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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. We were honestly planning on surprising you guys and throwing some extra labor into that thing,, but my wife kaboshed the idea , saying that we ( FAT510 and me ) had to enjoy our birthday right the fuck where we were,,,,,,,,,,, or she would have a complete meltdown,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not unlike the partial one she had when i told her of our plans for the evening.. i see no pictures of any law inforcement ,,,only words,, many words.
  2. Chester is the only one in that video running or in front of camera, i saw this year. :crying: :crying: . Even though we don`t talk much directly ,, you guys are missed,, cuz i be lurking your convos.
  3. How soon do you need a clutch ,, Rockauto.com is probably cheaper delivered to your door than either price you quoted,, The price difference may reflect whether it`s a big name American/ or Japanese brand or China built one,, the 6 hole 5 hole thing is the flywheel not the clutch,, your clutch should be 225mm or about 8.7/8 inches measured across surface. Electric choke as stated before is really personal preference just make sure you add in the cable when pricing ,, We have both and the manual works more positively but electric is a set it and forget it type deal... I can`t say i dislike either. (edit) yes you will still need some kind of choke W58 smog head never hurt no body,, i have W58 peanut on my little 1600 ( yours will probably be open ) and it has smaller ports than other peanut heads but driveabilty wise it still goes right down the road. Screw NAPA i love Rockauto http://www.rockauto.com/ a little flywheel info ,, hopefully not to confuse you more http://www.the510realm.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=13727
  4. You posting that diatribe in the free Banner thread is kinda iroinic ( is that the term?) Banners posts ,, i couldn`t qoute directly cuz the threads were locked but i can assure you they are exact qoutes RED: I think it means... anything. In general.... as long as Tristan approves. Hope that clears it up for you. But im going to have to ask you to have at least 1000 post before you ask any more questions. Tristin: If youre going to talk crap, you could at least spell my name correctly. Its only shown on every post you seem to disagree with... hell twice even. RED I spell your name different all the time, lol, dont tell me you hadnt noticed. And im not talking crap, proof is in the pudding sweety. Tristin Wheres the proof that I try to close threads in the General Discussion section? Red The pudding is full of you telling people when what and where to post. Wich is the proof I speak of. Need quotes? There about 10percent of your total post count so it really wouldnt be much hassle if you do. Soooooo your ok with with 1. Red being tired of Tristins policing?? ( of which he seems to blame the changing of classifided on) or 2. are you ok with Tristins policing ?? ( which by the way he mentions in the above posts,, and many, many more)
  5. I think they may just be puffing themselves up ,, advertising don`t cha know,, but Redline is a trustworthy company if that is who is selling carb. http://www.redlineweber.com/
  6. To late while you were posting that i already hacked into your account and re-routed your complaint to the septic guy in your town so your comment wont mean shit.
  7. Big brother is on CBS and the Kardashieans are on !E get it straight man
  8. I guess i was just naive to think Izzo bringing out the heli-cocker, might help.
  9. Hey Laosaytongue post the younger pic with the creepy smile on his face

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. crackerjack69


      aww, he was so cute.

    3. Kirden


      Thats kinda creepy...

    4. cruznude


      That gives me chills up my spine!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Why are you going so big ? 195/60/14-- 185/60/14 are way easier to find and they fit better Taken today ,, car was lower in front by a inch and a half but ate tires because of camber. 195/60/14 front 205/60/14 rear tried to show tires not sticking past fenders ( 215/60/14s did )but it doesn`t really show
  11. Cuz he`s thin and greasy. ?? BOOM!
  12. I think was refering to me,,,, read it back in a more tranquil way and you will see what he`s saying BUT!! to be honest,, your policing may have been adding to problem not helping.. :console: AGAIN!! read in tranquil tone
  13. they will fit but you wont be able to lower much if at all..because of width 215/60/14 on a 79 510 wagon front and back
  14. i hope none of my posts come off ass < stirring up more trouble,, just having fun cause hell i haven`t voted either way for anything ,, except Izzos rubber dong chop ,,, cause that was worth fighting for.. BRING BACK THE DONG!! BRING BACK THE DONG!! BRING BACK THE DONG!! BRING BACK THE DONG!!
  15. I GOT IT!! give the mods a plug-in / button whatever geekspeaks call it , under everybodies post in classified section, Where if the mod sees outside the guidelines post in classified they can just click it ,,and it sends a P-M and status outdate ( so they can`t miss it) that says " you have made a dicklike post in classified section , do not do it again or you get one week ban " .. My guess would be that there wouldn`t be many repeat offenders .. Well maybe Datlurker / Phixus but other than that. On a related subject ... You guys are all up in arms about unwarned bans ,, but i was P-Ming Jrock when he got banned for JOKINGLY flipping out at Tristin ,,, about being thrown under bus ,,(the only person who likes him on here :rofl: ) and he even changed it to sound like more of a rant than an attack...... With this at the end of that correspondence.. :w00t: .. Yes a weird laughing smiley face.. . where was Red fighting the man on that one??? i guess he figured he deserved it at looked the other way just like the whole lot of you. :sneaky:
  16. Lou you really want this place to be shut up tight like The HAMB or the 4Age forums? Cuz inforcing rules is what those places are all aboot ..eh. And about the pouncing thing ,,,, seems as though i remember a dude from a land north of here ( not naming any names) that may be guilty of insighting some of that with their Leno posts ,, ( again not singling any one person out ) .. If a new guy wants to overprice his overpriced stuff so be it .. Loose rules are going to cause (debate) that look like arguements because of the lack of face to face= Ratsun Tight rules are going to keep everyones opinion to themselves ,, which causes nobody to want to comment on anything except for the occasional " good job".= 4Age don`t fly off the handle,,,, just let it soak in a minute
  17. That`s what i like about Ratsun every year i get older but ya'll stay the same age. :rofl: Tried adding something and i heard a pop come from inside tower but it came back.
  18. Sometimes a parent figure needs to hand out a little "tough love" but that doesn`t mean they don`t love their little ones.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      Come At Me Bro!!

    3. Pumpkn210



    4. mrbigtanker


      Come at me bro.that's funny

  19. Erichwaslike ,, long distance award
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