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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I was headed to hang with guys that drive their Datsuns on cruises and what not...Do those pants make me look fat?? Well.,,,,, Im off to take a couple pictures of my rigs outside and post that i " sighted " them. :fu: Oh, i did sight Phixus again this time by Tumwater high school , :ninja: , then he went north on Capital Blvd ,,,im thinking Friday :ninja:
  2. I like it ,, has a sinister look all down on those wheels,, and it already has a 5speed ,, :thumbup:
  3. Contrats ..on the trophy.. Do you have a picture of which truck took first ,,in that ^^ picture link?? I know it doesn`t matter i am just curious ..
  4. God i do love a tamale when it`s hot ,, fresh and juicy ....seriously,,,, i made my self hungry just typing that.
  5. Put a couple 2 1/2 inch scupper valves in there, an pump the water out like a fishing boat.
  6. If your original Hitachi is working good ,, It`s pretty hard to beat the way it runs with something else right out of the box..
  7. You have lost your mind.. Best Burt movies 1). Smoky and the bandit. 2). White lightning 3). tie...Stick , and ,, longest yard.... he was cooler in Stick though ,, remember the albino falling off the building trying to shoot him at the same time?? Followed closely by the brief appearance in ..Everything to ever wanted to know about sex ,,,but were afraid to ask..
  8. I thought the fail was that they were " kits ", wtf ,,, now i see they are in the wrong section...You know what`s scarier than an Indian with a taco?? Telling an Indian you will pay for lunch at a Chinese restaurant.. Your wallet ,,,you better be bringing it. :D
  9. Those look real good with that color green ...Now all you need is a mustache , cowboy hat a toupee and your set.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HpmlIDIXPs
  10. Yeah ,,, of course ,, shipping im not that frickin generous
  11. What the heck is wrong with the editor lately????? Tried to fix the above posts sentence structure and it just wouldn`t do it.. :confused:
  12. You were going to pay me something for them??? :lol: We just talked to the orthodontist yesterday, about financing my middle sons that he`s going to need soon ,,,,so ill have my accountant get a hold of you..
  13. B&W ....in picture ,,,,,,,,,but i have a 5 bolt Japco set still on engine / trans in back,, if you want to compare yourself, i could remove those and send to you as well. .. Cant send today but could have them in the mail Monday..
  14. We no deewiver out there...you no call here ,,,you stop cawing now!!
  15. It comes in clear?? ........DOH!! I gots a guy
  16. He drives his 510 warthog wagon for his daily now,, the Toyota is his winter gravel on the road,, car..The boy and his Datsun are probably at Mitchells playing videos or some other such goofy-ness right now... The window creeeeeks really bad , just moving it around the yard after painting it ,,plastidip is just to keep her dried in for awhile..it was to hot to go parts hunting today...thinking about buying a whole hulk and parting he rest out to cover price..free is always a good price.
  17. Here`s my contribution: One of my youngest son`s busted my oldest sons rear window yesterday ,,checked with glass shop this morning ,,they said window is NLA ,,, so to keep it from falling the rest f the way out and letting rain in till i can get one from junkyard...........PLASTI-DIP... :lol: Enjoy
  18. wrong quote... :blush: I like your car it looks very happy in the sun.. ...... about the trans price,, those 5speeds are getting high priced even here in Washington ..They say sometimes you need to pay to play ,,and by the looks of your wagon ..you are playin with a bigger smile on your face , than most. :thumbup:
  19. because , dinosaur

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      "maybe this show will get better" so guilty of this

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      "Maybe this show will get better" (reaches for drank)

    4. erichwaslike


      kill her with fire!!!!!!

  20. Was anybody else but me,, half expecting to see a picture of themselves here.. :D
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