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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. Help me with terminology or post a photo.................cuz I have a box of 620 L20B emission parts, maybe I will have what you need...........?? TJ
  2. Well, granny got dupped! So Mike, whut ya think? Personally, I think she should NEVER have been prosecuted. https://pjmedia.com/benbartee/2024/09/13/exclusive-nonviolent-j6-granny-slapped-with-bitter-sentence-n4932494?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
  3. I agree, but you are talking to solid brick walls, with TDS mortar........................ðŸĪĢðŸ˜ĩ😝
  4. Ugh. "They should all rot in jail for life, if not hung on lamp posts".................and you rattle us for criticizing liberals! John is correct, in differentiating between those that were simply present at the J6, but are being wrongly arrested & prosecuted, & those that were actually seen on camera/video damaging property etc. I agree that those people should be prosecuted, as do most conservatives. Are you aware that the guy in the fur hat & horns was NOT a part of the violence & damage? But he was hunted down, arrested & jailed!! (I think he is now out of jail). The point is, that the J6 situation has been PROVEN to have been weaponized by the left, in an attempt to smear Trump.......................and thankfully, many (obviously NOT you) have seen through their lies & are going to vote accordingly..............for MAGA TRUMP!!!!!!!!! 😎
  5. I've been to one of the old Studebaker plants in South Bend, back in the 1990's! I worked in British parts, out of Kalamazoo, had an MG/Triumph shop customer, that rented the building for storage! On a road trip, I stopped in for a visit & got the tour!! 😎
  6. PS the acquired "rolling shell" turned out to be a CA AZ car, that ended up in Iowa.....................thankfully never driven in the snow/salt!! The shell needs MINIMAL metal work & minimal body damage repair. Saved the guy at least $15k!! Hey, anybody interested in a completely stripped down, rotten patched up, 1970 240Z "Series 1" fully media blasted, with title & vin tags? Willing to make a deal!!!!!!!!!! 😉
  7. I continue to come here, for YOUR hilarious posts!! I/we appreciate the humor, in this mess we are all in (well, except for Mike in CANADA!!!!) ðŸĪŠ
  8. I posted it here, just to prod at you know who (multiple)!! 😂😝 I'm not a Breitbart "follower", but looks like Huckabee might be!! Ya know, John, I watched the last 45min of the debate & all I saw, was the 3 ganging up on Trump & the moderators treating Kamaltoe with respect, while brow-beating Trump. That was my take on it. Too bad he let them get to him & he got flustered. I saw a "notification" somewhere, that Trump declined a "re-match", but I have not had time to look in to if that is true or not!! I hope the rumors are true, that many are seeing how deeply Kamaltoe lies about pretty much everything! ðŸ’Đ
  9. From Mike Huckabee to YOU! If you have a lot of time, here are links to more “fact-checks” of Kamala Harris that the moderators conveniently overlooked. Settle in, this could take a while, and they don’t even include the most obvious debunked lies, like the “Very fine people” hoax that's so tired, it needs Geriotol by nowâ€Ķ https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2024/09/10/fact-check-kamala-harris-distorts-unemployment-figures-to-attack-trump/ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/09/10/fact-check-kamala-harris-claims-she-supports-israel/ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/09/10/fact-check-kamala-harris-falsely-claims-trump-wants-terminate-constitution/ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/09/10/fact-check-kamala-harris-claims-trump-putin-whatever-hell-wants/ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/09/10/fact-check-kamala-harris-claims-not-one-us-troop-war-zone/ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/09/10/fact-check-kamala-harris-falsely-claims-she-never-called-ban-fracking/ https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2024/09/10/fact-check-harris-falsely-claims-trump-trade-deficit-was-highest-even-seen-in-history-of-america/ https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2024/09/10/fact-check-kamala-harris-falsely-claims-trump-wrote-love-letters-kim-jong-un/ https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2024/09/10/fact-check-kamala-harris-falsely-claims-trump-would-impose-a-national-sales-tax/ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/09/10/fact-check-kamala-harris-repeats-false-claim-about-abortion-monitor/ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/09/10/fact-check-kamala-harris-claims-biden-harris-admin-ramped-oil-production/ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/09/10/fact-check-kamala-harris-suggests-donald-trump-alone-squashed-senate-border-deal/ https://www.breitbart.com/2024-election/2024/09/10/fact-check-kamala-harris-claims-she-was-raised-in-the-middle-class/ And just to be fair, here are some real fact-checks of things Trump said. Notice something different?â€Ķ https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2024/09/10/fact-check-trump-says-his-tariffs-did-not-create-inflation/ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/09/10/fact-check-trump-claims-fbis-report-lower-violent-crime-fraud/ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/09/10/fact-check-trump-says-kamala-harris-raised-money-for-2020-minnesota-rioters/
  10. .............all LIBTARD PROGRESSIVE main stream media.................no wonder you are who you are!!!!!!!!!! 😝😂😆ðŸĪŠðŸ˜ĩ🙄 (did I get all the good emoji's?)
  11. Is it a REAL Mk 1 Lotus Cortina? I found two 1965 GT's, here in Colorado. Both were pretty solid. Both went to a buddy in Detroit, who had a completely rotted out REAL Lotus Cortina. I never heard what they did with them.................
  12. BAT, search 1969 Jaguar........................spectacular car!! BRG with sage green interior 😎
  13. Is the XK140 on an auction or outright price? If you acquire it, my buddy David Hinton (current HSR president) at Heritage Motorsports in FL, would be THE MAN ðŸ’Đ for you to call, for USED parts, race parts, parts suggestions & advice! David was in our Terry's group in the 1990's, still has his XK120 Coupe that he raced back then, now fully restored! He now owns/operates Heritage Motorsports! I usually see him at Road America...................oh the stories of debauchery, David, Trent & me, from the 1990's!!!!!! 😝ðŸĪĢ If you decide on an XKE, Larry Ligas at Predator Racing, also in FL!! Same.................Larry was also in the Terry's group, but he "behaved" himself, even back then! Did you see the 5300 mile (you read that correctly), unmolested, unrestored 1969 S2 on BAT.............$276k? Just sold yesterday! It was spectacular!!
  14. What Jaguar might be in the plan?? FYI Bill Terry of Terry's Jaguar/Terry Tuff Engines finally retired, his engine building service was acquired by Muncie Imports, who have been around for decades themselves! I crewed for Bill & Trent, throughout the 1990's! 😎
  15. Seeker the 620 is different, will not fit. Sadrian are yours seized up or missing. If seized up, you can often soak in penetrant, disassemble, clean, regrease & reassemble! If missing, you need 1969-1973 510 2dr 4dr & Wagon, all are the same, but they are right side vs left side. If broken studs, carefully press out broken stud & install new bolts & nuts..............you CAN reach underneath to hold bolt head! Datsun used studs, for ease of installing at factory! Sorry, I have sold EVERY good wiper wheelbox/pivot I had................
  16. Hey Wayno! If you have not already, check out Dr Ardis online. It is an online company, offering services like detox processes & of course, their own line of products to sell you! I am subscribed to their email/sales. Looks like you can go to www.thedrardisshow.com. A good read! Here is their initial email..............info@thedrardisshow.com PM me your email & I can forward the latest email from them! TJ a fellow NON-jabber 😎
  17. Sounds like a great history! I'll agree regarding straps, if holes were welded up on the trunk lid OR the trunk lid was replaced! I worked at a British shop in Hyattsville MD 86-88. We got calls often, from tow truck/scrap guys. Boss Tim would buy most of the cars. I answered a call one day "I got me a leeter tiny MG on mah rig, has a number thing on the doors & a rollbar. Yew want to buy it fer $100?". I told the boss what he told me, boss declined cuz it was a Midget (he raced SCCA MGB), so I told the guy "I'll buy it, drop it off out front!". The boss returned from an errand, saw the Midget, asked. I told him it was the car on the wrecker. I bought it fair & square, he was pissed! 😂. The driver name was on the door, I looked in white pages, called. Yup, he bought it NEW in early 1964 (side curtain car), from Manhattan Auto in Rockville MD, special ordered RHD, drove home, stripped to race SCCA, raced 15++ years, parked on trailer. Had a Huffaker stamped/built 1098cc engine!! Somebody bought the trailer, scrapped the car!! He GAVE me all the parts he pulled off the car!! I sat on it for 6+ mo's, had a buddy that wanted it, sold for $750. John was military, so God only knows where that car ended up!! Similar situation, 510 GT4 car out of Annapolis, raced 1974-1986'ish, mainly Summit Point, drivers name on roof, found him, talked 2-3 times, retired & POOF!, disappeared. That car went to Sweden, as a project, UN-restored. Similar situation, 510 BS car, raced 1972-1976, sold it, POOF! gone. I found it here in Denver, SCCA# on rollbar hoop led me to Cleveland, SCCA had his name, contacted him, he helped for 6-8 mo's with my questions etc, then asked if I would sell it back to him. I said absolutely, sold it a l'il less than true value! He was elated & I was happy to see it go back to him!
  18. I have a grade school buddy, that was career Army, retired maybe 8-10 years ago. I just sent this to him, asking what his thoughts are....................
  19. yenpit

    Picked up a 1970 521

    Correct.................the flange to the cast iron manifold is the same, but the downpipes are shaped completely different 510 vs trucks. Any good fabricator that tig welds, can modify an oil pickup tube to suit just about any oil pan sump. All of the 4cyl L series have the pick up tube port in the block, in the same spot. The Z car 6cyl L series has the port in a different spot. The mounting flange & gasket are also different, 4cyl vs 6cyl.
  20. I think you mentioned that before! 😎 I crewed for Trent Terry (RIP) (all of the Terry's Jaguar group) in his black square arch, ext door handle Midget, back in the 1990's.................Trent was FAST! David Jahamiac (sp??) was our biggest nemisis, in his yellow Bugeye! David might be out in CA now, but last I heard, he was running something else.......?? Dave Tabor (RIP) of Comptune in OH, was a customer & a friend............he built many of the A & B series race engines back then! These guys bought crap tons of Vandervell (RIP!) & Payen gaskets from me, over the years. I have yet to get to any west coast tracks........... What are those 2 holes per side, in the body, near the lower trunk corners? Right side, next to the fuel filler hole. Bugeye style overrider mounting?
  21. Does the 710 have a dash light dimmer switch?? It would likely be a "rotary switch", that you rotate, not flick on or off. The earlier 510 does NOT. The later Datsun cars do...............the 710 to me is an "interim" car, when Datsun started adding more "gadgets". If it DOES have a dimmer switch for the dash lights, BYPASS it!! I know that the later Datsuns do have a dash dimmer switch & most MG's & Triumph's did from 1968-on. When the dash dimmer MG switches went NLA, I told people to BYPASS the switch. Who DIMS dash lights on classic cars today?? NOBODY!! Bypass the switch & dash lights will simply be on "bright"................
  22. yenpit

    Trivial Question

    If you need a good 68-73 510 DRIVERS mirror, but needs glass, let me know! We no longer have a glass shop, here in Denver metro, to cut simple mirror glass, so I am at a brick wall with that. I prolly have 6-8 good mirrors, with bad or no glass! Sorry, no, I do NOT have any of the ultra rare 68-73 510 passenger side mirrors!!
  23. The British A series was in Midgets & Sprites................I've had 23 in my lifetime! Completely different than the Datsun A series..............that was in the USA spec 1971-1979/80 1200 (sunny), B210 & 210. A high school buddy had a 1972 1200, with a built 1200cc, mostly Clifford Research parts. Stoffregen, really? Cali has always been ahead in the Datsun scene.............I don't know of any 1200, B210 or 210 "on the road", here in Denver area, but I am biased to the L series!! Not to say there aren't, but none i know of!!
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