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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Those ARE use a mag seat, that's why they aren't on yet. Rather buy LZ parts then lug nuts right now. I just found these on CL... http://atlanta.craigslist.org/wat/pts/3799616579.html
  2. They look pretty old. Any idea on their age?
  3. Right on Tristan. I like the feedback system.
  4. The setting sun would be very easy to add black streaks off of, that would look outstanding burned out with a super low exposure, to look like a rising sun.
  5. ALRIGHT EVERYONE. Go to craigslist.com, search the work 'Race' in your local area and see what comes up.... http://atlanta.craigslist.org/wat/cto/3745540342.html "it was not raced on a track but did precision 'cone racing'. Sort of like barrel racing a horse - not the Kentucky Derby!"
  6. Farmer, not sure if I missed it but are you running torsion bars still?
  7. Welcome. To start you off, nice introduction. You CAN use an L16 intake, but keep in mine the L16 intake ports were the smallest of all intakes. It had a 1.1'' intake port. Not sure what head you have, but it should be a W53 (I think) and I'm not sure, but I know the port size is larger. Open the intake to match the head and you should be okay. A mildly stock L20 only needs about 2'' or 2.25'' exhaust stock, and as you guessed a header is useless on our motors. The desirable exhaust manifold would be the L16 or L18 type, that were emissions free and already very free flowing. I have you if you're interested. Just PM me and we can talk about it. The only thing you might do while the head is off is open up the intake ports as much as you can to match the gasket, and match the intake as well. Other then that there's really nothing else needed. You could also use a Weber 32/36 or even a 38/38 for increased performance, but that will slightly decrease fuel economy.
  8. Where did you buy this from???? the part numbers are correct, but the manufacturer of 90% of of these sensors, Wells, is fucking RETARDED and is making the thread size wrong,. I had this same issue and went through 10 boxes at work before I found the correct one. It's absolutely retarded that a company redesigns a part that was absolutely fine to begin with and now doesn't work. I've tried contacting Wells tech about the issue, but it seems I keep getting the run around and can never get a proper response.
  9. my '81 210 as I bought it a few years ago. as I sold it about a year ago.
  10. A blue s30 passed my store yesterday afternoon. I heard someone driving by open the throttle up and it sounded beautiful so I looked out the window, and the Damn thing was flying. I guess he saw my rising sun and wanted to say hi. Sounded like he was running tripple webers
  11. Alright, gotta get head dowels, head gasket, header gasket, and oil filters and the LZ will be ready. Oh, and a chain tensioner.

  12. Forum looks great Thomas! Any chance we could look into the ability to add a Tech Wiki in the future, like what Datsun1200 has? It would be awesome to be able to build an information database and allow certain members (over 100 posts, high enough positive feedback, etc) to be able to modify the wiki and add info. I know a lot of people would dig this idea and contribute. We could build a HUGE information database this was. Also, It would be awesome to have a section for posting product/member reviews. I know it would help greatly control the number of threads asking about who makes a good 'whatever' or the constant threads about how retarded someones dealings are with another member/vendor.
  13. I bought them :fu: I'm gonna see how I like them, but I have a feeling that I'm gonna like them ;) They are a single piece. American Racing Centerline 15x9. Offset is -44 I think. Just eyeballing it.
  14. These are the same engineers (okay maybe not, but you know what I mean) that designed the Versa with no TEMP gauge. WTF. Supposed to wait until it's too late or something?
  15. Such a beauty!! I love seeing this car, and I'm glad to see more of it.
  16. That's so.cool! Where was this antique mall? I go through tons and have yet to find any Datto stuff
  17. Looking at a 2 door 510 for monkeygirl.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      haha yeah man! Been talking to him about it for a while ;) Gonna call him tomorrow about it


    3. TENDRIL
    4. Kirden


      Good luck. If I had the money I would have grabbed it instead of the B210, but all of his prices are great. I need to get in touch with him about those 6 zpoke Z rims and the 510 crossmember he had, but the 620 is still down for repairs :(

  18. Whoa man, my understanding of how stroke is measured is WAY off. No matter, the long rod/big crank should make for a very fun motor in itself, especially combined with the bigger bore/big valves/big ports/big cam etc. I'm not at all worried about displacement.
  19. I think you... hmmm... yeah, you missed it.
  20. Best thing you can do is get a nice 32/36 or a 38/38 with a good intake manifold. NOT a 210 manifold, as their ports (1.1'') are very restricted in comparison to the U67 and other manifolds. You can maybe open up the ports on an L16 intake, but it's easier to find a good one with the larger port size. Also, I can vouch for the header being ABSOLUTELY USELESS. Reference: 52hp L20 dyno verified.
  21. Cuz you can't drive it in the first place ;)
  22. Dang, sorry to hear that lou. Best wishes to both of you! We'll keep you guys in our thoughts over here.
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