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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. Early 2dr or 4dr RAV4?? I know a guy that collects the early 2dr's!! 😎
  2. My response to this guy is "So who are you gonna vote for dood?? Dear God, I sure hope you are not stupid enough to vote for Brandon!!" Ugh 😆
  3. Does anybody else want to see her naked? Mike, can you create that for us?
  4. I'm actually not active on Truth (Trump) Social! 😏😉
  5. Did YOU hear him slander that bat shit crazee woman again, in that video? I did not. I did hear him refer to her, I did hear him refer to the ridiculous situation, I did hear him call the judge crooked etc, but I did not gather any slander towards her. What are your thoughts?
  6. What is so interesting, is that I have NEVER read about MAGA death threats...............but then again, I do not watch ANY main stream media, which is likely where that potential BS is reported. It is not to say that no far right wing nut cases might have done it, but I am NOT far right wing. I hardly read or see much far right wing propaganda, as I do not "look for it". I had a far left libtard friend claim the same thing (MAGA death threats), asked for some proof, no response. I do not mind the label of MAGA..............it only means Make America Great Again to me, which I & any great American desperately wants! How is THAT so bad? Because it is linked to the man you hate so much........linked to Trump? Phooey!!
  7. Mike, Trump is NOT tied in deeply with Putin, as the left has tried to convey. As far as I have gathered, Trump & Putin were acquainted with each other before Trump became President. That said, they had a good relationship during Trump's presidency & I think it continued after. Are you insinuating that Trump & Putin are closely tied? That Putin DID have a hand in Trump's election? Ugh.
  8. Damn you datzenmike!!!!!!!!!!! 😝 I think my shop neighbors just heard me.................😂 Come on start a fire In my electric chair Baby cross my wires Light up my hair Overload my circuits Let me feel the juice Make me an offer That i can't refuse Blow my fuse (Hey hey)you got nothing to lose Blow my fuse I need a good shock I can't give it to you On electric cruise Blow my fuse You light my light i'll light you Baby shake my tower Get it while it's hot Baby feel my power Fifty thousand watts Come on feel the voltage Light thick and through From the whites of my eyeballs To the souls of my shoes Blow my fuse (Hey hey)you got nothing to lose Blow my fuse I need a good shock I can't give it to you On electric cruise Blow my fuse Hot wired Get fired Ooo baby watch it glow Give me action Satisfaction Babe i'm ready for an overload Plug me in like electric light It's a rock and roll show tonight Blow my fuse (Hey hey)you got nothing to lose Blow my fuse I need a good shock I can't give it to you Blow my fuse (Hey hey)you got nothing to lose Blow my fuse I need a hot spark I can't give it to you Blow my fuse Got nothing to lose Blow my fuse Can't give it to you Blow my fuse Got nothing to lose Blow my fuse Can't give it to you Blow my fuse
  9. Now I remember that style!!! I think Kix was one of the most successful!!! I bet I saw Kix 10++ times.............even once here in Denver, maybe 6-7 years ago. I really could hit these notes back then!!
  10. Oh hell YES!! Man, I was a metalhead throughout the 80's, most concerts I went to were metal! I could wail out Poison & hit those high metal vocals!! You guys wanna hear me?? I could record something & post..........OUCH!!, there goes my back, just thinking abut it!!!!!! 😂
  11. GOOD for that guy Kyle!! 😎 We need more like him. Otherwise, this country is gonna TANK, if the libtards maintain the WH. Am I referring to a civil war? Maybe.......it's been "mentioned" by some liberal thinkers here. I recently had another liberal Datsun acquaintance refer to me as a MAGA cult member, referred MAGA to Nazi's, thus I confronted him with calling ME a Nazi! Of course, big libtard words, he backed off & kinda apologized. Did I take it personally? Nah, but I HAD to poke back! Main stream media has done wonders, painting their own disgusting picture, of anybody that does NOT agree with their leftist socialist agenda! They are all just sheeple, followers!!!!!!!!!! Does that include some here? Yup, it sure might!!!!!!!!! 🙄
  12. It's interesting to me, that from what I have seen, many "members" of Antifa, are stupid people, younger than me (and likely most of us) & although they wreak havoc & destroy things, when confronted by REAL American's, they back off & run away. Although seriously destructive, I do not think they are all that tough. No wonder they try to hide behind the face coverings & wear black 🤣🤖. Reminds me of today's PRO Palestine protestors.............young, deeply misguided younger people! 💩 Heck, I might even stand up against Antifa, if confronted!!!!!!! No, I am not a "fighter", which is my point...............
  13. Babylon Bee videos are extremely well done!!!!!!!!! 🤣😆
  14. Here in Commie Colorado too. I'm old school, love talking to people, so the kiosk thing took some time to get used to, but I do it. It is mind numbing how many other people, mostly older people, get upset about "being told to use the kiosk". I have seen people turn right around & leave. Luckily, the McD's I go to (once every 2-3 weeks), has a couple of very cute, very friendly young ladies, that really go out of their way to help people on the kiosk. Good management decision.
  15. Crooked Hillary is PROTECTED by the left DOJ FBI etc.............that includes puppetmaster Obama-shit-for-brains!! Without a GOP majority in these places, your are likely correct.............it will never happen. I'll say it again & AGAIN................ugh.
  16. Ugh 😒🙄. His hands were tied as the MINORITY............the left was the MAJORITY! He could NOT do what he wanted! OK, so if Trump wins (I said "if" for you guys), do you expect that he SHOULD be able to "clear his desk" of all libtard bills, laws, rules AND drain the swamp, as he has stated that he wants to do, in one fell swoop?? No, of course he will NOT be able to!! All of his wants & desires (MAGA!!!!), will have to tailor to the f**king libtard ideologies that are currently in place, find ways to get around them. WE will need to methodically remove (legally), those who hinder the Constitution, those who push back & have pushed back (ie the scum like Schumer, Shiff etc etc etc). None of this happens overnight, especially as long as the libtard left have the majority!! Come on, you must understand that even WHEN Trump wins (hahahaha see what I did there??!!), he still has to go to battle with the left!! If Trump loses, then this downhill high speed movement to the left, will unfortunately continue & this country will be F**KED.
  17. Nooooooooooo, we need you here!! 😎 Don't let these guys get to you.......................I surely don't!! 🤣😜
  18. But YOU are Canadian, so doesn't THAT make YOU a Nazi............???????? 😆🙄
  19. I must admit, you are pretty good at it....................😆🤣, but still 😎
  20. Holy WOW! That is one celebrity actor filled movie, I've never seen! 😎😳
  21. OK, I can't resist...................is a "hate boner" a real thing? I'm not so sure I'm capable..................🤔🤭
  22. Do you want me to send you a pic of what I'm wearing today, so you can compare to other MAGA PEOPLE????!!!!!!!!!! 🤣😆 Yer a freak.................🙄
  23. Yes, I am fully aware of corruption on BOTH sides, but to me, the left is completely out of control. Mark this day.........we agree on something! 😎😉 Here is what I tell others & HAVE posted here too.............any President can be cock-blocked by his colleagues on the other side, if they have the majority. In my opinion, this was the case with Trump........an EXTREME case, where the GOP was the minority in the House & in the Senate. His hands were tied. I firmly believe that he truly tried. This is how "things get done", thus Trump was limited at what he could get done. Trump & his administration, knew full well, that many of their "goals", would be blocked in the House and/or the Senate.................there really is no way around it, unless there is a majority on both sides, that agree & pass it. When there is balance, that is exactly how it is supposed to work! That is also why the GOP can not currently get ANYTHING thru these days.................the left majority Senate will never allow it. The left does NOT care, if a proposed bill etc is good for the USA...........they block everything! To top it off, we have multiple RINO's, that continue to side with the left (thank GOD McConnell is stepping down!!!!), thus even today, the GOP struggles to get anywhere with conservative bills etc etc. Trump IS being railroaded, it IS a witch hunt, all choreographed (btw I do Google spelling, I'm really NOT a genius!!) by today's left agenda...................my opinion is that THEY are the ones kicking our Constitution in the nut sack!! That said, we will knock your comments around & you will knock around ours!! I truly do enjoy the majority of the banter, here on this thread. I like to think that for the most part, we all respect each other! Now, Dav was an exception.................he was a loon!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣😜😂 That's my 2c & I'm sticking with it!!!!!!! 😎
  24. Hainz in the house of derelicts (this thread for those.......never mind 😝)! 😎 Trump DID joke around & state that he would "get even" on his first day back in office. He also basically stated that he will be there for one job...............as the saying goes, MAGA! Yes, he will do all he can, to "clean out the swamp", but as I have said before, even the President is limited at what he can do, to clean out the swamp. Trump understands when he has a bad person in place & he DID fire some people, during his first term. But again, he is also limited by rules laws regulations etc, in many cases. Those cases will take longer, will take more effort, but mark my words..............he WILL make it happen. He MUST make it happen to MAGA...................😎
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