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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. If you go through Oklahoma city /Tulsa route,, stop in a place called Tahlequah Oklahoma there is a huge gun museum there ,, more than well worth the detour. http://www.thegunmuseum.com/ If you have the time,, that river walk mentioned above is pretty epic also
  2. My son took a couple,,,, but it would seem he kinda ninja-ed your car
  3. And it`s Levi for the hat-trick :rofl: Naw i think i met and talked to that dude up by the main buildings ,, he was with another dude that i'm pretty sure i met before( but can`t for the life of me remember who ) and i intro-ed myself and my son and he said his name was Levi ,, but i didn`t put the gideon part together.. ok maybe ,, just maybe i'm fucking stupid ,,,,,,,,, as hard to believe as that is. :lol:
  4. by the stuff i have seen you will be very happy you sent the parts to him.. I aint got them there yet,, :sleep: was to busy doing nothing yesterday and it`s FAT510s highschool graduation tonight.. But i talked to him and he will have that Nissan valve cover tomorrow.. I keed i keed :P or am i ?
  5. :rofl: no the other dude with the Abe lincoln-ish beard
  6. I hope your talkin to Draker cuz i was the fat , long haired dude that borrowed you hotdog skewers ,,, :lol: @ Draker: are you young and thin with a Abe Lincoln-ish beard ?
  7. So what the hell do you look like?? there was a few guys i never walked up to but figured out who they were but you,,, i can`t place at all. And on that same note ,, i don`t think i said 4 sentences to Izzo other than hello ,,nice day and worthless crap like that :hmm:
  8. Hey man that hospitallity tent should be a permanent fixture at every Canby from now till the apocalype.. It didn`t really look that gigantic till i walked up to the door and i remember saying out loud,,,, " holy shit!" ... :thumbup:
  9. i can guarantee you,,, after Canby 2013,,,,,,, i will never look at a scooby-Do van going down the highway the same ever again.. ever
  10. Try getting ahold of Pumpkin210 you will probably have to be willing to do heavy work yourself but if you pay him i'm sure his guidance will be more than worth the price.. But again , he`s probably not able to do it for you,, it`s kinda like that old saying about teaching a man to fish ,, you`ll be a better for it. He`s in Puyallips WA http://community.ratsun.net/user/164-pumpkn210/ what have ya got to lose??
  11. I think the real confusion will be which header he needs ,, no where in this thread does it say what year 720 he has.
  12. It`s time to start saving those pennies for next year ,,, cuz like i said to your mom last night,,,,,,,,,,,, this ones in the can.
  13. Do you have any for when someone pats themselves on the back??
  14. clickity clickity http://community.ratsun.net/topic/44291-2013-canby-picture-thread/page-4 And i would like to say again ,, the workmanship on your grill was outstanding man
  15. [url=http://s1069.photobucket.com/user/bigfatpigdude/media/CANBY%202013%20pictures/Baccalaureate028_zpse14cd680.jpg.html]
  16. A better question is what is the Stormtrooper in the background of this picture doing. :rofl:
  17. This is ratsun,, i come here to be violated yeah i tried to tell anyone and everone to scratch something on it but i probably should have made a sign saying such. Voted best song of the night.
  18. Yeah i thought it used to be that way ,, but they ( who i don`t know ) went to where the last recipients select the new ,, and since we as a whole dropped the ball on making one last year when the guy who had been dutifully making them just didn`t have the time. We made one and gave it to the last receiver of award,, to be given away like before. It was fun ,, keeping it a secret was about impossible for me though.. :lol: Maybe we should go back to a vote ,, but as only about 12 people actually scratched their names into the Tiki-panel when encouraged to be as childish and vulgar as they wanted,,,, maybe they would just use the voting paper to store their gum on anyways.... ;)
  19. We had nothing to do with the voteing but my son welded your award up And here`s you just after excepting your much earned award,,, ooops!
  20. [url=http://s1069.photobucket.com/user/bigfatpigdude/media/CANBY 2013 pictures/Baccalaureate056_zpsd15579c9.jpg.html]
  21. I know a guy,, but i think he is flying it somewhere in outer space right now..
  22. ^^ And that my friend is how you do it.. :thumbup:
  23. [url=http://s1046.photobucket.com/user/iwtemwp/media/0efd843c4862a0bcdf1a0f50c1fe499d.gif.html]
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