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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. The USA spec 510 I recently picked up had had some metal work done in the 1980's, including a rear tail light panel. Although the panel was for the medium size USA spec tail lamps (not your small 1968 lamps & not the longer JDM Coupe lamps), the panel has two factory mounting holes PER SIDE, in line with this garnish you are looking for. Why would the tail light panel have had those factory holes, if the USA never got that garnish? Perhaps it was a mis-labeled part that came out of Japan to the USA Datsun dealership? (a JDM or Canadian panel would have had a different part #, cuz of these holes). Also odd that the body guy didn't fill in these holes...........simply stuck a piece of tape behind each & painted it! πŸ˜†
  2. We prefer a good USED piece if a complicated piece needed...............I get it! 😎
  3. Correct Mike, USA never got this rear garnish! Craig Ford at Tokyo2U i n Japan might have, but like OP said..........not gonna be cheap!
  4. Have you considered just making a patch? We patch up "odd" rust areas like this often, but then again, our metal guy has the experience fabricating/forming patches like this! TJ Denver CO
  5. I see you are in CA...........Chad at Chico Nissan is another good Datsun parts supplier. I think he is on here too!
  6. The pinion lip seal & oring are available from Nissan. You can ask for a 1980 720 with manual trans..........or ANY 77-83 Datsun 5speed application (except the 280ZX turbo with the T5 trans). I buy most OEM parts from Lynchburg Nissan in VA..........Riley will know EXACTLY what you are asking for!
  7. I can help identify a correct 510 pedal box assembly by pics of what you have.............post here via the "drag files or choose files" in lower left corner of this window & your reply window! Or I can send you my text or email.........let me know! If what you bought is incorrect, I will have the correct 510 pedal box assembly. Correct, the automatic pedal BOX will not have the L bracket that the clutch pedal return spring anchors to. I have bolted an L bracket in place & I have very CAREFULLY welded an L bracket in place with the pedal box in the car. The pedals will bolt right in to the auto pedal box, or you can swap out the whole pedal box, thus alleviating the need to improvise the L bracket! Also, have you researched the need to "jump the wires" on the auto wiring harness down at the neutral safety switch? The car will NOT start without it! And, the auto reverse lights run thru the neutral safety switch (which you are bypassing), so you will need to wire up the reverse lights if you desire to have them work! I wrote up both here on Ratsun 10+ years ago, likely under "electrical", likely titled something to the effect of "auto to manual wiring" and "auto to manual reverse lights"..................sorry been a LONG time & I don't navigate the search function well here on Ratsun! πŸ˜†
  8. Yes kfvintagejdm.com has the best smaller patch panels for the 510. All of FutoFab's panels are repop of OEM full size panels........no smaller patch panels. Biggest issue with welding on a Datsun, is that the sheetmetal is very thin, thus takes experience to get the heat vs weld penetration correct, without warpage. The more warpage, the more hammer & dolly work afterwards and/or the use of more body filler. We build & restore quite a few Z cars & we try to leave all of the body metal work to experienced metal guys! Good luck with the project! 😎
  9. The biggest issue I see is that the Big Pharma were ILLEGALLY given a free pass by the "administration"................used some kind of statute of "emergency use" for the jab, thru the CDC, thru Fauci, which by law, states that they can not be sued. This "emergency use" stipulation was the key to their agenda & it worked.......now the wool is being slowly peeled away! The Big Pharma are THE ones that made out like bandits, but the democrats will benefit in a HUGE way with HUGE donations to the DNC, which unfortunately often wins elections. I see no possibility of brain dead Brandon being re-elected..............if he is successful, we are doomed. If We The People elect another democrat, we can only hope that they are of a much more moderate viewpoint, NOT this far left libtard scum that we have "in office" now. Doomed if that happens. Sure, there are also some far right conservatives that could also help facilitate the demise of this country further, but I'm not seeing that forming or gaining ground on the right (thankfully). I would vote for Trump, but DeSantis out of Florida is a MACHINE..............he is going up against ALL of this libtard crap & winning in his State! I think he would make a great President at this point. Pay attention to the more conservative angles involving DeSantis & I think you will see that he is a "real" person, a real man, in all of this mess (the left are desperately trying to paint him as a monster too, like they did with Trump). Personally, I think his actions (FL) & Abbots (TX) actions of busing illegal immigrants to the left States is brilliant, as long as they are actually doing what THEY are saying..........giving clothes, food, some cash etc to each immigrant, so at least they have a chance where they are being bused! It has made my day multiple times, watching the libtards sceam bloody murder about how it is "human trafficing", when Brandon started the whole thing a year ago, by flying immigrants to unsuspecting cities & dumping them, but always handing them democratic propaganda "..........don't forget to ILLEGALLY vote for us!" The southern border is simply a massive flow (Kamala says it's "secure".......f**king joke) of poor immigrants, with next to nothing to their name. That is a whole other story, of why this "administration" (swamp) needs to be drained..............
  10. Dood, the CDC & f**king Fauci ARE part of the problem!! If you proudly state that ".......they are on my side......", then I'm sorry to point out, but you are blinded. And yes, every week there is more & more news about what they did & how they got away with it. You just have to pay attention. I respect that you do not watch main stream media (cuz they too are a HUGE part of this misinformation issue), but you also need to pay attention to SOMETHING! I still see people outside by themselves walking around with a mask!! Blind!! They might think that they are doing the right thing by NOT paying attention, but that is exactly where they fail. The poop WILL hit the fan, which will hopefully start after the midterms here in November, if/when the conservative side regains power in the House & the Senate. It IS an uphill battle, because the libtards have dug in so deeply already. They are destroying this country & will pull you Canadian guys down right with it.
  11. Correct! And if somebody would go spend some time reading thru americasfrontlinedoctors (AND listened to you guys here), they would read how they started using IVM & HCL early on, but the Big Pharma pulled their strings, getting the SOFT ASS "administration" to do what Big Pharma wanted.................to BAN the use by law (typical illegal maneuver by the "administration", among so many others!)). IVM & HCL were already on the market & they were CHEAP. Big Pharma wanted to create something new, so they could rake in the profits.............and they DID just that, with the cooperation of the "administration" & f**king Fauci (I hope karma comes soon for that l'il rat bastard!). Dr Simone Gold, from americasfrontlinedoctors, spent a YEAR in full blown prison for administering these early on & then pushing back hard against the "administrations" f**ked up agenda, when they banned their use!! She just got out, was RESPECTED by the other women in prison (thank GOD!! πŸ™) & is already back to pushing back & speaking out!! Good on her!!! 😎 Look, those that don't believe, don't understand or flat out refuse to listen are everywhere.........they are the majority. Conspiracy theories scare a lot of people (what we are talking about is NOT a conspiracy theory, but that is what the libtards are calling it). My brother was ALWAYS in to natural homeopathic avenues of medication & medical needs. He moved out here to Colorado 25+ years ago, to be more able to pursue that lifestyle (was a hippie dippie state back then, as many know!). He stopped taking ANY vaccines years ago (as did I). When this man made virus Covid hit, he was/is working for the NFL with the Bronco's, as a sound man (my 5-5 ft 145lb l'il bro is the guy mic'ing up the 6++ ft massive football players! πŸ˜†)..............a good gig! The NFL, like so many other BLINDED industries, told him to get the "vax" or be fired. He waited as long as he could, but simply had to give in to keep his job. He looked in to the religious exemption, but felt that the repercussions were too bad (the social backlash was horrible). To this day, he gets defensive if we bring up the subject.............he HAD to do it & doesn't want to admit that he was wrong. A high school buddy, similar ideals, works for the Fed Gov't (hates the current libtard policies), as also FORCED to take the jab, to keep his job. At least he steps up & says it sucked & he hopes & prays that he will not have any long term side effects (as we are already starting to see with myocarditis, deaths, autoimmune issues, shakes/tremors etc etc). I do NOT berate them or others for making the choice OR for having been forced. This whole situation of FORCING people to do what they demanded was WRONG.........all of it!! FJB 😑
  12. Apparently Dguy210 is a bioligist (??) & has had fantastic input & opinions on Covid & the jabs since the outset (thank you Dguy210!! 😎). You wrote "before you share it widely......"? I'm not busting on you, but if you are curious about the medical TRUTH (not the leftist lies), go to amercasfrontlinedoctors.org to read about Ivermectin AND hydrochloroquin (sp??) & how they both were initially SUCCESSFULLY used by some of those doctors in the beginning, but then the CDC (libtard leftist scum) & the Brandon "administration" (leftist libtard scum) banned their use (by the illegal libtard leftist direction of the big pharma's). Rumor has it the big pharma did not want anybody using a drug already availableon the market for cheap............they wanted to create this new concoction they called a "vaccine", so they could rake in the billions of dollars it would produce FOR THEM. Early on, Trump turned to the CDC (fucking pos Fauci) etc, cuz he did not know what to do........he TRUSTED those scumbags! The libtard leftists were already involved at that time, so when Brandon got elected, they just picked up from there & pushed their agenda. F**K Brandon & his scumbags. Whew!! THAT felt great to write!! 😎😁
  13. The first Civic Si I built back in the late 1990's was white. I powdercoated all of the suspension red, painted the SOHC vtec block red, subtle red throughout the interior (mostly black) & red checkered flag "waving" graphics across hood, down left side & up right side. Was one of the first fully "built" Civics in SW MI at the time, got LOTS of attention! Man, that was a great car! 😎
  14. Do you want the original 68-73 510 L16 engine mount BRACKETS ("metal half attaches to crossmember")........but they bolt to the engine block? The rubber engine mounts bolt to the front crossmember, then to the metal engine block BRACKETS. I will have those metal BRACKETS & a stock 4speed trans crossmember. PM if interested! TJ
  15. I will have one, but may NOT have one with all 3 "tabs" intact. One broken tab & you need to actually glue it in place............how often would it ever need to come back out? Never! PM me if interested! There was a guy that 3D printed them, but there was no way to replicate the "texture" on the face, to match the rest of the dash. I have no idea who that was, was last year some time............... TJ
  16. JP Sears video is "Brandon's 10 Most Honest Lies". Sorry, not good at posting links πŸ˜–
  17. Well, I thought JP Sears' latest 10-12min video clip pretty much covered it all.............something like "Biden's Greatest Top 10 Lies"! That guy is hilarious & has the greatest level of sarcasm!
  18. For us (restoration shop), if a patch panel is available, it is almost always cheaper to buy & install, instead of hand fabricating. The 240Z kfvintage panels are so much better than anything else that has been on the market over the last number of years, that is all we will use, as long as we can get it! If a panel is not available, then we have no other option but to hand fab or cut out a USED section! That said, you likely have more experienced "coachbuilders" in the UK, that sometimes work on the cheap! 😎
  19. Chances of finding an OEM exhaust syste is slim to none. I am not aware of any aftermarket systems, like you would find for the 510 or the Z cars. I am building a custom exhaust for my 521. Still plan on stuffing an L20B in it (but now I have a 510 in need of an L20B!), will use the stock cast iron exhaust manifold & downpipe (cut short). I bought a universal 2-1/4 mild steel exhaust pipe kit & two "cherry bomb" style chambered mufflers. Plan is to cut the end off of each muffler, weld together to make a longer chambered muffler, build it as a single stack pipe, cuz I have a flat bed! I also found a flat sheet of perforated steel, which I will roll around the muffler as a heatshield. Once built, I hope to ceramic coat the whole thing!
  20. I might have a decent 1969 Wagon wiring harness. There are three sections.........engine compartment, dash & tail. The dash & tail are Wagon only.........the engine compartment harness MIGHT be same as Sedan.........?? The engine compartment harness is different between manual & automatic. The 1969 stands on it own.........1968 is different & 1970-1972 is different. First thing is go buy the hand drawn, printed & laminated wiring diagram from Paolo at paolo@cedarcomm.com. If you have the sweeper speedo cluster (not the round 70-72) & the round rear sidemarkers, then you need to order for the 1969 Wagon (not the Sedan). He also drew up both manual trans & automatic trans.........the wiring IS different! If your car was originally an automatic, but converted to manual, then I would suggest buying the automatic schematic........or buy both! None of the aftermarket wiring schematics/diagrams ie Haynes, Chilton's, Clymers etc are 100% correct for our USA spec Datsun's. I bought a complete set of 68-72 510 Sedan & Wagon! The reverse switch wiring was built in to the neutral safety switch on the automatics, so if the car was originally an automatic, you would need to wire up the reverse switch wiring yourself. The manual cars had conventional reverse switch wiring on the right side of the trans tunnel.
  21. You would likely need to drop the headliner to relocate the rods..........?? Issue there is that the headliner should be tucked & wrapped under the windshield (and maybe the rear glass) upper edge rubber glass seal, so you likely can NOT drop it all the way around. BUT, if you think the rods are misplaced, they attach at each side................pull the door jamb welting/trim & carefully peel the glued headliner off & drop down, then perhaps you can access the rod ends.........??
  22. The Toyota guys are worse than 510 guys...............I bet that steering wheel is worth something!
  23. I have quite a few stock 510 calipers & misc caliper parts if you need anything. I will also have stock 510 front "splash shields" (behind the rotors). I might even have NOS hardware in the parts load that I got a few months ago, but would have to dig...........PM me if you need anything!
  24. Have you seen the green primer patch panels from kfvintagejdm.com? We use all of his Z car panels.............we will NOT use any other panels unless he doesn't have something! The Australian patch panels are decent, but expensive to ship (at least here to the USA). FutoFab's panels are repops of OEM panels..........no smaller patch panels, but decent quality. Please do not waste your time on the Canadian panels from Wolf Steel/Alfa Parts...........they are horrible fit & quality!! That left side upper trunk rail rust is ODD..........don't think I've ever seen that! Might that rear 1/4 have been replaced at some point? Looks like a good solid shell! 😎
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