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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. yenpit

    1973 620 find

    We use Remflex on all of our race 240Z's, never have issues! What I learned years ago, was if the flange surface to head surface is FLAT/SMOOTH, you can use a standard gasket. If the flange to head surface has a weld ridge around each port, you need to use a softer thicker "header gasket", made from a softer header gasket material, so that ridge presses in to the softer thicker material & seals. The Remflex is a soft thick gasket material & the best I have ever seen/used! Not cheap, but you shouldn't have any issues.
  2. A buddy was military, spent some time in I think Thailand, out with his sergeant & a couple others, bar hopping. Sergeant PURPOSEFULLY took them to a particular bar. They had a few drinks, one soldier was making out with a "girl" (my buddy claims he did NOT). Walking out, they were poking at their soldier buddy, the sergeant says "So, what did you guys think? Some cute girls in there, huh? Well, I have a surprise for you!" My buddy couldn't stop laughing, may have even soiled himself, he was laughing so hard!! Yup, lesson learned!! ðŸĪŠ 😂 😍
  3. Exactly how I feel! I don't care if you are gay & I really don't care if a man wants to dress as a woman or vice versa................but don't do exactly what you said! We have a male trans classic Alfa Romeo mechanic in the area. My boss worked in the same building years ago with Daryll. Daryll went trans many years ago after that, likely early on in this weird parallel world. I have dealt with Karen about once or twice a year for the 10 years I've been here in CO. "She" is NOT an attractive "woman", but I didn't care. He/she was always pleasant & helpful!
  4. Flying back to CO from FL on Sat, arrive at DIA, riding train (BIG airport!) to main terminal baggage claim, saw a tall "woman" with long dark straight hair (I too have longer hair), kinda tight jeans with some woke artsy crap on them, a light sweater & A MEDICAL MASK. First thought was "Huh, she's kinda attractive!". Then I noticed the sideburns, fake nails & man eyes!! Then I remembered...........welcome back to woke liberal Colorado, dumbass!! 😝 😂
  5. yenpit

    1973 620 find

    Wow success on the plates & WOW that 620 looks great!! 😎
  6. PLEASE use the correct gender terms!!!!!!!!!!!!! You racist white supremacist!!!!! ðŸĪĢ😜😂 To me, those are transgender MEN............but maybe I think of it backwards. Actually, now that I think of it, I don't really care...............why am I even typing this.........?? 😆
  7. As mentioned, you MUST use the original 510 oil pan & engine mount brackets on any L series 4cyl engine. The L20B block is about 3/4in taller, so people often slot the bracket holes to the block, to lower the engine, so it clears the hood. I have heard that some of the 510 aftermarket reproduction rubber mounts are thicker & can cause issues, but the brackets you have do look longer that the 510, so I bet those are the L18 620 brackets! I have original L16 brackets if you need!
  8. The brass valve "body" looks like the internals could be the same as the Datsun, with that plunger rod..........?? The trick would be to pull a USED one out of that Suzuki application (USA spec??) in a junkyard & see if the internals are the same! 😎
  9. I love his sarcastic final comment about a "slam dunk"!! 😎
  10. Ha! While I was watching the good doctor (😎), my screen shifted, I looked down to the bottom & your comment "What a psychopath!" showed up, but the https line did not..............so I thought you were talking about the good doctor, thought "What the heck is wrong with Matt? I thought he was on board with this stuff?" ðŸĪŠðŸ˜†
  11. I "test fit" the 510 T3 upper adjustable camber plates on a 610, would work fine! Wonder if you can use same 510 adjustable camber plates on a B210? Yes, I built one 510 with ZX struts, swapped over 510 lower spring perch & used the "split collar" method to support the perch (did not have easy access to a welder at that time!), worked just fine! Also, same car, just used the stock 510 coil spring & top hat!
  12. Send your original riveted shoes to a brake reliner.............typically much better quality than the crap being sold today. PS if you want a set of NOS 620 FRONT shoes, I have a set of VERA shoes from the 1980's on eBay, under my user name yenpit (same as here).
  13. Yes, the Z car struts have a different camber angle, which creates a heavy negative camber situation, as the OP mentioned. The 280ZX camber angle matches the 510, the 610 (maybe 710 Mike?) & from what I have heard, matches the B210. That said, yes, you can use the 280ZX struts on a B210, but I think you need to swap the spring perches OR go to coilover (just like the 510).
  14. I just see him on Facebook. A quick Google search turned up this............. "The West Coast Mikuni expert is Mike Malone of Mikuni Mike's, he's not on this forum, his email is payshnc@comcast.net."
  15. .........AND I think you have early 2nd generation Mikuni's! The earliest said SOLEX, the next said Mikuni SOLEX (like yours), the last said "Mikuni". I can't remember if there was a Mikuni with a really small Solex off to the side (again, yours are big SOLEX small Mikuni! Kinda like the Datsun to Nissan transition, over a few years! Mike Malone can clarify all history!
  16. PS Mike Malone can help you with ALL Mikuni needs...............
  17. Pretty sure most if not all dcoe intake manifolds have the same bolt pattern to the carbs, which is Weber (and maybe Dellorto?). The Mikuni carbs use a SMALLER bolt pattern to the manifold. If you look closely, you will see the difference..............those thick rubber isolators have "staggered" bolt patterns. Mike Malone in CA has NEW ones, but get ready to open your wallet!! If your rubber is good, buy (or make) new gaskets & run 'em!!
  18. Our last batch of Z hardware, we have a cabinet for hardware, but we tried a chemical dip at our media blaster. That was a 50% good thing. They got 90% of the hardware clean, leaving some paint & undercoating, but then they rinsed it all with something that FLASH OXIDIZED all of it, so we had to media blast all of it in our cabinet anyway................but our blasting process labor time WAS cut in half, cuz it was a lot cleaner than before! That said, we paid for the chemical dip, but our in house labor time WAS less. I don't know if the boss will do that again...............
  19. There are some parts that I have NEVER been able to re-plate shiny..........I think the 240Z heatshields, the L16 heat riser tube & some of the intake/carb heatshields (but not every one....?). I believe with those, it is what metal they originally used, or the "coating"........maybe galvanized..........??
  20. We use the less aggressive glassbead, could probably go with an even lesser aggressive..............but as long as the part is not pitted from oxidation, it comes out shiny! If you use more aggressive ie aluminum oxide, it WILL be dull. Try it!! 😎
  21. Just talking to my boss with a 7 yr old daughter. His wife was a semi pro volleyball player (yes, on a GIRLS team!), so they have Kendall in all sorts of sports & activities. VERY involved! She should turn out to be a great person, if they can keep it together! She is currently playing on a co-ed lacrosse team, mostly boys. She will be a tough one, in a good way & Mom & Dad will steer her away from all the woke & transgender crap! 😎ðŸĪĐ
  22. Agree. I have many friends with kids. Thankfully, most were raised properly...........like minded people often hang out, I suppose. Some families, unfortunately, wavered into this woke ideology lifestyle & their kids are pathetic. Watching all these young people that have no clue regarding life, is difficult. Charlie Kirk had a young guy on his show & this guy was some kind of woke activist. He basically claimed that everything in our history was racist, so it must all be erased. As you can imagine, Kirk wouldn't put up with any of his stupidity & put him in his place. He likely ran home to Mommy & Daddy for a hug & a good cry.............
  23. THIS kind of crap is why I am glad I never had kids..............ðŸ˜Ą
  24. Do you know that the 68-73 510 down-PIPING is the same for the 710? I agree if you are using the earlier exhaust manifold, you want the matching upper flange++ of the downpipe, but I bet the down-PIPING won't fit the 710 chassis......?? When you find a complete downpipe, you might just have the seller (sorry, I'm out of spares) cut it about 3-4 inches down from the flange, which will also save you mulla in shipping! Any good muffler/exhaust shop can bend the down-PIPING to suite your 710 chassis. If you know the 510 down-PIPING will fit, then never mind!! ðŸĪŠ Also, from what I have gathered, all of the 510 OEM downpipes were LONG, having the Y pipe (dual pipes) stretch almost down to the bend under the chassis. I have seen a few really SHORT Y pipes, figured they were aftermarket replacements from back in the day, which might work well for you.......?? The LONGER the Y pipe, the better for performance, but I would think it would be marginal........?? Hope that helps!
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