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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Welcome ,, good to see the not as loved being saved and not the same ole belly button cars..Wheels shouldn`t be to much of a problem since the Ae86 runs the same pattern.,, hell almost all rear wheel drive Toyotas for that matter, quite a few guys are running Z or ZX wheels as they fit pretty well and are somewhat plentiful . Have you checked out this thread yet, some great ideas and alot of eye candy in there. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/50263-a10s-u-nite/
  2. Yeah i hear that ,, you have to hit location for it to even be shown.. They should have the announcement on the front page fer christs sake.. i bet there`s gonna be a whole bunch of dudes that never see it.
  3. In my experience the 205 is like a go cart track with the weaving in and out and the stopping for no reason type affair going on... But like i say i'm from outta town so you guys know where to expect problems with merging and such ... Having said that, the I5 does have that crazy merge to the left ( or die ) with very little notice before hand on a frickin bridge ,,,,,, what`s up with that? If i have to go by way of Hoods river bridge ,, we will be there. :thumbup:
  4. Driving down that 205 is already a white knuckle event for some of us outta towners, this should make it even more fun-er -er. I'm going out to weld a Dukes a Hazzard pipe bumper this evening
  5. Yello510 I know when a noob comes into my thread and puffs up my ego by telling me they like what i'm doing and bumping it to the top for everyone to see ,,, well it`s just a bother.. Said no one ever.
  6. My car can make it there all in one day so i'm going Saturday .. :poke:
  7. Not in this thread there isn`t anything like that.. (
  8. Cool cuz the scenery between Tokeland and Raymond is pretty bitchen .. One more tip , if driving through Raymond and South Bend , if the sign says 25 mph ,,, they aint bullshitting you,,,,, not even a little bit..
  9. We could try and hop aboard the Duger train at the Maytown safety rest area. but probably would jump back off in Battleground.. Are you guys thinking of hauling ass or putting along?? I gots me a new 5speed
  10. if it turns out i'm mistaken i will change this post,,,,,,,,, well maybe. ______________________________________________________________________________________ :frantics: :frantics:
    1. bananahamuck


      Just skip commercial,, it will start at the reason i posted.

  11. If you do that ,, from what i understand the bridge over north river on state route 105 ,, may not be marked on a map,, ( just north of Smith creek state wildlife area) is being repaired and they make you wait for like 45 minutes at a time to cross..So using the 101 from Monte to Raymond and skipping 105 coastal "Grayland, North cove, Tokeland" route ,,,,,,,,, may be advisable... :)
  12. Those guys are correct ,, the site won`t let you change your posts except the last one..It must be pretty new cuz i was just stealing pictures from myself the other day and i do that by using the edit ...
  13. Yep, we were going to get the little ones toes clipped over to the Mudbay pet foods.
  14. Well you see there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you two buttwipes do have something in common . That`s called progress fellas :thumbup:
  15. A claymation Easter Greatest Easter movie of all time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,OF ALL TIME!! What are you Shirley Maclaine?? :rofl: Scrotumkazi: if you don`t eat pizza your dead to me.
  16. Well laudy frickin dah.. :lol: Hey man we ate at the little dumpy place going out of town, on top of hill, wasn`t the worst food but it took forever for it to get to table.........And what about pizza ?? any suggestions on that cuz i see 3 or 4?
  17. :sneaky: Wouldn`t you know it...what we need is a damn fence. http://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/05/24/i5_bridge_collapse_vehicles_plunged_into_water_main_route_cut_off_between_seattle_and_canada.html
  18. 1980 NISSAN 720 PICKUP 2.0L L4 : Body-Interior : Accelerator Cable Price BECK/ARNLEY Part # 0950489 Accelerator Cable Rockauto ,, a whopping $3.54 before shipping.. :rofl:...
  19. And where in the the holy sheep fucking state of Texas does it say this thread is for 68-73 510s only?? Nowhere ,,, Robo, your car came with a label that said 510 on the front fender ,, and on the rear hatch , that makes it a 5 fucking 10
  20. Try opening full editor when your pictures don`t show ,, and click the switch in the upper left and hit preview till it shows, then post,,, PB has been doing what it`s doing to you lately also

    1. bananahamuck


      I meant " more reply options"


      You can edit original post by clicking edit under post also,,,, you can change whole post if you need, that way.

  21. bananahamuck

    Yeah my luck would have put that sum-bitch right into the whole works.
  22. bananahamuck

    How did you get the spring back out of engine?
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