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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. I now see that in the text, but the ad itself says UK.................
  2. OP you are in the UK? So you will have RHD specific parts (although many are same as LHD)? That is great for those here in the States with JDM RHD cars, cuz RHD parts are very hard to find here! To me, anything dash related, windshield wiper, steering etc.........anything RHD specific! There have been a couple of 510/1600 people in the UK on here, so maybe somebody will see this!!............... You might add "in the UK" etc to your title, to draw other UK or mainland Europe people in!!?? 😎
  3. Use penetrating oil to soak, as Nikkil suggested. Then heat around the inner area of the ROTOR with map gas (yellow bottle, hotter than blue bottle propane). Be careful to NOT breathe the fumes of the burning penetrating oil, as they are caustic! Try NOT to focus flame on the hub...........you want to heat the rotor to expand it ever so slightly. I prefer to PRESS the hub out, as beating it with a hammer CAN damage the lip of the hub. As datzenmike suggested, use a BRASS hammer! I have seen MANY 510 hubs beat to snot on that lip, a few damaged so badly it was scrap metal to me!
  4. I lived in SW Michigan for 22 years. My brother had moved out here to Colorado, a number of years before that. That said, I visited him every year, sometimes twice. I think it was the second or third year I traveled, I flew in to Denver. SW Michigan (and the midwest as a whole) DID/DOES have some beautiful women, but when I was walking thru the airport after landing in Denver, I noticed the same thing you did! Beautiful FIT women everywhere! I got a neck ache looking over my shoulders, back at these women. I was happy! For years, I always looked forward to visiting, partly for that reason! 10+ years ago, life had changed in Michigan, I decided to move here. At first, it was similar, noticing all the beaautiful women. My bro lived up in the foothills & led a healthy life. But as I settled into living here, among the "native Coloradians", I started to notice that it was just like Michigan..............regular women. The obesity epidemic has now taken over the suburban & city people (like everywhere else in this country), but I get 30min up into the foothills/mountains & the attractive FIT women are still up there, hiking, skiing, eating healthy etc. I love Colorado, but it is EXTREMELY expensive living............
  5. See, I don't even know WHO visited me....................bananahamuck, or whomever he is!!?? πŸ˜πŸ˜‚
  6. We were also TOLD that crap here in the States. There were many times that I wondered what the future would look like for me, as UN vax'd. But I obviously did not truly care if my future would have been risked, as I never did it. I had a coworker/friend who looked at me & said "I can't believe you are willing to endanger your friends & family!" The day J&J vax was (illegally) "approved", he got in my face & asked again "So now that J&J has been approved, are you gonna get the vaccination?" The look on his face was priceless, when I took a single step back, smiled & said "Nope!". A look of pure & utter shock, that I would not cave to the demands of others!! Now I am watching people, especially atheletes, fall over dead. Nope, no regrets whatsoever, none. πŸ™‚
  7. I think you saw bottomwatcher's thread about visiting Denver..........?? He did drop by my shop space last Saturday, hung out talked Datsun's, gave tour of old work Ignite Performance! Figures he has an alias!!!! 🀣 πŸ™„ πŸ˜† 😎
  8. Cool! We have paddocked next to Troy I think twice over the years.....once at Road America, once at COTA. I like Troy, good guy...........some don't! We've traded quite a few parts. I always liked Dave, but one of his big bore race engines failed on us, cracked a bore TWICE, he blamed us first time, but honored his work, HOWEVER he only sleeved the ONE CYL (should have used another block), then another bore failed second run. And I mean failed right away! Our customer said he was done with Rebello & my boss followed his lead, never to use Rebello again. We all felt like Dave did not treat us fairly. He told us AND charged us for sonic testing, but after the second failure, we sent THAT BLOCK out to see for ourselves.............that block FAILED the sonic test for a big bore, core shift was NOT favorable. I had to walk away too. Again, sad, cuz I was the guy that talked with suppliers like Dave & I really did like him. Oh well...............
  9. I'm gonna go out on a limb here, that Troy is at least right leaning, but we have never talked about it. He is very close to Dave Rebello, who is a conservative Christian....................unless they simply do NOT discuss politics & the mess this world is in.........??!! 😏 πŸ™
  10. So, I think the last owner of my 1973 510 was a conservative...................anybody else? 😏
  11. To me, it is ONE thread among many other threads directly Datsun related. If somebody doesn't like it, don't get on the thread. I see this forum as a like minded Datsun community & this thread is a place for some of us to come & see/hear both sides of what is going on in the world. Example........I can't talk to my brothers, cuz they are dems. I couldn't talk to one of our mechanics at my last job, cuz he was a libtard & set on liberal ideologies, period. Plus the boss (independent) kindly asked all of us to NOT talk politics, as it simply divides people these days! Luckily for me, the others AND most of our customers were middle of the road or right leaning. I don't generally talk politics socially in groups of friends, cuz it often leads to division. I lost two great car buddies since 2016, cuz they could NOT deal with leaving politics out of our shared car interests. They were antagonists. This is a good clean place to come & talk with others, usually in a civil way. Are there antagonists on this thread? Yup. But they don't last long, cuz they are antagonists! Just my 2c..................
  12. Ahhhhh, the irony............... https://rumble.com/v33zmbp-its-okay-when-we-do-it-10-minutes-of-democrats-denying-election-results.html
  13. I took a cheap 12mm open end wrench & bent it 90deg, tight enough to clear the valve cover, but still long enough to get a flat turn at a time. Patience grasshopper!
  14. yenpit

    Cabin Filter

    The British MGB had a small chrome plated windshield cowl fresh air intake vent (no really, google it!) Moss Motors came up with a screen to mount UNDER the cowl vent, which "hindered" dirt leaves pine needles etc from entering the air intake space.................like Stoffregen suggested with his Jeep. Build a screen UNDER your cowwl vent panel, should help!
  15. Also seatbeltplanet not only offers NEW universal fit 3pt belts, but they also offer various universal anchor mounting points..............but I would expect that most are weld in...........??
  16. They drive it all over the country! I met him shortly after moving here 10+ years ago, had the car then............
  17. That is cool! A local buddy has a RATTY cactus green CA18DET car that is rusty, minimalistic interior, full Autopower roll cage that we welded in, drives it EVERYWHERE! Another local buddy is RATTY multi-colored, rusty, L series (he just stuffed in an L16 I sold to him last weekend, was clean but of unknown condition, runs GREAT!!) He & wife have traveled coast to coast, over 100k miles! 😎 There's something about having a classic car that does NOT have a nice paint job............😁
  18. Well now, THAT should clear out some more residents of CA!! 🀣 What a FU state gov't. 😜 Plain & simply done out of SPITE!! MO NB & WY will easily find other people to fill those needs. And there is talk that Newsom might run in 2024?? What a f**king joke!!! πŸ™„πŸ˜‚
  19. OMG I remember now! As you had said, Cortina parts are much harder to market! I sold some stuff, then gave the rest away to another Cortina guy. I needed my space back for more Datsun parts!!
  20. Huh?? You sure it was me? Have you & I met? I did grow up in Silver Spring MD, then 22 years in Michigan, now 10+ here in Denver.........
  21. Yes, absolutely! It is 20min from Arvada & Lakewood. I've seen lots of exotic car dealerships take cars up there during the day for photo's, cuz the backdrop is incredible views!
  22. DRINK WATER, DRINK WATER, DRINK WATER until you pee clear!!! 😝 The human body depletes hydration at altitude, for whatever medical reason, so people get dehydrated & get headaches easily. It is actually common & called altitude sickness. I know, beer is better, but the alcohol also depletes the body of hydration! After 10+ years here from the flatlands of the midwest, I STILL need to keep hydrated!! I usually know by how bad I feel, that I am dehydrated. Guzzle lots of water & I usually feel better within an hour.
  23. PS knowing how the Japanese engineers operated, I bet any A10 510 fenders will work between the 2dr 4dr & Wagon (I think they made a Wagon??). The only hurdle might be the early dual ROUND headlight vs the later quad RECTANGULAR headlights might have changed the shape of the front of the fender where it meets the radiator core support/grille............??
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