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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. The 3 bolt lid housings have more fitting holes etc, so as Mike says, you can use the earlier 2 bolt lid housing, if you do not need any additional fitting holes!
  2. I would say yes, to a NON metallic paint, but no to an "off the shelf" metallic paint..............unless companies like Tamiya make their metallic paints with MICRO metallic particles...........?? It just goes back to scale, like you said! Hopefully Chuck has THE answer..............😎
  3. As Mike says, you need to decide & purchase the shock/inserts BEFORE you cut, because you cut the strut tube to match the shock/inserts you will use! I just bought stock ZX inserts, KYB GR2's, cuz although I am lowering my 510, I am NOT "slamming it in the weeds"! If you are slamming it, you will want SHORTER inserts & then cut the tubes to suit whatever inserts you get. iirc the common SHORTER insert is the Toyota MR2, I think second generation MR2 rear inserts.............?? Once you buy inserts & cut the tubes to match, if tube is still a little too long, you can stack washers/spacers in the bottom of the tubes, as shims so it can't bang up and down. DO NOT CUT THE TUBES TOO SHORT...............unlike hair, they will NOT grow back!!
  4. Just gonna plunk this down here.................. https://www.facebook.com/reel/859459229356524/?s=single_unit&__cft__[0]=AZVHB44Uk7NL2wllgt4wPSFqgCB-bgQVXtRuVZSsonvQhe0bNkNp7gRaW1dNi0Be1Vk0b_toJk09GqKgbZV1mBTBpA2M3n5vGTjqBZHmYt5E1N0rRV8kJFE6NdSrxet-FeNNbW5GnAU7FNx1cb4xhKLb1ovMMuDpNIERdPrnC4Ijrg&__tn__=H-R
  5. .........perhaps for 2024, then hit hard in 2028? ðŸĪ”
  6. I read a bit about this theory..............don't remember if I posted here or just on my FB? The fact that they skipped over Shapiro of PA as VP, apparently sparked this theory. Something about NOT using their best picks at this point, as to NOT tarnish their "experience" with a loss. They chose Walz, which even some dems are questioning. Like you may be implying, 2024 is a losing battle for the dems, let it go, hold on to Senate, gain the House, Trump's hands are basically tied throughout his second term, to make big changes, dems gear up for 2028.............?? ðŸĪ”
  7. Muh Dad set up the Carter library, in Georgia, while he worked for the Nat'l Archives Presidential Library Division! Dad always spoke well of Carter. We did travel there when we were kids, but the only thing I remember, was peanuts & Dad buying me a case of Billy Beer, cuz I collected beer cans! No, I did NOT drink them...........Mom would drink one beer on Saturday's for lunch! She even went thru the trouble of punching a hole in the BOTTOM of the can, so I could have them in my collection, with the pull tab intact! I did keep 2 full 6-packs in my collection, but my older brother stole one 6 pack, years later (my collection was on shelves in the crawl space), had to "filter" the beer thru a sock, to drink it. Yes, I am SURE he got sick as a dog ðŸĪŪ...........and he deserved it!! ðŸ˜ĄðŸ˜‚
  8. I grew up in MD..............but that same year, when we all turned 18, MD changed the law to 21, but if you were 18 BEFORE June 30, you were "grandfathered in" to be legal at 18 for beer & wine...........not liquor until 21. I had a buddy with a birthday of July 3rd & another in July, who both MISSED the grandfather clause by DAYS!!!! No matter, we had another buddy who made fake ID's.............this was before the hologram clear laminated ID's!!
  9. At 18, we were legal to drink/buy beer (not liquor). We could not drink in public. McD's parking lot drinking beer, noticed a car pull in, two plain clothed guys get out, walk opposite directions. I noticed one walk up behind my buddy & say something. Just then, the second guy walks up behind me, says "Give me your beer". I turn, say "This is my beer!", just as another buddy literally lets go of his beer............he was sitting in the back of his Jeep, with no carpet............that dropping of the can made so much noise on that sheetmetal! I quickly turn around again, with a big smile & handed the guy my beer. Too late! The three of us got cited for open container in public. We were all summoned to the court at the same time, sat in an office, some kind of officer behind the desk. "Mark A, open container, 24hrs community service!". "Andre M, open container, 24hrs community service!". "Timothy J, open container of Old Milwaukee..............you DESERVE 24hrs community service!!". Boy, did my buddies get a kick out of that! Ironic part, was that the 24hrs community service, put us to work at the county owned....................LIQUOR STORE!! Ahh, to be young again!! 😆😂
  10. yenpit

    L20B / w58

    Look up Jeff at Rocket Motors in KC...............he is a 510 guy & might have something for you. Tell him TJ sent ya!
  11. Why replace the stock coil springs, unless you are looking to lower the car? I rarely sell stock springs for the 68-73, cuz they simply do not wear out! FYI of you decide to do something different, you can use the 68-73 510 coilover spring set & the adjustable upper camber plate. On a car like yours, you could paint or powdercoat these parts ie black, to avoid the bright anodizes & red coilover springs................just to hide it!
  12. yenpit

    Speedo cable

    Last I heard, Don at DP was getting out of his long time biz......................is he still around, still selling?
  13. Sometimes you are a TRUE MORON.................... 🙄ðŸĪ”
  14. yenpit

    Speedo cable

    Nissan actually has a factory PLUG, iirc it was for the early 720 4WD, cuz the speedo pick up was in the transfer case! We were making a plug on the lathe, for our vintage race Z cars, that did not use a speedo....................but don't forget, you need a "groove" cut in, for an oring. Might as well use the factory oring, same as with speedo housing vs 720 4WD plug!
  15. yenpit

    1982-83 "510"

    Just not worth $1500 to me, unless it is really clean & runs & drives well. At that point, it is a reliable ol' Datsun/Nissan, that could make a great A-Z driver! People see the earlier 510's, going for big mulla these days, throw a number against the wall, to see if it sticks & somebody buys it!
  16. ................and really most importantly, FAMILY, which includes children!! As kids, we all watched it together. We talked about it with friends. None of we four siblings went on to play sports, hardly even watch sports, except as a social function (beer & food). I don't remember the last Olympic games, having any deep political or social context, especially something as offensive as this (squeak squeak MIKE!! ðŸ˜Ą). I initially posted whatever I found on this, on my FB, when the poop hit the fan. Then last Friday or Saturday, I saw a very simple meme, stating ".....what about the atheletes that work so hard to be in the Olympics........it is their life!". That changed my view from simply being angry at the French as a whole, to feeling horrible for the atheletes that are doing this out of passion. F**K the atheletes that support this, as I am sure there are plenty. What a disgusting train wreck...............just like the libtards!!!!!!!!!
  17. Wait..........whut is a "shepard"? If you need a fan shroud, I wonder if the 68-73 510 shroud would fit? Same L16 engine & similar radiator (I have both 521 & 510's here). Let me know if you find any info, as I will have a decent 510 shroud!
  18. I TRIED to watch & listen to Rep Paul (I do like this guy, cuz he is brutal!! 😎), but every time he moved his head to the side OR she leaned in, all I heard was Charlie Brown's teacher!!!!!!!!!!! "Wha wha wha, wha wha wha wha!!" ðŸĪĢ😆🙄
  19. I have not read these, but Mike's last post tops it for me.................maybe YOU should bow out for a while................ðŸ’Đ
  20. Yes, but I had a set of the factory 720 4x4 15in steelies & they were HEAVY as hell!! I wonder if the Chevy Colorado steelies are lighter?? MM yer neighbor is absolutely correct............13-14in tires are getting hard to find, with very limited choices. Upgrade to 15-16in & your choices increase greatly!
  21. Sorry, yer stupid......................😂ðŸĪŠ This is simply liberal/progressive propaganda, in yet MORE propaganda to TRY TO WIN in 2024/2025!! It is this kind of crap, that may give the left a shove ahead...............cuz liberls/progressive believe it!!! Priceless ðŸĪĢ😆😂
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