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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Real cars cost a shit ton more than remote control toy cars ,,, but yeah any things possible... ;)
  2. In the drop down menu pick the img code ...Left click turns blue,,then right click copy ,,paste directly in reply box After reading reply below,, then going to your first post i am not sure what you did wrong.. :lol: What year is your truck??
  3. Dude,, you fucked up there`s one laying in an old covered trailer just on the other side of the steel fence,, that i would have thrown in the bus stop deal with Tim`s alternator for free last Saturday..Just to not have to move it around anymore. Although you would have run the risk of Banner and Izzo rubbing their bare penises on it.
  4. Yeah,, blowing hot air around all day .. :rofl: i should have Pm-ed you that My position is as stated: I would rather stick my dick in a light socket than drive a chevy powered vehicle
  5. If you want a 240sx you should just ,,,, buy a 240sx. Datsuns weren`t built to have or withstand the power of a KA ,, the stock brakes won`t stop you, the stock rearend will fail and that`s if you actually ever get done..Buy a Datsun to putter around in,, lower it i little bit to make it more stable open the exhaust up so it pisses off the neighbors add some fatty tires, and prepare yourself to talk to every octogenarian that ever owned one,, every time you get gas.. Yo
  6. Was wet cold and traffic on the way to the mall was about as intense as i have ever seen it,,, but all in all it was a pretty good showing .. I didn`t get a bunch of you guys in these but seeing that many north enders was sure badass.
  7. Having a bunch of Portland guys come by your shack is so played out.. Probably to hard to drive their Hondas and take pictures at the same time YO!
  8. Good find the one in my car is exactly like that and it fell off the other day because of sun damage around ball gripper ..I had to steal off other car ,, now i can put it back.. B) Wayno, maybe this one? http://www.ebay.com/...3c15126&vxp=mtr
  9. As opposed to what ?? a rubber timing belt running it ..................like a VW diesel ,,for example
  10. The one in the Ebay ad Has intake hose coming up between the 2nd and 3rd runners and the second picture monkey posted doesn`t,, so maybe the same but different ( your first pic and Ebay ad ) like ^^ he just said metalmonkeys second pic and your second pic looks the same
  11. I have never been able to pry anything out of my friends on the Chehalis tribe land ,,, BUT i have sold them all at least 4 collector cars over the years.. Anyways back on track.. :D Welcome to you and your truck from all the way over on the Washington coast,, post more pictures and keep us updated.... Is yours the only Datsun around you out in North Dakota??
  12. Yeah ,, i was planning on taking it to Canby for a marker sign next year, (Man that seems like a long time from now ). gotta figure a way to make it less tippy and install very low watt lights in it...Maybe just wire to fence back there i don`t know.
  13. If not here,, the alternator is in the little school bus stop in front of the little shed out front ..And i wont charge you to stop ,,, unlike that Jon character.. He told me he`s installing parking meters in front of his shop so as to squeeze a few more dimes outta his,,,,,, ,,,,,well i'll use the word customers.. . :w00t:.. :rofl: it`s ok he never, ever, ever goes to any Ratsun meets so he'll never see this.
  14. Needs more lowwa,,,,,,,and maybe a windshield off to the big scrap pile in the ,, well ,, by the fence.
  15. Nah, this thing is orange and was bought about 1992 or earlier ,, I remember when Costco used to sell 1 1/2 gallon pails of carb cleaner,, the ones with the drip tray already in it...
  16. Probably not,,,,, they are going to the FUN party the day before ,,,, http://community.rat...se-party-bbq/��, not the " i had plans Saturday so i'm stuck with this crap " cruise.. :lol: See you at the superdupermall
  17. My Costco jack is on it`s very last legs .. they haven`t sold those jacks in quite a while.
  18. Here`s one but it`s a little less refined ,,,but because racecar
  19. Tooo many bigfoot searches would be my first guess..
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