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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. BLEED BLEED BLEED and go from there. Like everyone above said, start with the easiest. This will save you money/time. If money is no issue, then get yourself a new slave and master. If it comes down to it, do NOT buy your clutch slave from Autozone. The manufacturer uses tiny seals that leak pressure.
  2. PM This guy. http://community.rat...ut/page__st__20 http://community.ratsun.net/user/8656-cashi123/
  3. Anyone found a solution for the leaking gasket problem with headers? Double up gaskets maybe?

    1. crackerjack69


      have the gasket surface of the header machined flat.

    2. crackerjack69


      have the gasket surface of the header machined flat.

    3. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      use the exhaust manifold

  4. Cool I love free parts +reps for the price. And also to anyone reading this: Please only claim these if you need them. There are plenty of people who could actually use them and won't put them on the shelf.
  5. Sounds about right. 620 is probably next in line short of the B chassis cars.
  6. Here's pictures of her damage. Pretty obvious she pulled into my turn lane and hit the brakes right?
  7. good call! I actually know about this one, but forgot about it. lol I'm gonna try to score the bumper yup, I was planning on sanding it down and repairing the rust. Just not this soon. I didn't want the truck to look ratty for a few months while I put it together and tried to put money together for paint.
  8. Went out to wash/wax my truck this morning. Took one look at the front end, cringed, and went back inside to play Xbox. Nicest day so far this year..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shagy


      Went out to wash/wax my truck this morning. Took one look at the front end, cringed, Retorqued the lug nuts and went back inside to play Xbox. Nicest day so far this year..



    3. erichwaslike
    4. bonvo


      shagy that was good lol

  9. metalmonkey47

    B210 seats

    Similar I think. Can you get pictures of the seat rails? Shouldn't be a difficult fix.
  10. Toyo, go to Autozone and get a sefety release cap. 14PSI and is only around $11 I think? I'll double check and get back at you. I love my car.
  11. Cool man! Glad we have one more guy. WTA is 'Welcome to Atlanta' which is for the above flier. I know I won't be at Import Alliance, but I'll be at this for sure.
  12. I'm going to try, but I don't know if it will help much. This truck will NOT die. After this, I'm investing in a GoPro and I'll start recording every drive. Actually, I'm glad that there were no photos. Now she has NO defense. I have two witnesses, and lots of tricks up my sleeve. All I have to do is prove my case and I will have shown without reasonable doubt that I was NOT in the wrong. She has no defense and the officer that wrote me the ticket was not there for the accident. Only the aftermath. You're more then welcome to try if you want If I can get her insurance to pay it out, I'll be happy to pay you whatever it takes if it's possible. I'm just hoping up until now that it will be taken care of. I'll have more pictures in a few minuets.
  13. I have two witnesses. Neither saw the accident, but both have relevant information. I was 4-5 car lengths behind my brother entering the turn lane. The lady cut me off LITERALLY entering the turn lane leaving me about 1/2 car length in front of me, and started to pull into traffic when cross traffic from the light stopped her from pulling out. She failed to yield to me before changing lanes into my lane. My brother can verify her location relative to me and his car. My commercial manager whose also a good friend from Autozone was driving by literally seconds after the hit and can verify vehicle position which was not documented and no other on duty officer was able to document before we moved into the parking lot. I don't have anything from the nice cop that stopped though :( I'm going out tomorrow to measure the length of the turn lane before the solid white line to see if I can confirm that she had to cross a solid white line in order to have her vehicle in front of me in the turn lane. I got a lot to fight with lol. Nope! I've seen it a few times, but I don't think I ever payed that much attention to detail. Sucks :( But at least you came out okay after the accident. If you had a passenger, they would not have fared well.
  14. Wonder what it would take to wire one up on a Datto! "tire has fallen off" for the lulz.
  15. Damn man, so glad that mine wasn't that bad :( First thing that came to mind was whether or not my truck was totaled. I will not let myself be put at fault for this. There is NO WAY that I was following too closely, when she changed lanes in front of me and slammed on her brakes.
  16. wow. too bad to see them in such a state of disrepair. I'd love to have any one of those cars.
  17. Gotta share this with you guys... short but sweet. I was at work tonight helping two guys with their daughter that looked to be about 4 years old get some bulbs in their F350. The little girl was running around hyped up like a kid. She took off across the parking lot yelling at her dad to look. She ran straight up to my truck, wrapped her little arms around it and yelled "Look daddy it's bumblebee!" I gotta say, it was wild seeing a little girl associate my truck with that, since I've always called my truck bumblebee. Her dad also gave me a heads up on a few Datsuns being parted out in the area. All Z cars but...
  18. Hey wildman, a little off topic (sorry) but is that stock paint on your front end? Or is it a mix from a paint shop? It looks GOOODDD and I'm about to have to repaint my front end...
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