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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. You could always contact Datsuns northwest and tell them your story and they might look for you,,, they are a really nice bunch of people and i'm sure they would understand... If they are still awake they probably wouldn`t have any problem with helping a guy out. how you would pay i'm not so sure.
  2. bananahamuck

    tilt bed help

    i'll try to get some pictures but it will have to be next week as the truck that has them is in the no-running section and dont have time to start and lift till after this weekends Canby get together,,,,,,,,,,, so don`t give up.. The unit will be more industrial than cute little lowrider like though.
  3. You are holding out on us man ,, i see a lonely little white 4door automobile to the right of Z that would love to be an internet sensation.
  4. What they are talking about is a internal part of a carb not working correctly, not the L20b itself ,.. And the OP being a cheap ass Datsun guy.. :D
  5. Someone please pin Canby show on events , i would but my grammer sucks,, New guys!! Make the trek ,,,,, to Clackamus County Fairgrounds Canby Oregon , Feel the love!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kirden


      HAHA! I just mapquested it with my wonderful 14-16mpg. 5409 miles, estimated $1293 fuel cost...

    3. bananahamuck


      Yeah, it`s only 150 miles one way for me ,, mostly freeway so about a full tank get`s us there and back with junkyarding for good measure.


    4. Kirden


      I want to plan out a trip one year, but it will need to be after I get the B210 going reliably. Either that or fly out to my sister's in Cali and buy a Datsun to drive home :P

  6. Here`s the Cliffsnotes version : Buy car ,, disassemble car , play with toys . the end
  7. Yeah you probably don`t know how right you are
  8. Yeah ya gots to have the flares man it makes the truck.
  9. The more research you do the more confused you'll get.. It`s kinda like quantum physics there`s too many theories and not much actual fact to ever get a definitive answer.. :lol:
  10. Catching a ride never killed anyone.. see ya there.
  11. That must be the most misleading sign of all time.. WTF
  12. Personal preference ,, I just use the oil i'm going to use normally . If you ask 100 people you`ll likely get 100 different answers. Google it for giggles, there is no answer <_< it`s like trying to find the meaning of the universe . :D
  13. They will always win but like i said plead down then get deferment on the moving violation one so it doesn`t go on your record,, keep your nose clean for one year ??? profit
  14. Ok here is a good example as to why open forum feedback in the classifieds is a good thing.. And for the record i don`t care personally , but it would help guys that are new to these types of vehicles not to buy the wrong parts ... http://community.ratsun.net/classifieds/item/336-new-weber-3236-dgv/
  15. Yeah i went looking just to prove you wrong and your right ,,,,,,, zip. :hmm:
  16. I thought those were being made aftermarket,, but a search only came up with your question over and over. Have you tried hunting around with the search on the 510realm or bluebird list ? Those guys are somewhat higher dollar per mile than most on here.
  17. if you have time,, go to court and plead down most of the time they lower ticket substantially ,, make sure you mention your in college , away from home. and try to fix what`s getting you pulled over ,, before you go to court..
  18. I don`t know about that, i know your joking but,, those charger popo specials have some serious brake-age going on they also have brake assist which is like ABS on steroids.. i saw one awhile back that was getting retreaded at the Goodyear and the rear discs were about te same size as my wheels with tires on them..
  19. Dude ,, i was joking . . You have been reading all that other horseshit around here lately and it is affecting you,, Ratsun aint about that ,, you know that. Don`t worry be happy :)
  20. So the guys that can`t read the title " Canby caravan from Tacoma SATURDAY morning " not withstanding, ,, is this still a thing or what ?? There`s a few of us in the south end that might roll but we aren`t sure what in the hell is really going down,, if you guys are going to spud out we'll just all roll from a common point down here.. Are you thinking about stopping for a greasy spoon breakfast as a group or did you want to eat when we get to Canby ?? Probable group of misfits rollin with us if all works out for everybody involved >>>> me FAT510 720life My_brother_Floyd Cdub (edit) i would really love to add other southenders Jdong ,, Syphilis and Tah-Daah to this list but not sure a 521 could actually make this far of a trip in one try though........ :poke:
  21. Cuz even a computer server knows your prices are just to fucking high.. Yeeez sir! :rofl:
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