nobody " cool " will see me slumming.. If douchelips comes by your work , you could give it to him.. My son could send money as gift ,,but it will take a few days cuz he rolls in just late enough to get yelled at by his mother to go to bed,,then he`s up and outta here in the morning just after getting yelled at again for not getting ready for school in a timely manner. (edit) when i said " give it to him " i ment the FSM ......just to be clear.
  16. @ Bonvo,,The 521 is a box on wheels and a 610 is swoopy-er so not so sure.. Jalen thanks for jumping through a few hoops to get me this thing ,, delivered even.. Wilson was like.."Man he was just a little kid." :lol: B)
  17. looks like a guy could just lightly grind the inside corners ,,where it kinda hangs off on the ZX,, and i think on a nice truck it would look dope. And the bumper would be right above it
  18. Ok check this shit out.. 71 521 with a 280zx air dam on it trying to be funny BUT ,,,,hmmm
  19. <p>I traded a guy that was trading a guy some MR2 parts that lived up by Jalen for a 280zx air dam he had for sale,, the airdam was basically free ,,BUT STILL !! I tried this thing on everything and it didn`t fit worth a crap on any of them..Don`t believe me ?? well ,,, just look at the pictures.. I know right ?? well it gets worse..
  20. About 2 miles away at my sons friends grandpas house.. 72 RX2 :frantics:
  21. There is more than enough room for all the cans of whoop-ass that caged race wagon hauls around.. And welcome to you Trailermade.
  22. Has anybody actually ever seen a Triumph TR7 / 8 going down the highway NOT being towed?? It`s kinda the same with the traffic on the island where you took that picture...Has anyone ever went through there when traffic wasn`t backed up???
  23. What`s worse is if you delete a few pictures for some reason the url changes somehow and the later ones then shift into the wrong order in your thread... I would have positive rep-ed your comment above ,, but i'm afraid if i do i will be put on the government no fly list..
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