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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. Well John, if it is not reported on CNN MSNBC etc, then it is a FOX lie..............duh!!! 🤣 I'm so sick & tired of listening to the blindness of the libtards & such. I do NOT deny that some of the conservative news is shaky & possibly fake news, but the left has taken it WAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY beyond even lying. It is treasonous to our country. The fun part is listening to the libtards & those that denounce everything else, even the news reports on the conservative side! 😁😎 I couldn't care LESS, what any of "those people" think any more. I used to listen & hear them out..............not any more. Mid term elections 2022 could not come soon enough 🙏 & 2024 is gonna be BRILLIANT!!
  2. Woah! 😎 I'm gonna look closer at my NOS set!!
  3. They were all dealer installed or installed in the aftermarket, but Datsun DID have them listed in the accessory catalog with a Datsun part #. I have an NOS kit for my 521........there was a Datsun part # on the box, but NO MARKINGS referencing Datsun on the actual mirror. There were multiple manufacturers, with different styles, but similar with the large rectangular mirror!
  4. Welcome! Looks like a solid starting point! This is my 72 flatbed! I have a pair of 8in wide chrome reverse steelies for the rear..........I want duallies, but have not been able to find. Black 720 in garage door (background) donated its L20B, 5speed & rear axle for the 521. Sorry, not any spare parts for the 521 specific at this point, but I'm always looking too!
  5. I would not doubt that CA seems to have adopted that completely screwed up LIBTARD/LEFTIST way across the board, on so many things! CO and MD where I'm from, apparently have both adopted a pro abortion law that allows a BORN BABY (not just a fetus) to be "put down" (I couldn't fathom a different word for it) for whatever reason & the mother (or doctor) would NOT be prosecuted for murdering a baby. It makes me sick to hear that parts of this country have lowered themselves to that level...............😒 Common sense............ha, that's funny...........😑
  6. Ahhhhh, so UN-like the 68-73 510! The 510 Hitachi carb has a fuel inlet & a fuel outlet, to the return line on the left strut tower. This 720 is built in to the fuel rail?
  7. Last resort, send your calipers out for rebuilding! You might have a rebuilder local, otherwise there are places like Apple Hydraulics etc that offer rebuilding.
  8. I don't think the Weber 32/36's offer a fuel return, so I don't think you can hook it up. Put a piece of rubber fuel hose on the return line, coil it up a couple rounds & zip tie. Having that return line "vent" won't hurt a thing. Plugging it might............??
  9. I am going out on a limb.........the Sedan & Wagon vertical rails are the same. The rear door are the same, except for the 1/4 window frame & glass, but only at the trailing (rear) edge. There were black painted & stainless clad. I think the stainless clad was 68-71 & the black painted was 71-73 (I could have them backwards) UPDATE - I just looked at my mostly original paint 1972 Wagon............black painted. I also looked at all my spare rear doors...........all my Sedan doors are stainless clad. I have one pair of Wagon spare doors which I think came off a 1968 Wagon...........black painted. That said, now I'm wondering if all of the Sedan's were stainless & all the Wagon's were black painted.........?? This is all USA spec, as other countries often had different trim! Bottom line, I think the vertical rails interchange. I might have what you need, as I have a big box of door parts, off doors I stripped out. I also have some Sedan drip rail mouldings, but think I'm out of one piece. PM if interested! TJ
  10. Yes, we ALL need to vent sometimes...............🙄😝🤣
  11. I think first of all, people were cooped up over the last 2 years, causing massive frustration. However, I read somewhere last year (sure, label as a conspiracy theory...........many of which HAVE been proven true!!), that this f**king man made virus was designed to target the human body & mind, in many different ways. One theory is that it targeted whatever it is that is in our make up, that "manages" our brain & how it responds to certain input etc, maybe things like inhibition.....?? I too have noticed similar anger issues & less respect for others. One of the biggest in my book is road rage..............I have never seen so much of it going on! Driving home from my gf's a couple months ago, around 10pm, light rain, double lane 35mph, I'm in left lane cruising alongside a Suzuki SX4 (noticed cuz I was looking for one before I bought my Matrix AWD), likely doing 40mph+. We were simply cruising along. Minute later I see two big ass headlights right in my back window. OK some douchebag, what should I do? I'm already over the speed limit. I'm NOT gonna speed up more to get past the other car & move into the right lane, risking a ticket. I can NOT slow down to move in behind him, cuz the douchebag is right on my tail. I STAY on the accelerator, but tap my left foot on the brake pedal to SIMPLY signal "Hey, back off for a second!". What does douchebag do? Gets closer to me & flashes his big LED light bar at me! I just hold my position. Eventually the Suzuki moved ahead a bit, so this big ass truck dives into the right lane to try to pass me.......did NOT give me a chance to move over out of the way. Just as he did that, another car pulled out in front of the Suzuki, not dangerously, but the Suzuki applied his brakes as this big ass truck was careening over into his lane! In an instant, I gun it so that the douchebag CAN avoid rear ending him & he DOES dive back behind me, this time inches from my bumper. By this time, I am approaching my left turn into my apartment complex. He follows me in, right on my tail. I remember thinking "Oh great, this douchebag lives here?". But he follows me all the way in to my parking area. I see my neighbor walking his HUGE white pit bull, toot my horn so he sees me, park, get out & we stand in the middle of the lane, with this big truck sitting in a parking spot a few spots away, still running, lights on. I'm confident the douchebag sees Loki the HUGE white pitbull, cuz he reveresed out & roared off thru the parking lot! Two days later, I see him driving thru the parking lot, so I run down, jump in my car & follow. He DOES live in same complex, pretty cool turbo diesel flatbed..........punk ass 18 year old kid!! His Mom (had to be??) happened to be getting out of another vehicle, cuz they were talking. They walk right past me in my car, kid took no notice. I decided NOT to confront him in front of his Mom, but all I wanted to do was talk with him...........I'm not a fighter! Anyway, yesterday alone, I witnessed two other road rage incidents! People are angry! Why? The jab? Economic inflation? Our president is a complete babbling idiot? The left is sucking people dry? Who knows, but I agree with you!! I'm just trying to lay low & NOT stir people up, cuz things are NOT good these days......................
  12. Hopefully whatever she does at MSNBC ends up like CNN+ 😆🤣😝 Libtard 🤥
  13. Dag nabit!! I thought your gross stupidity was gone from here!! I know, I know.............somebody is paying attention to you again, so you're now back in your happy place 😆 Just go away, you pesky gnat!! 😝
  14. My guy DOES have an old guy that is a junkyard rat in the KC MO area.............he will reach out, but kinda hard to get in touch with! I reminded my buddy that these old cars don't last long in these self service yards, so HURRY!! Will keep you informed! Did all of this generation 200SX have a rear sway bar? In other words, that car WILL have the rear bar, as long as nobody else pulled it off? TJ
  15. I messaged a Datsun buddy in KC if he has a grunt kid/employee that might willing (Jeff is a shop owner, no time!). Will let you know once I hear back............... TJ
  16. yenpit

    NOS Aftermarket Parts

    KF can hand form any panel, as long as they have something to copy. Gerson is very careful about making a panel on the opposite side as what they have, cuz sometimes the opposite panel is NOT exactly the same/mirror image! They might not have the right hand panel to copy............?? Call Gerson or Juan to ask! We have had them HAND FORM (prior to them having a proper stamping mould!) quite a few Z car panels & they have all been excellent.
  17. yenpit

    NOS Aftermarket Parts

    Lots of new parts in the 70's-80's were sold in the "aftermarket" by the ORIGINAL MANUFACTURER. This happened throughout the domestic & import parts worlds! I worked in British parts starting in the mid 80's thru the 90's, saw it all the time. When I moved to wholesale British parts in 1989, I learned about the original manufactures selling their product in the open wholesale market, mostly because the MG Triumph (classic) Jaguar dealer network shut down in the early 80's, thus shifting the demand to "aftermarket" parts stores etc. Most dealer networks stopped selling parts for cars over 10 years old, Nissan was no exception, so again, the "aftermarket" would pick up the demand & run with it, often making lots of money, as people continued to drive & repair their older cars. Then years later, the "restoration" parts market builds in the various car categories, but that is usually when the (cheap) reproduction parts come into play & THAT has often been a disaster for shops & classic car owners! I have seen LOTS of really BAD repop parts over the years in the British market & more recently in the Datsun market. You simply get what you pay for! I have personally "bought out" a number of parts store inventories over the years & developed a pretty good eBay system of selling, but it really takes experience as a career parts guy, to make it work...............it can be a lucrative side business! I have ALWAYS been left with "dead inventory" from these buy outs, that simply does not sell or have any value. I just looked a a big box that I have, full of NOS parts like that! The common in demand parts always sell well, leaving some NOS parts that I hate to throw away, but that is a reality! Not every NOS part has value......... My best current example of repop parts, is in the 510 & Z car sheetmetal/panel world. In the case of both the 510 & the Z cars, we now have kfvintagejdm.com producing panels, which are FAR superior to the past repop panels available on the market! The Alfa Parts/Wolf Steel panels for the 510 are some of the worst I have ever seen, including my years in British parts. The panels out of Australia have been decent. The OEM style panels (never made "patch panels") out of Musclecar GT in Asia (sold by FutoFab & others) have been decent, but they did have their problems. The biggest problem over the last 2++ years has been availability............FutoFab sells the panels, Musclecar GT makes them when they want to, so FutoFab is often "out of stock", which again, is a manufactures problem! The past Z car patch panels (usually sold in raw steel, no primer) were also pretty bad, compared to NOS OEM or kfvintagejdm panels. We will never use those raw steel panels again, unless we have to, but thus far, kfvintagejdm has come thru with 99% of what we need, typically within 2 weeks of ordering. Gerson truly has a great production system, even though all of the panels are manufactured & shipped from Bogata Columbia!
  18. yenpit

    Wiper Arms?

    If you have OEM wiper arms, the OEM wiper BLADES are available from Nissan..............at least they were a year ago!
  19. Try Nissan. If discontinued, many of the various Datsun tank units are the same "unit" (I think most of the seals & lock rings are the same.....), but the long arm is of different lengths & bends. I just compared a 510 Sedan vs a 510 Wagon & they can be modified to work. The 240Z unit is still available NEW from Nissan & other suppliers. Maybe somebody will chime in with THE answer, otherwise you will need to do some footwork/research. I understand that pulling your old unit disables the car, but that's what you will need to do, if nobody has the answer! Pull it & post some pics!
  20. yenpit

    Wiper Arms?

    I have good USED. PM if interested! (I think rosso got his from me.........??)
  21. If the wheelboxes still pivot, you can rebuild.............most seize up, some can be freed up, but many are locked solid! I say this cuz I have likely sold 10+ of these assemblies, do NOT have any more good ones! All 1969-1973 2dr 4dr & Wagon are the same. You can press/drill out the broken studs & use a thru bolt or tap threads & use a slightly larger bolt/screw.
  22. If no luck, contact Peter Zekert on Facebook............he is an A series nut!
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