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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. you should come buy the damn thing off me then.. :rofl:
  2. Thanks man,,,,,,, that means alot coming from you.. :blush: Camera kinda distorts the sound but when they idled by us for test drive it sounded gooooooood ,, the lifter chatter that me, Izzo aaaand Albert < <_< ,, heard in garage was gone. Could someone please post this for Slick Mcflavortown on Facebook
  3. Pumkin210 and QTip used the reverse switch hole to fill tranny.. Not sure who came up with that plan,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, anybody??? anybody?? And while i'm here,,,,, that rug ,,, holy crap..... :blink: But the squishiness was kinda comfortable in a creepy, crawly way
  4. it was very late when they the two bawlers stirred up the police by hauling complete and udder fucking ass down the street,,,,, but the Maximillion sounds like a bad mother fuq-er man. God it was humid ,,even late last night. He came,,,,, he saw,,,,,,,he slept. <_< Four people all pushing on the pipe wrench and pulling on a chain wrapped around said wrench could not even budge this plug... we were moving the engine forward on the motor/tranny mounts and it never moved at all. Pumkin210 and QTip used the reverse switch hole to fill tranny YouTube sent a crew to checkout the action but i will have to find the video on their website.. may takes a hour or so..
  5. Ooooooh don`t sell yourself short,, i have a pretty big dislike of you.
  6. Hey Ratwagon,, i found a website about Datsuns that will never, ever, ever ban anyone you should go check it out!! http://nwdatsuns.com/phpBB3/index.php seriously tey never ban anyone for trolling,,, in fact they love it

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Draker


      I just registered. I wonder if any one of the other 25 members just got a boner.

    3. jrock4224


      im with draker....

    4. Tristin


      Izzo are you really say you guys arent over there talking shit? You want me to point out all the post of you guys shit talking me behind my back over there? You guys are a fucking joke. Not even man enough to do it here and to my face. Im sure it was super smart calling yourselves NW Datsuns when there was already Datsuns NW. Genius.

  7. Dude your not new.. :lol: I sure wish i could afford to crash some of these Cali meets,, they look so warm..
  8. Heh, my 510 has no badges and came with none. Thought about mounting this on the grill. _______ And some kinda medallion or eagle or something in the hole
  9. I paid $400. bucks for one just a few months ago that was basically in pieces ,, to make into driveable engine test stand... And that is at the infamous dirt cheap Northwest prices... I had one in the late 80s that i bought off the highway dept and it was kinda the best of both worlds,, dependable L and updated drive systems... I didn`t tow much because i got T boned and after we straightend frame and welded in cab corner and new bed ) it still left two sets of tracks going down the beach.. i had put really tall 7.00x15 polyester snows and a 3 inch body lift for the mud it might incounter,, so it didn`t really have the torque to pull heavy loads at freeway speeds.,,, and mine was 2wd with a 4speed.
  10. We sprayed / dumped a crap load on,, clear engine paint on my sons alumium front cover and such without polishing and it is actually pretty shiny and way the fuck easier to clean and no oxidation like mine.. If the parts were polished first they would probably hurt your eyes. (( insert this sentence into those sentences somewhere )).. daily driver even in winter as it`s his only car.
  11. You should really bump old thread when question is almost the exact same,, so people trying to help see what advice you have already been given ,,, in order to help you and not give same advice again... Whoa! posts got merged while i was posting..... :P have you tried here.? https://technotoytuning.com/nissan/s130/full-front-coilover-conversion-280zx And if your in Seattle area there`s alot of us around here and making it to a meet and discussing this face to face with someone like QTip or if your lucky,, one of those suspension freaks from Everette area could probably help more than anything posted here.. Think about it,, we would enjoy meeting a new person that isn`t driving a 510 or 620.
  12. I will park on the street ,, cuz i respect authoritah
  13. Some of us learned back in the pre-internet days that the chain can your enemy and your lover. This one is number one in a series , if you have never done a Datsun Lhead watch them.. They are pretty long winded at times,,, :poke: ,, :lol: ,, but the time you use watching may save you quite a bit of headaches. The dude in video has this in full length with no interuptions , but the amateur porno site that used to host it shut down so i'm not sure where it is posted now......... i wish i was joking.
  14. Part# FN724--$46.00 1055-- $25.00 ft me--- poor
  15. Thanks for posting ,, i didn`t see mold writting on picture i assumed those were the parts that came off molds because they are not reinforced at all to prevent parts from being crooked when they are made.. I worked in the fiberglass fabrication industry for 9 years ,, years ago and those really don`t look like legitamite molds to me ,, but i don`t know,, maybe the straighness of those parts isn`t as critical. at all
  16. Strange thing i just noticed and sent a question to them on.... They show the finished parts,, but not one single picture of molds.. Not even one The ad also states that there is no shipping on this item ,, local pick-up only.
  17. Probably thought it was some kinda homosexualing going on back there.
  18. Since my oldest is home in mornings now to watch the babies,, i picked up my son Albert after drivers ed. The other mommys were looking pretty confused when he hopped behind the wheel of the lizard mobile and drove off,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, loudly. Their faces>> :sneaky: My face>> :lol:
  19. Yeah and i would be interested in at least one rear spoiler myself .. Unless of course you want to make back the whole price of mold on just a couple purchases ,, that is. *You meaning the person(s) that buy molds not OP.
  20. Yeah i here you on the left turns man the three cities around me all have mega amount of traffic roundabouts,, although they do move traffic at a impressive rate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, der fumes are insane inside vehicle at times :sick: Are you old enough to remember when gas smelled good?? man what ever they use in it now is brutal. Part numbers of all the stuff ?????
  21. Flipping those springs will probably be way to much down,,, try taking just that really short overload spring out.. It seems like just that alone dropped back about a inch.. If i remember correctly you will need to make some kinda spacer to make up for it not being in the pile... I am not talking you out of going to the ground if you have enough clearance but if the rear goes down the front has to also,,,,and THAT is when the money starts flowing.
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