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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. yenpit

    1973 620 find

    Wow, what a time capsule! 😎
  2. This has the small oval 2 bolt access plate on the left side of the tail housing, so late 280ZX "close ratio". However, I pulled a 5speed out of a low mile 1980 720 2WD L20B (first year 720, last year L20B) & it too has the oval 2 bolt plate! I'm 98% confident it was original, as this truck only had 77k miles & was unmolested. I have NOT done a rotational check to identify ratio..............
  3. Well, pretty much everything in the Covid thread he posts is SPOT ON, so................😂 😎
  4. You can cut carpet & have an upholstery shop "bind" the edges for a really clean look! If you use the car, you should also have the upholstery shop sew in a heel pad! 😁
  5. Front floor, mid floor or a rear cargo mat? I have OEM rubber front mats, but almost every LH mat has wear, often a hole where the heel rested. Our upholstery guy said he could "stitch" in a new heel pad, but it would be obvious as a repair. I have an OEM grey rear cargo mat, just haven't scrubbed it to clean it, cuz its cold here in Colorado, so not sure if stained etc! PM if interested! TJ
  6. I made a couple posts the last two days on FB. My liberal friends RARELY reply/post, but one did today! Basically, I posted "......are there ANY sane normal people.......that watched the SOTU & can say that there was ANY well rounded factual anything said?" He responded with "People seem to see what they want to see, don't they?" My response was "Absolutely! And soon we shall see how criminal your president & family are! Gonna be fun!!" Yes, "they" are still out there, still believing that Brandon has done good things.................😆
  7. Luckily I got a phone call, so I muted it. You guys should really watch at least the looks on both Kamaltoe (pure embarrassment) & Kevin McCarthy (pure disgust). That in itself was priceless!! I've been watching clips this AM & calling it a dumpster fire is an understatement!! Let's Go Brandon!! 😆 😂
  8. Somebody with 3D printing capabilities would sell these! Most are cracked or missing! The 510 is basically the same, but they are white plastic.
  9. We have a belly pan still on a 1975 parts car. It is banged up on the left side.......ran over something or some numbnutz tried to jack the car up on it......?? It won't be heavy, but it WILL be bulky! Pm if interested!
  10. I can't help with rebuilding details, but if you need any parts, I have quite a few of these 510 Hitachi carbs, parts & some NOS parts! Pm if you need anything!
  11. Have you NOT been watching the Project Veritas videos? I'm sorry Mike, but this IS happening. If you listen carefully to Walker (in the most recent videos), I believe that HE believes that he is doing good for the people. But also take into consideration his age & yes, his sexual preferences. I'm sorry, but he sounds like a privileged millenial, who goes thru life not thinking about consequences or his actions. I can't imagine hanging out with a person like that (I don't mean cuz he is gay, I've had gay friends). His arrogance & interest in getting boned, has now put him in a VERY bad place in his life. Because of his big mouth & melodrama, I bet his career will soon be over. THESE are the types of people "building" this country?? We are screwed if so.....................
  12. Spot on, my friend! The first thing this country MUST do, is drain the swamp of these far left LIBTARDS. Getting rid of dirtbag Schiff & Swalwal (sp?? but I don't give a sh*t about those people) & that disgusting Somolian woman Ilhar or whatever her name is, has been a GREAT start. I hope McCarthy continues his cleaning! Biden needs to go ASAP, even if we must put up with Kamaltoe. The far left/democratic party are already panicking, cuz they KNOW they are in deep doo doo. The poop is already hitting the fan, including this mess of the "vaccine". I hope & pray that this numbnutz Pfizer Dr Walker's hidden camera drama, opens everybody's eyes to the agenda of the far left.......to Soros's agenda. This is gonna be FUN, but it is gonna be painful to watch. Then comes 2024. THIS will be a turning point. Yes, I understand that the Republican party also has its idiots & elite.............they too, need to be removed. Let the people elect (legally) those that will make the necessary changes TO SAVE THIS COUNTRY!!
  13. I think the problem you will run into is that these were "printed" (painted), not stickers......?? Are the "logos" cut/engraved into the plastic & painted? If so, I don't think any vinyl sticker will stay in place long term...........??
  14. Hmmmmmm, maybe that explains the increasing price of eggs?? 😳 There is an egg shortage, cuz the WHO CDC big pharma are snatching them all up, testing & trying to inject the mRNA into eggs, as another way of getting it into our bodies.........?? I knew it...........I just KNEW it!! 😜 FJB (I can't find an American flag emoji here.........)
  15. No f**king way!! These people a bat shit crazy, out of their minds!! But the far left followers believe it............😵
  16. I have a box of various early Datsun truck switches & knobs (I got them from a truck guy, I am not a truck guy). Unfortunately, I do NOT know what your specific need is.......I do NOT know what switch or knob your 1968 uses. Can you post a pic of the needed switch, the PLUG on the switch & the knob? Or PM me.......... TJ Denver CO
  17. Wow, how long ago were you at our track day with your turbo Z (red??)?
  18. Well regardless of the "military lifestyle" of moving around, thank you for your service!! 😎
  19. When I had a Sport Compact shop 20++ years ago, I dealt with MANY younger people. My favorite misnomer was..........NOS is short for Nitrous Oxide Systems. In my day it was just called "nitrous!" Most of the younger generation pronounced it out as "noss" (like boss). I tried to tell some of them early on, but you know how the younger generation is........😜
  20. Well Mike, they are saying that the jab damages/reduces/attacks the natural immune system. There are some "detox" theories out there.........one of which is taking a natural apple pectin supplement.
  21. I was just quoting this clip to somebody!! F**kng hilarious!! 🤣 What this jab is doing to people today...........NOT so f**king hilarious 😡
  22. I ignore any & all gov't fed statistics. My roommate is an RN. She says the hospital(s) have been packed with CV cases. She was FORCED to get the jab, threatened with termination. She is adamant in stating that literally ALL of the current cases in the hospital(s) are of the VACCINATED. 😑
  23. ...........by minding your own damn business, that's how!!!!!!!!! 😡😝
  24. That is f**king hilarious!! So that headline implies that we NON-vaxxers are now the problem!! What is wrong with this world?? 😖😜😡
  25. Welcome new member! OK this has been a long term issue for me................whut the heck does "Oics" stand for?????!!!!! 😆 "Pics" means pictures. Somebody PLEASE help me here..........
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