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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. Here is my take...........you know I respect you! You have NOT sorted thru everything. If you had actually sorted thru everything, then you would not have this level of TDS. We know that you are an intelligent person, but WE also see that you have been conditioned to see Trump as a horrible person. Did he do things when he was younger, that had bad affects on others? Yes. Did I ever do things that had a bad affect on others? Yup, I sure did, when I was younger & dumber. But I like to think that I am a much better person, as I have gotten older, as I have learned. I see Trump the same/similar way. I see you & John, the same/similar way (Paradime, I'm not sure of yet!! 🤣). Were YOU a perfect angel, when you were younger? Not likely, NO OFFENSE MEANT! How could so many millions of people (yes, Trump supporters) have a very different opinion, than what main stream media has painted of Trump? Are WE 100% wrong? I don't think any of us have accused you of being 100% wrong? We too, have seen & heard how ridiculously obnoxious, rude, childish etc that Trump can be.....................but we do NOT pay attention to how main stream media has created this "monster orange man bad!", because our opinion is that msm is wrong.............and I mean wrong ON PURPOSE, to smear him, to try to get rid of him! The left has done this to MANY MANY other GOP members & conservative supporters. It is how the left works................😡😤💩
  2. Agree 100%. I TRY desperately to talk to liberal friends & family, but I RARELY get thru to them.................and I try to be a good diplomatic person in conversations! It is like talking to a brick wall! They are blind to most of this mess....................😒
  3. I agree. And if the left win based on illegal voters, there is going to be anarchy here in the States. THAT will be very messy. If the GOP wins, I have a very bad sinking feeling, that the left will have something evil up their sleeve & start ANOTHER insurrection......................that's right Mike & all other liberals or TDS suffering people (I'm trying not to call names), THE LEFT will once again, start an insurrection. Unless the left is STOPPED before or immediately after the election, no matter the outcome, I think we are in for a very rough ride in 2025....................🙄😵😕
  4. Oh Mike, it's ok.........TDS is a dangerous syndrome. Get help. Love ya brudda, but............well, you got it & you got it BAD!!
  5. Ummmm, duh. This guy has no clue about Federally mandated components, that make any vehicle sold in the USA, 10x more expensive, cuz of engineering demands. I took one look at the pics of the truck & KNEW, it was not a USA spec vehicle! I watched about 20sec of it, laughed (at him out loud) & stopped the video. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 🤣😆😂
  6. hahahahahaha I thought about this too, the other day!! Mike simply has TDS................either way!!!!!!!!!! 😵😂
  7. This outta be a fun to post.......................just a link to a Fox News program.................. https://fb.watch/qihGe3a0U_/
  8. So they said. If you believe that Trump actually threatened with violence, then once again, my naive friend, you are being bamboozled by YOUR news outlets............whatever they are!! One l'il off color comment from big mouth, obnoxious Trump & they had their opportunity to create a gag order. Again, our judicial system being leftie liberal run, they did whatever they wanted.....................
  9. Even a President is limited in what he can actually do. It sure as hell ain't an overnight thing. Do you actually think he could do whatever he wanted? He was bamboozled with every turn he made, by the left. Just like our twisted judicial system, he could only do what he could get away with, only what he could get past them.........................and he DID, but the left are cunning. This next term, he will hopefully "clear the desktop", just like POS Brandon did, with most of Trump's policies!! Trump 2024!!!!! 😎🙏 (once again, I ask WHY is there not an American flag emoji, here in the message system??)
  10. Remember John...............Mike is in another country 🤣🙄😂
  11. BTW, what do you think about NY attempting to shut his business down & banning him? Where do his constitutional rights come into play? Do you think that he is being treated fairly? Yup, gonna be a VERY interesting 2024!!
  12. Oh, my naive friend! The judicial system has been twisted in every which way, the leftie liberals could think of. He had gag orders imposed, they blocked evidence etc etc etc. Conspiracy theories? Sure, maybe, but I have studied lots, read lots, heard lots. He has been railroaded & he will continue to be railroaded. I can not wait for him to be re-elected, so he can "drain the DC swamp" AND the judicial swamp!! It's gonna be GLORIOUS...............or this country is doomed to socialism 😡😤
  13. Ugh. Do you actually read any of the conservative (yes Trump supporters) reports on these cases?? Any of the "other perspective"? That info IS out there.........you just need to know where to see it, where to hear it, where to read it. So what if he did mess around with Stormy Daniels? I don't give a rats ass, as long as he Makes America Great Again, just like he tried to do 2016-2020! Do I agree with soliciting with prostitutes? No, but people do, what people do. That E Carol hussy, was a witch hunt, with rumors of financial backing by Soros...............that old scum bag (better yet, HE is the douchebag) will do anything/ spend whatever it takes, to smear Trump. Sad part, is it HAS been successful, to a point..............and i do not think it is over yet! Trump IS getting railroaded, by the left States, the left prosecutors getting away with breaking/twisting the laws! Are you aware that most if not all of the indictments, are in deep liberal States? Reason? MUCH more likely, to get further thru the courts, than might happen in a conservative State. They know that even if Trump wins a case, people with TDS (you Mike?), will only remember the indictments, NOT that he won a case. That is called smearing his character & it has worked in many cases. Remember the two tiered judicial system we have mentioned, that we are currently living with, here in the States these days.........it is real, in my view.
  14. Where have you been all our lives!!?? You seem to be fitting in just fine, especially with conservative views, thankfully not much leftist views, if any! I agree, with the "overload" potential, with all of this mess. I have had quite a few conservative friend followers, posting on FB & reading all of my FB stuff, but then simply POOF!!, disappear. I think it does overload some people. That is just fine............just don't flip left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆🤣😜 Good to have you here!! 😎
  15. If Fani (pronounced Fawni) broke the law, yer damn right Trump should exploit it & I agree 100%!! I thought she was unfit as a prosecutor, from day 1, the way she spoke of her seething HATE (TDS to the max!) for Trump...........then THIS trash turns up!!?? Get that idiot off of the case...............which is a FARSE of a case to begin with, a leftist witch hunt!! 😡😝😤💩 How can you NOT see the left bias, with all of this crap being thrown at Trump??
  16. I am just now putting two n two together! My Dad worked for the Nat'l Archives, for some 35++ years. After he retired around 91-92, the then acting Nat'l Archivist (Dad helped place her) called & asked "Dick, you know Russian, don't you?". "Well, I studied Russian in the Army in the 1950's, acted as a radio listener, I understand some Russian, but I am in no way fluent!". Well, with his archival/records experience, that was enough for Trudy! "How would you like to go to Russia (this was right after the Soviet Union dissolved) with the Army, as a citizen, to search for American POW/MIA records?". Dad agreed, went over for 3 mo's around 1993. He said the people of Russia were wonderful, it was the experience of a lifetime, but he would NEVER go there again, cuz of how difficult it was & how "stern" the Russians involved in the program were, including KGB members! All of the meetings involved Dad, lawyers, Russian archivists & KGB members! My point is, Dad loved the adventure, but the way the people lived, broke his heart. He directly experienced the life in what was a communist country. A side note about the adventure..............a week or so in, Dad hopped in a taxi. While dropping off, the guy asked (I assume in Russian!) "Can I come pick you up?". Dad agreed, set a time.........that went on for the remainder of the 3 mo's..........same taxi driver! At the end, Dad gave him one BIG tip, which was more than he made just driving Dad around. He was so grateful. They kept in touch, after Dad returned to the States..................😊
  17. Were you responding to IZRL, right below his post? If so, as some of us have pointed out before (yes, likely under the Covid thread), there is quite a bit MORE info out there, on Covid & why it was, how it theoretically happened.............that info was buried by Fauci & the left & RARELY reported on in main stream media. Again, the most popular group/website that did & does report on this info, is americasfrontlinedoctors, that wonderful older English doctor's video series & the Christian stations ie Daystar, TBN etc. I agree with IZRL...........young people very likely never needed the jab, young children SURELY do not need it, PERIOD! I'm confident that I survived it, cuz of my natural immunity & the fact that I studied the news from day 1. I am NO EXPERT, by a long shot, but I do pride myself on what I learned & why I did not get the jab & never will. Again, I also do not try to judge others on getting the jab, but when I hear of vax injuries, that I feel are directly related to the jab, I just shake my head in disbelief, for the blindness, the denial.................these things DO exist & that the jab was a man made drug concoction that DID kill many people. THIS is freakin' hilarious!!! Wiki calls the group "far right wing", which is ridiculous!! I look at Wiki for lots of stuff, but I also have heard that THEY are left leaning..........that comment proves my point to the T!! 😂 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America's_Frontline_Doctors
  18. Well, I smell MY own farts & like it.......I think one woke me up the other night! But I do NOT drive an EV or a Hybrid & likely never will.................... 🤣
  19. FYI old thread, but Ignite is finishing up a 280Z with an LS1 swap & T56 trans. We bought the CX Racing install kit.............it was cheap & a good starting point, but both the engine brackets & the trans brackets needed massaging. Also bought their stainless headers & single exhaust. Headers were decent, exhaust needed some tweaking. Next one, will likely spend the mulla on Apex................
  20. Are you looking for a high back seat with a built in headrest, or a seat with a moveable headrest? The Z car high backs fit well, but are hard to find drivers side in good clean condition. If with a moveable headrest, I often use Honda Civic, Prelude or Acura Integra.............but same situation............hard to find good clean drivers side. I looked at my 2000 Subbie Impreza seats to fit, but never tried it.
  21. This is hilarious, as I don't see much of this libtard crap!!! 😂😜😆
  22. Thank you for this! 😎 Well said & on point for me! Did you watch Tucker C's interview? I thought it was spectacular, am gonna watch it again, this week! Do I trust Putin? Not really, but I thought he was sincere in the interview. I sure as hell trust him more than the Obama regime................Clinton's, Obama's, Biden's................all trash, all swamp rats. MANY more, both Dems & Reps. That is why they HATE Trump, cuz he ain't one of "them"!! I hope Trump wins & I hope he castrates all of them. His own "witch hunt"? Perhaps, but THEY deserve what might come!! Now I'm gonna read all the rest of the comments, after your post! This outta be entertaining...............😆🤣😏
  23. ..........well, because we are racist white supremacist commies, duh!! Where have you been..............🙄🤣 As mentioned above, we have ALL been taught/conditioned to HATE everything Russia. I get that. But I also have an open mind, regarding nut cases like Putin. "Handled" properly, like Trump did, a person like this CAN be "subdued", CAN be calmed, CAN be reasonable. Is that a ticking time bomb? Well, sure, maybe. But we are at least free thinkers for now. Libtards win 2024..........we are f**ked. All I am saying, is that I WILL watch the Tucker interview & I WILL come away with my own opinion...................period. Whatever I decide, does NOT make me a Commie & does NOT make me a horrible person. We all know that you HATE Putin...............I'm fine with that. But I am gonna watch & listen...................😉
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