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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Well my 510 and my sons warthog wagon were able to wobble down there so not sure what the problem was.. Maybe they were charging more for funny looking cars.. :poke:
  2. FYI,,, I think it`s the pants that make me look fat..
  3. All right ,, that sounds good , just were`t sure if you had parking arrangements set in stone. Hense the not signing up yet shenanigans.. I like the park with who you came with type thing. Cuz somebody will almost always set up a pre-pre-group roll in on here. B)
  4. You should try PM-ing the dude cuz there`s so many threads on here they might not ever see your post. If you hover over his screenname it says he hasn`t been on here since April 24th The PM should go directly to his personal e-mail even if he never logs in again.. And good luck this does look to be a pretty nice car..
  5. Well if it matters at all,,,,, :rofl: Even though you had the cheap sign-up all last week we still haven`t decided which of our contraptions we are bringing ,, but eventually our group will sign-up.. Is it going to be set out as park in groups / forums/ car clubs if we wish rather than categories ,, ie,, old Ford pickups and maybe a vintage Lincoln with a bunch of Datsuns.?? To be amongst freinds don`t cha know
  6. I am sided with Redbanner on the classified issue and i don`t feel anyone has made me feel like a " fucking piece of shit"
  7. Maybe ,, but while pointing fingers,, you both should stand in front of a mirror and check out the two that have brought this thing back from the brink,,,, with gusto. :thumbup: well that came out corny as hell
  8. I have had those all but fall off before ,, these engines vibrate quite abit .. My sons L20b runs super smooth for an L motor and it still backs one of the carb bolts out in about an hour and a half of hard driving..
  9. He probably priced the parts to fix / or find the original drivetrain and said " why not" . But by the only video you posted ,,, maybe he spent alll that money just to put that shiny aluminum tube on the intake,,, cuz chicks seem to dig it.
  10. Yeah those parts are about as bad as they could get and not have failed already..
  11. Would of voted but i really don`t give a shit one way or another. (edit) if one of the choices would have been get my dick sucked ,, i would have voted for that.
  12. From his location under his avatar ,, he lives in Tri-cities ,,that used to be considered the butthole of Washington until the legislature passed a law saying comparing the two was degrading to buttholes.
  13. No but the smell of cedar and salmon would probably give me a ectasy induced heart attack.. We did go to a fish fry pow-wow type deal and they stretched them out like sails on sticks and stood them by the fire . :wub: Izzo hates fish and now will have 2 pages of fish recipes :P
  14. I love grilled salmon so damn much it makes me almost tear up thinking about the smell of it..
  15. I hear you on the letting the grass get to high. What you need to do is,, teenage son that bitch,, yo :lol: and now,, for a musical interloood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5s306fI1TeI
  16. What !? , almost three hours, and not one Two and a half men jokes... Hell ,,, not even a Charlie Sheen reference fer christs sakes. I don`t know where you can get a b210 for yourself but it`s refreshing to see someone hunting one and not the same old 510 all the kids want..... Welcome to you
  17. Dibs than.. No i think 2 is good , I had a idea this year but thought i could just buy a couple at the Kmart and by the time i was reminded by Tedrils posts in insomniacs ,, all the stores were all out of them.. Like i say they will be payed forward again only in another form .. :thumbup: .. but may hunt around for stuff i don`t need.
  18. These still up?? cuz i may need them for a project that will need to be done by the 2nd week in June next year..If used they will be re-gifted .. Although they may get antiqued ,, a bit.
  19. :rofl: Anyways.. We bailed at the skate park and met back up with WildBill cuz that many unemployed 20 somethings creeps the hell outta us.. Here`s all we got picture wise,, it was good seeing Freakwonder out and hope we see him again..And a big shout out to Santa Clause,, woot woot And there was a shit load of rally cars at the Rez gas station ..One we caught
  20. Re-read through the whole build ,,,, and i don`t see why you pulling the engine..
  21. So your car seems to have a steering box ,, my 83 has a rack ,, what sup wit dat??
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