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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. Read the latest column by actual trial attorney (not just TV legal bloviator) Kurt Schlichter, who explains how trials work in the real world – not that that has any bearing on how DC or NYC trials for Trump work, but he predicts that even if Trump is convicted, the appellate courts will overturn it because every last case against him is politically-motivated garbage. https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2024/04/01/some-basic-law-stuff-for-conservatives-watching-this-legal-chaos-n2637173
  2. Sometimes you make REALLY stupid comments...................this is one of them!! 🤣😜😂
  3. Ha!! It worked!! I used LARGE font, so you said ".....the fine was large.........."!!!!!!!!!!! 😉
  5. Yup, that's what I was eluding to!! It's about time SOMEBODY called out that corrupt judge & Leticia James's bullsh*t!! 😎
  6. Some parts even deeper in to the J series, can be cross referenced to the British MGB 1800cc engine, as Datsun "licensed" the engineering from the Brits! I think a great example, is that the MGB Weber 32/36 carb & intake kit BOLTS ON, with the likelihood of altering the jetting a necessity, as your engine is smaller at 1500cc. The aftermarket tubular "shorty" header for the MGB, can also be used!
  7. Turn off the volume & just watch her............maybe that will help!! 😝🤮
  8. You should Google it!! There are NUMEROUS videos out there, talking about it all. George Soros, Blackrock, Vanguard etc etc, are all involved, along with MANY more! It is the socialist agenda, a single global government vision of power. The left are following & those numbnutz are scrambling to be a part of it! 🤣😆😂 Sure, I'll stand with wayno, if he too believes it!! 😎 It IS a conspiracy theory in most circles, however more & more solid info (rumors?) are cropping up routinely.............but it all gets quickly censored, so you have to dig for it! 😉
  9. She has a hot Satanic look to her....................💩🤣😈
  10. Trump was not on that list. Why does THAT surprise you, Mr TDS? 😂 The majority of those that ARE on that list, are the rich elite far left socialist SCUM 💩, that are fighting to form the New World Order, that if successful, will affect every single one of us minions 😡😤
  11. I grew up in Maryland, prolly crossed that bridge 25++ times!! So sad, so horrifying! 😒🙏
  12. So what happened this morning, regarding his bond? 😉 Funny video!! 😂😆
  13. Mike, is there only ONE aluminum speedo pinion housing? I have TWO, one is already "notched" to rotate, as you guys pointed out! AND I have a 17t BLACK pinion! So Charlie, watch the responses here & if it what you need, I've got! I do have other pinion gears, so figure that out & I will see what other COLORS/tooth count I might have! TJ
  14. Hey look, it's Mike's "stumpy" finger!! Charlie, once you decide on a pinion gear COLOR, let me know, as I have a few NOS gears. I do not think I have the correct later pinion housing, but I will look later today! Mike, you think he will need a BLACK gear? TJ
  15. I may have! As datzenmikie said, measure the bolt pattern.............just across like an X, let me know here or via PM! TJ
  16. Late reply, but most of the Datsun rubber floor coverings (not individual mats) are moulded, to contour up & over the trans tunnel. All of them are long discontinued & I'm not aware of any reproductions. I have a 77k low mile 1980 720 rubber floor covering, that I am going to fit to my 1972 521. I did lay it in & it is a tad bigger, so a little trimming & it should fit fine. That tells me that the 620 might fight as well in the 521. If you are on Facebook, look up Issaranawat TreeAusawa. He is in Thailand & makes many of the Datsun door panels, using a similar (if not the same) "heat seam" process as Datsun did. That said, he is a HUGE 620 guy & I THINK I might have seen a post last year, that he can make the 620 rubber floor covering, with the DATSUN logo & ribs.................?? Maybe he can make one a tad larger outer circumference, so you have a little extra material to work with & trim to better fit the 521.......?? As long as you "anchor" the covering, it should stay in place, not move around on you........... If you do this, please post your results, so we know!
  17. Chuck Tomasello in CA is also in to the 77-78 200SX (if that's what year you gave).................
  18. I'll have you know, that I have convinced many (blondes) that I was actually FROM Ireland!! Erin Go Bragh!! 😆🤣☘️
  19. I'm of Irish decent, so I talk like that.................
  20. ............but 10 million, not going thru the LEGAL entry steps, mostly UN-vetted?? The USA has already had multiple deaths related directly to bad ILLEGAL immigrants..........not the good people, but the BAD!! We have had DUI deaths, murders, rapes etc & LOTS more gang related issues. THAT is what most of us that ARE concerned (and terrified) with & it is ALL due to Brandon's WIDE OPEN BORDER POLICY!! THAT has never been our America.............at least since the laws were formed...........and for good reason 😡😤🤬
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