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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Waiting for the dressing change in hall way ,, when we first got there. male nurse walking by said " You Datsun guys? " we said " yeah " He says " That`s pretty cool " and keeps on walking . Nurse from next room that was standing there,, looks at us, and back at the dude walking away with the most puzzled look ever and says " Wow that was random " ...She shook her head, squinted at us and the other guy a couple times and went back into the room.. :rofl: :rofl:
  2. We go to children's hospital about twice a month so being lost down there trying to find a way around traffic / scenic drive is pretty easy to do.... We toured the first floor of the UW medical center for about 20 minutes looking for a info desk... Cafe yes,, info no,, finally a maintenance dood showed us the way out.
  3. Sighted a banged up yellow 510 getting off Montlake Blvd and heading the wrong way to the freeway yesterday afternoon..Driver and passenger had a confused look on their faces ,,we honked at them but they continued in the wrong direction ( despite our warning ) anyway... :lol:
  4. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=craiglist+rants+and+raves pick one any one
  5. bananahamuck

    Roof rack

    This one looks homemade and pretty cool,,,, the truck is on here somewhere cuz my son took these at a Ratsun meet...couldn`t find any more pictures of it though.. I think all but 2 of the Datsuns in this picture have been sold or traded away
  6. bananahamuck


    As long as you got your umbrella up..for the shit storm http://community.rat...-omega-sleeper/ :poke: it`s a joke man
  7. Donovan and I are quietly rollin in,, on our way back from North Bend tomorrows.. :) gay midget
  8. June is a good time of year to bring the whole family up to a place called Canby Oregon...I think there is usually a caravan coming from Cali if you need help finding it.. :)
  9. This?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjeK2gDrUho&feature=my_watch_later_videos&list=WL0BFD8375C45007AA But as INDY510 mentioned the whole one horsepower thing must be wrong,,,as this video clearly demonstrates ..
  10. Try here http://lmgtfy.com/?q...list ads Ratsun
  11. I can do almost any weather even a little tiny bit of snow,,,,,, but windy no can do
  12. Tears i'm in frickin tears, over here.. :lol: Need a emoticon that is laughing so hard it`s tipping over off chair.
  13. quote When did this turn into a crappy Merc thread? Page 3 ,,i posted a link to my favorite cars ,,,the thread before this thread asking the same thing as this thread,,,If you would have followed the link you would have seen this.. ( the first ) AMG ....428 hp ,,,cuz it`s so ridiculous [/size][/font] My butthole ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lick it.
  14. Maybe he will buy you some soap for that potty mouth.
  15. i don`'t have much Datto toys ,,but how bout another black 510 And a vintage paint set , that i thought i would never find,,,,,,,,,,, for the lulz.. Not sure if it is complete but we opened it and it looked to be....2005 it's ok if you dont get it
  16. I live real close to there but ,,,, That car was listed a few weeks ago at about $900. so it`s kinda weird the ad says title is in the mail.. and there is a ton of pictures now,, unlike before.. Someone on here said they had an appointment to see it ,,awhile back,, but i will have to look for the thread i saw it in..
  17. I have never seen the 55 gasser hell i've never actually seen the car this thread is named after in any store around here either
  18. Is Jon saying he loves (anything ) and using the word nice that many times in one post,,, a sign of the apocaypse???
  19. Maybe this?? http://community.rat...nk-it-fell-off/ Eagle_Man Not trying to muscle you outta a sale,, cuz he should probably buy your trans to stay on road while fixing his,, if possible.
  20. :w00t: :rofl: :rofl: And if i thought prancing around in a bikini would bring me the ability to be mixing it up at 180 mph on a regular basis ,,,,i would be out purchasing one right now.....cuz the girl got skills. :D
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