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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. So i didn`t want to start a build thread yet for a car that is at least a year probably two,,,, but this is what it will be powered by hopefully with twin webers but i think the fuel injection would be a better all season car...And LittleJason says he thinks i could just eliminate the VIS for better flow...Next time you see this it will be running on an engine stand...Maybe. :lol: Just to calm the natives a bit i thought i better add,,, not a 510 . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws4og-ELf1c
  2. Hey, look on the bright side,,,at least they judged more than just the Z cars this year in the old school section ...lol
  3. Well,, it did sound like angels being violated as it whizzed by on the track.
  4. Why would you even need to take intake and exhaust manifolds off just to pull engine?? Just pull engine with them still attached after unbolting exhaust pipe.
  5. Jons a fuckin squid ....lol

  6. NO BODY FUCKING CARES!!! See, was that so hard??
  7. bananahamuck

    I want a Z

    ^^ You mean like the word hair?? :rofl: And 72240Z you need to work him over in this thread some more ,cuz he kept mentioning taking off SUs and installing those down drafters ,,even though he has at least 2 full sets of SUs,, linkage and everything still on parts car engine.. Hell the ones on the car now started the engine right up and idled pretty good .I don't know how they perform on the highway but sounded good going through gears up on jacks..
  8. Not sure if it has one or not ,, but even if it does my sons pretty dang stingy with his parts ,, just ask Elmerfudster or 253datsun.. I`ll check it out for ya though.
  9. Oops, his were probably for a sedan,,, and you apparently have a wagon, that must have slipped by me somehow. :blush:
  10. Yes , but mine is caused by all the heart and cholesterol meds i take,, i dream i wake up from dreams and can`t get outta bed,,,no shit..I can recall the dreams like they really happened right down to the conversations i had in them.. The more Niaspan i take the crazier the dreams ..
  11. I could swear 510freak had one for sailing a while back..
  12. bananahamuck

    I want a Z

    I would like to add, that i do really enjoy build threads like this one ,, because you can just read and read and read,, and all those pesky pictures ( everybody else seems to want to post ) don`t get in the way of reading all the words.. :thumbup:
  13. bananahamuck

    I want a Z

    Yeah i figured. That old truck will make it anywhere, but driving down the road in the dark kicking the fuse box to get lights to come back on ,, is tricky if in heavy traffic.. :lol:
  14. bananahamuck

    I want a Z

    We left and got gas at the Arco towards wallmart then headed home lights worked perfect all the way..no flashin or nothing....turned off lights while unloading at garage then ....lights no worky at all.. :lol:
  15. Oh i think there were more ratsuners there than they let on...Apperently ratsun stickers dont stick to 240s........apparently. :ninja: And for the record me cdub and FAT510 were all planning to go right up till 6:02 pm .... I just seem to find working on cars funner ( sometimes ) than looking at cars..Was really hoping to meet up with you guys though, cuz that`s always a hoot ..I drive 150 miles to meets and this one 10 miles from my house i miss...lol
  16. My wife has been with the Office of the Attorneys General for more than 25 years and i can tell you for a fact , filling a complaint with them would be like putting it on paper and throwing it in the ocean to get help...They can`t, don`t, and wont help with small stuff like this.they are set up for the big picture stuff..and that`s it...They probably wont even forward it just round file it.. But going in person to bank and stating your case hopefully will get you what you want, in this situation .. If not ,,,i know where we can borrow a D9 caterpiller and it`s on... :lol:
  17. take all the valve gear off that touches cam and stick new cam in it should spin freely ..
  18. I`m hoping to ,, but Cdub is switching his Zcar-go from auto to manual and we are gonna be in Yelm all morning.. It` lasts till 6:00 so we should be able to swing by and check out all those cool S12s that show up....
  19. Glad you got one finally ,, i know by your posts you have been chasing every lead you saw on here ,, and your hard work payed off .. Congrats ,, :)
  20. Was the aircleaner the one he had up on the wall ?? That thing looked like a brand new one,,,, and yeah mirror. you would think i would have ran across that other one by now cuz i know i didn`t " put it away " so it should be laying right in plain sight.
  21. Well, it does have the optional Scooby-Doo center console.
  22. I would be interested if you were to map out all the speed bumps in the area that i may encounter.. I love Asian food and buffet in the same sentence ..YO
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