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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. I smoke, but I don't grow. I think CO is something like 12 per household, with some other stipulations, like having 6 seedlings & 6 full grown, but NOT 12 full grown at the same time.......?? A buddy & his gf grow whatever is legal & there are rumors that they grow WAY more, but I don't ask!
  2. ..........or Colorado 😉 I moved here on Nov 8 2012..............the day Amendment 64 passed making weed LEGAL for recreational use. A high school buddy also lives here, met at storage to help unload. He pulls up, parks, jumps out of his truck, arms up in the air yelling "Woooohooooo!!" I yell back "So yer happy to see me??!!". With his arms still up in the air, he yells back "Well, sure, but Amendment 64 just passed!!" I felt so small & useless...............😆😂
  3. "They" are scraping the bottom of the barrel to continue to try to DIVIDE the vax'd & the UN vax'd. They are still making up bullsh*t like this, over & over again. They will not stop their agenda, until they are STOPPED. For ANYBODY to believe crap like this makes my head spin...............oh crap, I'm NOT vax'd.............maybe THAT's why my head is spinning!!!!!!?????? I better run out & get vax'd!!!!!!! ðŸĪĢðŸ˜ĄðŸ˜ FUCK JOE BIDEN & his piece of SHIT followers!!!!!
  4. THIS is how they brainwash people.........repeating the same f**king thing over & over, again & again!! Wake up you stupid main stream media fools!! ðŸ˜Ą
  5. Steve Moal with the TV show? He is an "interesting" character! 😉
  6. A tough find these days, anywhere! I am not aware of an auto electrical specialist here in Denver, willing to take on old classic cars. We just "restored" a 240Z engine compartment harness here at work (vintage race shop)............it is a massive amount of time/labor to do it correctly, this one cost the customer around $1000!! That is "restoring/repairing", not Some dash harnesses are also cut up & mangled pretty badly by numbnutz that don't know what they are doing. That said, you might be able to find a much cleaner DASH harness than what you might already have, but you would need to locate a suitable year range.............if I was to GUESS, maybe 75-77 620?? I know there were electrical changes compared to the 73-74 620 & the 78-79 620. The reason I mention this, is because I do mostly 68-73 510 parts, including selling every good USED wiring harness I find! As an example, here is what fits within the 1968-1973 510 range............68 only, 69 only, early 70 only, late 70-72 are basically the same & 73 only. This complicates selling to buyers! The 620 MIGHT be just as complicated?
  7. The exhaust manifold will bolt right up. The downpipe looks to me like a 68-73 510 (which has some value to a 510 guy!) & my understanding of the 521/620 trucks is that the downpipe has a "squiggle" heading down stream to clear the truck torsion bars............I've heard the 510 downpipe does not fit the truck chassis 😑
  8. Looks to be a SINGLE lip seal............its the INNER lip that rides on the d/s yoke. A double lip seal will have two of that inner lip,maybe 1/8in apart. A seal specialist can often take the #'s off of a seal like this one & find a double lip seal with same dimensions. As an example of a seal specialist, here in Denver we have Whisler Bearing & Rocket Seal. Bearings & seals go hand in hand..............
  9. Have a Datsun buddy here in CO that has been operating what he claims is a massive grow house & he says they are heavily armed & everybody knows it! I've always wondered what the security is like around here at the "legal" grow houses...........there are many!
  10. I see another XK under a car cover in another pic! And I think I saw the rear 1/4 panel of an AC Cobra in another! Ray, you mind telling us the name of the shop.................or PM me! I have been in & out of the British parts industry for many years, knew lots of the British specialty shops during my wholesale parts years! TJ
  11. This race season on one of our vintage race 240Z's, we ceramic coated the triple DCOE intake manifold, the heatshield & the intake tube (to in front of the rad core support). We ceramic coated the INSIDE (I believe only JetHot Coatings do it properly) & outside of the header (we have always done the outside). We also used the gold heat reflective tape on the heatshield, the outside of the air filter/box & the intake tube. The drivers wife was racing, she came in from practice (at Road America, about 15+ minutes at speed), in the heat & humidity of July, pulled into the paddock, I immediately pulled off the hood & my boss put his hand on one of the carburetors! We couldn't touch anything for at least 20-30 minutes before, cuz the components were so hot! The husband was out this season, cuz of an arm injury, the wife isn't quite as "perceptive" of how the car feels, so we didn't get the detailed feedback as if he was driving, but the fact that we could touch the carb having come right off the track, we are certain that the considerably lower temps will increase HP & drivability...........if only by a few, but that is what WINS races! We are FIRM believers in ceramic coating! I ceramic coated a stock 510 L16 cast iron exhaust manifold, but I have not installed it yet. I'm hoping it helps!
  12. We try hard to keep political stuff out of our work place. Of 4, we have 1 liberal who supports this "administration", but we all try to just let him do his thing. Today, I'm texting a buddy who works at FERC, we are laughing over this Sam Brinton mess, I had Googled that weirdo, had a pic up on my PC screen. Liberal employee (he is a buddy!) walks in, says "Ooooooo, she's kinda cute in a weird way!" I laugh and said "SHE??". He says "Oh, that's a guy? Huh!" I said "THAT "guy" works in a higher position at the Energy Commission! THAT "guy" has big responsibilities in that position & THAT is how he dresses for work & how he got hired!" His response was priceless.........."Oh, so you don't think he is capable?" "Ummmmm, no, he is obviously mentally ill!" He just shrugged, turned & walked away! ðŸĪŠðŸ˜†ðŸ˜
  13. Nope. What happens in China was & still is "helped along" by greedy politicians here in the USA on the far left. The CCP are happy to accomodate, as they have their own agenda of supreme power................this POS "administration" thinks that they can keep the CCP reeled in on a short leash & that will very likely blow up in their faces at this rate! The dots are slowly being connected with the Covid debacle & if the majority of the GOP are successful in the next 2 years, heads WILL roll of those involved ie Fauci, Soros etc etc. Problem there is that many of the GOP are also neck deep in crap like this. Like many here have said, the swamp needs to be drained ON BOTH SIDES & until somebody with morals that SUPPORT what America is all about is elected into office, this crap will continue.
  14. This will be a long shot................did you know Tom Schramm? I think he grew up with them, he DID ice race & I think he was into Toyota's & later into British (that's how I met him)............his family might even have owned a Toyota dealership......??
  15. Bobby Archer! I met him thru a buddy from MN at Road America a few years ago! He is in TX now, still messin' with old crap & old NOS parts...........he contacted me last year, after he bought out an old import parts store, trying to get me to buy the Datsun ignition stuff, gasket sets, rad hoses etc etc. Unfortunately, mostly stuff still available these days, although it sounded like mostly 1980's inventory, which would have been lots of made in Japan parts, not made in China crap like today! When I lived in Holland Michigan, had a sports compact shop, it was February (bitter cold & snow), saw a thread on the Honda forum...........the ice racing group out of Chicago (mostly Polish/Slavic guys!) were supposed to come to Michigan for an ice race, but it had been too warm, so the lake was not safe to race on. One of the guys knew Dan at Gingerman Raceway in South Haven MI, called him & asked if they could all come up to use the track! Dan apparently laughed at him, said "The track is NOT plowed!". The guy answered "Perfect! Can we rent it?". I gathered up about 10 customers, mostly AWD sport comp cars, I was in my 1990 Honda Civic RT4WD Wagon & headed there. It was snowing HARD that day...............we had a freaking BLAST, until the snow got packed down & icy, then it got too dangerous without studded snow tires! The ice racers just kept on going!
  16. "Covid mess"...........how the various gov't's all handled it. Covid is real, but I too lost my confidence VERY early on in how it was being handled. Not sure why, cuz I'm not a doctor, but something in me told me how to proceed 😁
  17. Colorado still insists on masking up for doctors offices & hospitals. I too will abide, but will NOT otherwise. If that happens & I walk into a restaurant & they require masks, I will simply turn around & walk out. I'm gonna go out on a limb here & say that I BELIEVE that the liberal states are the ones still pushing masks etc. There is a rumor that Colorado (yup, liberal) wants to enforce masks again throughout. If that happens, I will NOT abide by it, unless forced. I am not an antagonistic person, but I also belive that this Covid mess could very well have been avoided...............😑
  18. Yup makes more sense! Sorry, I saw shlammed's comment about column shift & mixed up with you! 😆
  19. ..............also, are these 13in (ie 510) or 14in (ie Z car)?
  20. Have you measured the bolt pattern or fit them to a Datsun hub? Although this wheel was made famous on the Datsun's, they were sold for many other bolt pattern applications! The most valuable are the real American Racing Libre's, identified by an additional cast rib in the middle of each spoke on the back......... FYI FedEx has a 14x14 box that is tall enough for two rims with a piece of foam in between. I have only ever shipped wheels two per box, thus two boxes.
  21. Fine, you guys keep talking about COFFEE!! I'm bored. I wanna hear more bad stuff about the world & politics!! 😆 If anybody orders coffee online, two of our customers are invested in Drive Coffee (local here in Denver).............https://www.drivecoffee.com/ They picked up as F1's "official coffee" about 2 years ago, so things are going well for them!
  22. Wait......a 1972? The auto shift lever mechanism should be on the floor 72-73? Is yours a column shift?
  23. I'm gonna say you can remove the column shift parts with the column installed............or maybe just drop it down a little by removing the bolts to the body, leaving the lower plate intact?? That lower plate is flat steel, so it does "flex" a little. I did an auto to manual swap on a column shift 1971, but that was 12 years ago! There is a kinda triangular hole cut in to the lower steering column plate, where the auto shift linkage passes thru, with a rubber "plug" with a hole for the rod. The manual cars had a solid rubber "plug".
  24. Is your car yellow or white? I know of one of each in the Denver area, wondering if you bought one of them? PM sent! TJ Arvada
  25. I've had ONE cup of coffee in my lifetime..............I went duck hunting one Thanksgiving with my cousins in Chicago, out in the middle of a cornfield, freezing me arse off, cousin said "Here drink this!". The warmth quickly spread throughout my body, so I begged them to take me home! ðŸĪŠ Yes, we had fresh duck that day!
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