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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. Dorman single filament #84808 Dorman double filament #84809
  2. The 320 would not have come with mirrors out of Japan, but the USA dealerships would add them, as most Americans were used to having them by the 1960's. The USA eventually Federally mandated mirrors around 1967. As Stoffregen has pointed out, there are a handful of nice clean small mirrors in the British parts industry. Moss Motors is likely your best bet, as they likely have all they offer on a page on their website. Otherwise, you will likely be looking for a late 50's-early 60's British car application ie MG's etc!
  3. If it turns out to be an L series, I have a number of stock Hitachi carburetors & NOS Hitachi carb rebuild kits.................
  4. I suppose the thing to do is to research European 510/1600 rear seatbelt situations?? I don't think the JDM had rear retractable, but I could be wrong. Craig Ford of Tokyo-2u in Japan might be a good contact..........he is all over the forums etc. It was many years ago, when I heard/read that some European countries had stricter seatbelt regulations, thus had rear shoulder belts & iirc they were retractable units.............??
  5. One of my favorite movies & Matt D seems like a good human being 😎
  6. F**k Newsom & his moronic policies! His liberal crap is slowly spreading here to liberal Colorado................... 😡
  7. FUCK YOU you stupid lying piece of hot steamy dog shit.......................😂
  8. The pedal BOX will be made for the chassis, so the box will very likely NOT fit. The PEDALS might be a good START, if the pivot bolts are the same diameter. I have looked at numerous PEDALS out of Datsuns. The basic design is the same, however i think there are two different pivot bolt sizes. If you can fabricate & weld, buy something that is close & modify to suit. If you are not experienced in fab work, just keep looking for the HL510 pedals................they ARE out there, but hard to find! Another example.........there are THREE different Z car pedal sets between 1970-1978, none of which would interchange amongst the other Z cars, without some fab work. @datzenmike, I would assume he has an automatic & looking to swap to manual. We are gonna see more & more of this, as the manual cars are gaining in value, so people are buying automatic cars, in the hopes of swapping. I have done 2 68-73 510 swaps & we did a number of 240Z swaps at Ignite. The best part is the true simplicity of our Datsun's & how easy it is (with experience) to do the swaps.
  9. Because this current "administration" is WEAK & USELESS! I know many don't like Trump, but we had PEACE & RESPECT................simple as that!!! 😡😆 Is this a commie forum?? There is no American flag in the emoji list!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Datzenmike, whuddup wit dat?????????????? 🤨
  10. Nice! Those rubber tubes are impossible to find soft enough to be able to remove!!
  11. That's pretty dang cool mod! I think the biggest issues are lack of knowledge on HOW to accomplish that, of course lack of welding skills, but also the cost to pay somebody else to do work like that! We even had customers decline spending the money to boil out, clean, & line the inside of tanks!! Almost always lead to further fueling issues..............😆
  12. I sell lots of 510 parts, here on the forums, on FB pages & on eBay. I get asked OFTEN for Wagon tanks, but I struggle to ever get my hands on one. As you guys are aware, it is ALL about the end COST to a buyer & having a proper tank made, will be costly, no matter if poly or metal. I have been in the British parts industry on & off for 39++ years & have watched intently as the reproduction market grew. There are MANY more MG's Triumph's, Jaguar's etc out there, compared to the 510...........MANY more! That said, actually reproducing British parts can be lucrative! It is completely about the cost to make vs how many would sell & how long it would take to sell them. Somebody would have to make that monetary investment.............it would be risky. TJ
  13. Yup, I know..........thought it was funny, as usual! 🤣😏😂 I always get a kick out of their stuff!! 😎
  14. No really..................it's right here.............. https://babylonbee.com/news/dems-accidentally-reveal-their-plan-to-destroy-the-constitution-ahead-of-schedule
  15. I have not been able to put my finger on it, but the libtards are obviously NOT interested in any other candidates. Why? How could they POSSIBLY think that Brandon will take them anywhere? His running mate? Who? Gavin POS Newsome? What if they don't care WHO wins in 2024 at all? What if they have an agenda, where no matter who wins the presidency, they are gonna pull the trigger on something beyond our belief? Inciting a civil war? Well, they successfully manipulated J6.............why not a bigger agenda? This is getting kinda scary..................
  16. I looked over a later HL510 front suspension & decided that the earlier 68-73 510 adjustable upper camber plates would work (ie T3 etc), the 79-83 280ZX strut assemblies & brakes would work & the RCA spacers would work if you lower it more than 1in. It was a local guy, but he never did anything with it. I have never done it, but again, I looked it over pretty good!
  17. Well, I don't have enough money to buy masks, so F**K THEM 🙄😝😡
  18. Sorry, pulled from Mike Huckabee's email newsletter, no link to this individual article, so cut & pasted!! Enjoy!! Georgia DA Fani Willis caught up in election scandal of her own Anyone who doubts the political motivations behind Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis’ lawfare against President Trump should set those doubts aside, thanks to an investigation started by Peter Bernegger at Election Watch, out of Wisconsin, and Chris Gleason in Florida. Many months ago, we reported on an investigation centered around a Democrat get-out-the-vote organization called ActBlue, the largest fundraising Political Action Committee (PAC) in America. “The investigation,” writes Chris Gleason, “which spans across multiple states and multiple jurisdictions, has revealed a complex network of illicit operations aimed at undermining the very foundation of our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.” They say they’ve uncovered what may be the “largest illegal political campaign money laundering scheme in the history of America.” Now, there’s your RICO. This investigative team has documented what appears to be hundreds of millions of dollars being illegally laundered via ActBlue and other left-wing PACs, simply by way of publicly available records on the fec.gov website (Federal Election Commission) and other state government campaign finance reporting websites. ActBlue also has two nonprofits, a 501(c) 3 called ActBlue Charities and a 501(c) 4 called ActBlue Civics, and they reportedly can pass money through these without disclosing who benefits and by how much. It’s a textbook “dark money” setup. Money passes through ActBlue PAC to the recipient and ActBlue collects a fee as payment. The identity of the ultimate recipient remains obscured. What tipped off these investigators to something suspicious was that over half the donations came from “not employed” or “retired” people --- people who generally can’t afford to give a lot of money. The investigation by Take Back Action Fund found that nearly half of all donations to ActBlue were made by people who were of modest means and unemployed. That was $346 million supposedly from the pockets of unemployed people. The “donations” were in small amounts, but they had been made over and over, many times, in a pattern no real donor would follow. When the investigators started knocking on doors and getting in touch personally with some of these people, most weren’t even aware that they had given to ActBlue. Hint: it’s because they HADN’T. Someone else had used their identity. It so happens that ActBlue doesn’t verify up to 55 percent of their credit card transactions. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/04/exposed-rico-election-crimes-in-washington-state/ The investigation turned up a large number of unemployed “campaign finance mules” in Washington State, of all places, who “gave” lots of money to a U.S. Senate candidate in Georgia, Raphael Warnock. Perhaps it’s because of all that money that he’s in the Senate now. Remarkably, out of the top Warnock “volume” donors, only one was actually from Georgia. The story at the link tells about Election Watch teaming up with James O’Keefe of O’Keefe Media Group to go door-to-door, documentary-style, interviewing these donors who turn out to be victims of a money laundering operation. O’Keefe has helped enlist thousands of concerned citizen data analysts, journalists and other investigators from around the country. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/12/shocking-huge-exclusive-georgias-raphael-warnock-received-24-million-money-mules-unemployed-gave-small-amounts-358000-donations/ Here’s an example of the video they’ve compiled since we did our first report. When people are asked about the donations they’re listed as having made, they have no idea what the interviewer is talking about. Records show one of them had given a total of $60,000; she is mystified when she hears about this. https://twitter.com/OKeefeMedia/status/1644151652230783076 The team found massive-scale money laundering of this type going on not just in Washington State, but in EVERY state, breaking both federal and state campaign laws. So, where does Fani Willis fit in? As Gleason reports, “Sources close to the matter suggest that Willis was a massive beneficiary in the Federal and Georgia RICO enterprises. It appears that she is currently playing a key role in orchestrating a systematic scheme to manipulate election outcomes, casting doubt on the integrity of the entire election process.” The GEORGIA RECORD posted Gleason’s report on the link between Willis and “a sprawling web of election fraud and money laundering activities.” Her campaign donation information was obtained directly from the State of Georgia campaign finance database. It showed 222 donors listed by name only, with no donor information at all. Of those with donor information, many were from out of state, and these contributors fit the profile of the elderly, unemployed ActBlue “donors.” These generally were people who had little discretionary income and didn’t even contribute to campaigns in their own areas. One of the out-of-state contributors to Fani Willis’ campaign was listed as having made over 9,178 individual contributions since 2018. When investigators started doing some in-person checking, they spoke to people who had never donated to Willis. The did speak to someone who had given one time only, but her name was also used, with different addresses, for donations from Florida, Wisconsin, Illinois and New York. This person was also listed as registered to vote --- and having voted --- in multiple states. “Fani Willis,” Gleason says, “once seen as a rising star in the Georgia political arena, is now grappling with a full-blown scandal that threatens to irreparably tarnish her reputation and upend her career. The implications of these revelations are far-reaching, serving as a stark reminder of the fragility of trust in public officials and the lengths some might go for power and wealth.” But here is the problem that helps explain why so many leftist, Soros-approved candidates for district attorney, judge, etc., are winning local elections: “What is being seen at an alarming rate is that the nationwide money laundering RICO enterprise is making more and more contributions to PACs and these PACS are financing local candidates...Many of these PACs have strong ties to the numerous Soros-connected organizations that are active participants in the nationwide election fraud, money laundering, terrorist network financing the massive ongoing RICO enterprise.” (NOTE: This is also why it’s so important to vote in local elections, especially off-year! City council, county sheriff, county judge, DA, school board --- this is where the battle primarily is fought. I digress.) It should come as no surprise that these organizations share significant connections to big Democrat law firm Perkins Coie, of Hillary Clinton and fake-“dossier” fame. Perkins Coie would have to be one of the largest beneficiaries of all that laundered money. As Gleason explains, “The firm received vast sums of illicit money via legal fees paid by the PACs and committees who helped launder the campaign finance contributions made in the name of over a million individuals whose identities have been stolen and used to structure financial transactions and circumvent federal campaign finance limits.” Gleason also raises questions about the financial institutions utilized by ActBlue and other PACS and nonprofits, citing JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Amalgamated Bank. Would their fraud detection units not have found a suspicious pattern? Were reports filed? Who failed to act? It also seems that the Federal Election Commission has been looking the other way. Gleason’s communications to them about the interstate “money mules” have been ignored. In this piece, he asks anyone who knows about such criminal activities taking place in their state to notify their member of Congress and also state officials. We’d think the House Judiciary Committee would be a good idea, too. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/exclusive-fec-commissioner-trainor-sent-three-emails-regarding-millions-dem-election-crimes-still-no-response/ For when you have time, the GEORGIA RECORD goes into detail about this story and also RICO and election law. How fitting that after abusing RICO law to try to bring down political enemies, she might be revealed as the beneficiary of an actual RICO scheme. https://www.georgiarecord.com/election-integrity/2023/08/31/explosive-revelation-fani-willis-linked-to-massive-election-fraud-and-money-laundering-rico-enterprise/ RELATED READING: Jonathan Turley looks at DA Willis’ attempt to try 19 people together (Trump + 18) to “give them a more sinister, conspiratorial patina.” https://jonathanturley.org/2023/08/30/fani-willis-fights-for-a-mass-trial-as-the-georgia-defendants-scatter/#more-209149
  19. THIS is what this disgusting country (world?) has come to................FILTH for children!! Keep your ADULT toys to yourselves (nuthin' wrong with that!) 😡
  20. That is what is happening in more & more states, as the libtard DA's take over. We are f**ked if this kind of switching of fault continues in that direction............😡
  21. The problem today is that the libtard DA's do not see things the way they should be seen, the way things USED to be. The judicial system in the USA is a train wreck, with all these libtard DA's prosecuting those good people thinking they are defending their rights. If somebody threatens your life right outside YOUR PROPERTY, shoot them & drag them INSIDE your property...........just be careful to NOT leave a blood trail!! I'm the kind of guy to try to dissipate a heated situation, whether it directly involves me or not. These days, that is now very risky, no matter how bad the perp is. Colorado is a libtard state & I am now fearful of trying to help other people. That sucks................😒
  22. A high school buddy drove a red/red oxide primer 1971 1200 with the 12in slotted mags, was heavily mod'd with Clifford Research parts, big LOUD exhaust! He & his brothers drove Datsun's, which is where I got my interest in them, although it took me until around 1993 to get my first 510! 😎
  23. I will have NOS front control arm bushings AND I will have good clean USED control arms, if the hole in your arms are wallowed out (thus a "loose" bushing.....?). If your NEW bushings are reproductions, I would blame them for fitting "loose" in the control arm. I likely also have good clean USED control arms with good original bushings, as many of my USED parts were pulled off cars in the 1980's, thus not high mileage! PM if interested! TJ
  24. In your searching, you might also try using "steering column shroud" or "clam shell". These are two other terms used in the auto parts industry!
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