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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. OK I'll bite!! 😉 Yes, I think Trump is likely the only person, that can make America great again (that is what MAGA means btw). I do NOT believe 95% of what main stream media (MSM btw) says. It has been a strong smear campaign, a successful smear campaign & the saddest part is seeing family & friends (that includes YOU knuckleheads!! 😂) fall for all of this stuff. Do I truly LIKE Trump? No, but who gives a crap, if he is loud & obnoxious!! (IZRL basically stated a few back "......I sound like a broken record with you guys!") & I feel the same way. But, I will continue my work, as long as I am breathing!!!!!!!!! 😎
  2. BUT THIS DID NOT HAPPEN & NO BANK CAME AFTER TRUMP! There were NO VICTIMS here. Both L James & that DORK libtard of a judge have been the problem, as both have TDS, one of which OPENLY STATED that she was running for her position, "to get Trump!". If THAT does not seem to be a problem with YOU, then we are simply wasting our time, bantering with you. Now, if there were victims, than I get it...................but there were none.
  3. PLEASE GET THIS THRU YOUR HEAD...............at the very least, tell yourself that MAYBE some of these crazy conservatives are correct! Huh, imagine that!! The Judicial system in the USA is currently a train wreck, it is currently what we call a "two tiered system", working heavily for the dems, the left, the libtards, working heavily AGAINST conservatives. I do not understand why you can't accept that this is possible.........just a possibility!!! Do you TRULY think that highly of the US judicial system, that you can not acknowledge this? Ugh 😵😒
  4. Thank you for this!! 😎 This is also why I did NOT trust Haley...........her business is military contracting & she got rich very quickly, which told me that she would continue to support ANY war, thus the left "war machine". I'm glad she dropped out, but I do not think it is the last we will see of her...............💩😤🤬
  5. I think maybe because the USA has had the "opportunity" to help other countries, over the years, so we did...........?? These days, our country is so f**ked up, with our own issues ie homelessness, veteran issues, inflation etc etc, that we DO need to close the border, deport those illegal immigrants (however, giving them the opportunity to APPLY for legal immigration/asylum) & get OUR ACT back on track!! A certain person could MAGA, if we give that person the chance!! 😎😉
  6. I agree with you on this, but it cornfuzes me, why so many people hold this seething HATRED for Trump? Yes, he is rude, obnoxious & has done some questionable things throughout his life. I too can be/have been like that, I too did some questionable things throughout my (early) life. Your comment ".......the best way to choose a candidate is to ignore their party's BS value messaging.", is exactly what I feel I have done, regarding Trump. That also includes ignoring the other parties BS value messaging, which to me, is much fabricated, to smear Trump & try to eliminate him. Perhaps, that is not what you meant & that is just fine? He accomplished so much, during his term & CAN do so much more. I firmly believe that he does want to MAGA!! Does he want to do this, in order to continue making his money? Sure, why not! But I have watched NUMEROUS video clips of him, intermingling with We The People, normal red blooded Americans (and other people internationally!)..................and I firmly believe he is sincere. I see NONE OF THAT, on the left...........except with a few like Joe Manchin etc. Brandon, most of his "administration", Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff are all lying scum 💩 .............I see nothing good, coming out of them. Nothing. OK, I'm done ranting for now!! 🤣😁
  7. I hope your head falls in your OATMEAL, you TDS riddled.................oh crap, I just fell for his bait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😝🤣😜 I'm sure you will like this................ https://babylonbee.com/news/judge-orders-trump-to-pay-whatever-amount-it-takes-to-bankrupt-campaign?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
  8. Mike, really? First, if I do not vote, yet somebody criminally uses my name & vote to vote for a democrat, THAT is a problem, THAT is illegal. In 2020, it was not necessarily LIVING peoples ballots stolen, it was DEAD people. There has been plenty of studies & proof on this, but you will will NEVER see any of it reported in main stream media. Most has been labelled conspiracy theories. Did you watch 2000 Mules or any of the Epoch Times documentaries? Fascinating & scary as hell! 😕😳
  9. There IS an agenda of the left. I can not put my finger on it yet, but I too have theories. I never thought about #1...................🙄😳🤔
  10. ........................and to top that off, I heard that one of those cop beaters went on to commit yet another crime, after they were released. Catch & release! How's that working, here in the USA? I agree with you 100%.............the judicial system in this country is a train wreck & it is not getting any better, will not get any better, unless a good conservative is elected & I do not see any other good conservatives with the BALLS to do anything about it, other than Trump!
  11. Well, they are a big fat NO, but thank you for the lead! They did suggest that I avoid local auto glass businesses & instead, look for a simple "glass shop". I haven't given up yet! 😎
  12. When removing old hard windshield & back glass rubber seals, you will NEVER save the seals, so just cut it!! Carefully cut out all stainless/chrome trim (sorry I'm a 510 guy, do not remember if the B210 is similar), run blade along the trim top & bottom...........the rubber will "splinter off" in long thin strips. Then cut the main part of the seal. I use a box cutter, stick the blade under the seal at the glass & pull hard towards you..............do this over & over, until the blade cuts as deep as it will go. Then I stick the blade perpendicular down in to the rubber, about in as far as the blade already cut (see above). By doing this, the rubber that hangs over the glass (thus holding the glass in), should start to come apart......"splinter off" in big long chunks. Once most of the rubber that hangs over the glass is cut out/off, get inside the car & carefully PUSH the glass out, closer to the outer perimeter, NOT in the middle. If you need to try to save the glass, liberally use any kind penetrant you prefer, even hot soapy water might work. Push, move around, push more, move around more..........the glass should slowly push out. It is ALWAYS good to have another set of hands around, so the glass does not fall out! If you are not saving the glass, just push hard, let it break & be careful of glass shards!! A lot of the Datsun horn push internal parts are the same, although there are a couple different hardware uses. Yes, I too like the GX steering wheel, yes I believe all USA spec GX's had that wheel. The standard B210 had a different steering wheel. The splines are different (smaller) than the 510, so it does not fit the 510. The only way to save the outer rim rubber grip, is to pay a good upholstery shop to re-wrap it. NOT cheap! You can paint the spokes MATTE BLACK..............please do not use gloss black! 😝 Viable to restore? Sure, If you have the patience, ingenuity & mulla to figure it all out. There is no easy way that I can suggest.
  13. Thankfully, I did not break any of them, just acquired on parts cars and/or in parts loads! I was hoping that replacing the broken glass, might bring me 7 years of GOOD luck......?? 😏🤔
  14. I can see how Mexican border towns are the roughest. I have never been. Cousins family moved to Mexico for business, for 3-5 years, had security, I never heard anything truly out of line. They have been back here to CO for 8-10 years. My brother & a buddy ride their motorcycles in to Mexico, a couple times a year & have never told me any bad stories. My brother also flies in (where I do not know, but solely for vacations), he is there now. He is always cautious, but again, has never told me any bad stories. I will not travel to Mexico, until I am satisfied that the cartels etc have been "handled" better than they are now. That may be never.................🙄😐
  15. This is for you Mike!! https://notthebee.com/article/i-spent-the-last-two-days-collecting-the-best-memes-of-tuckers-putin-interview-for-you?utm_source=Not+The+Bee+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=02112024
  16. This might work, but the "ball socket" inside gets very rusty! Lay it flat facing up, squirt liberally behind glass (glued in place), at least a tablespoon++, let it oak as long as you can, hope for the best. As Stoffregen mentioned, most if not all penatrants should not damage the plastic...........but ya might get residual draining/dripping for a while! PS I have 5++ mirrors with broken glass, can't find anybody to custom cut a piece any more (Denver)..............had it done years ago in Michigan. Buddy in KC MO same issue.........can't find anybody to custom cut! I also could not find any NEW glass anywhere. If you try to pry out, the glass will VERY likely break on ya! 😜
  17. I just could never bring myself to do that! 😝 A man whore buddy always used to say "Hey, fat women need luvin' too!!" 😂
  18. I don't remember Melania being in the spotlight very much, during this country's BEST Presidential term in many years (see what I did there?). Michelle (Michael?) & Dr Jill, seem to have been around more...........?? Michelle likely cuz Obama wanted to take advantage of his "woman of color" wife/First Lady, & Dr Jill cuz she has to hold/pick up Brandon all the time!!!!!!!! 🤣😆🤣 I gathered that Tucker's interview went over quite well with conservatives, but of course the liberals ran with ANY smear they could conjure up!!
  19. We recently installed the E30 Recaro's in a 240Z & the same customer is installing the same in his 510. Both were re-upholstered with BMW upholstery kits (Worldwide Upholstery??) & then extra matching upholstery, to recover the 510 back seat. The 240Z was RED upholstery from WW & unbelievably, it MATCHED the Datsun red, within one tone..............we couldn't believe it!! All of the Datsun aftermarket sourced RED interior upholstery matched the BMW aftermarket sourced upholstery!! Both installs required relatively simple custom mounting.
  20. Well, that is a general question, general answers! The 1968 USA spec tail lamps were one year only, all red & smaller than the 1969-1973. The 1969-1973 USA spec Sedan lamps were the same & all red. Other countries, including our next door neighbor Mexico, also had an optional longer tail lamp (Deluxe??) & then there are the Coupe tail lamps. That said, what lamp are you asking about??
  21. I would sell a good rear glass USA spec 2dr 4dr same, for $350-450, bit I am out right now.. I absolutely will NOT ship, cuz way too much labor to pack it safely & it would ultimately be expensive TRUCK FREIGHT, cuz packaging would be too big for common carrier. Last I heard, Fastenal & Greyhound no longer offer freight shipments. The risk of breakage is very high, regardless. At $1350, that better be NOS................................. As mentioned, post your general LOCATION. I sell quite a lot of 510 parts. If I see someone is far away on east coast, and they want a big heavy bulky part, I will not reach out to sell. If they are regional, heck yes I will reach out to sell!!
  22. PS I firmly believe that Haley is "hanging in there", with the hopes that Trump would be banned from the ballots in these libtard states. I do NOT think that will ever happen & I think Trump will win the election. The rumor I hear, is that Haley is being funded by the left elites, like Soros. They want to see her as President, cuz they CAN & WILL be able to control her. It will be just as bad as having a libtard in there! There is no way she could continue spending as much money as she must be spending, to remain in the race. Unfortunately, when she loses, it will likely be the end of her political career & perhaps even her career, period. She is being "played" by the left!!!!!!
  23. I do NOT disagree.........................but I do have faith in Trump. We risk bad outcomes with ANY elected official. Look at Trudeau.............what a POS! CA's Newsome = 💩. Nixon was re-elected for a second term & look how THAT ended! Again, the irony of that, was that Nixon came up with the plan for Presidential records & co-operated with Dad & the Nat'l Archives, only to have that plan bring him to his knees later! It just pains me, to see & hear how many people do not see how good Trump was for our country, from 2016-2020. PS my "rough road ahead" comment, was towards what the LEFT might do, not how well Trump will do or not.
  24. Sorry bottomwatcher...............I'm gonna call ya out. Do I like mean people? Nope. I do not hang out around mean people. I could not care LESS, if Trump was a mean tweeter, because we had it GOOD, during his first term. Do I agree with his "style"? Nope, but again, I do not care, as I simply want somebody who is capable of running this country & keeping our "enemies" in check...........which he did & I firmly believe he can continue to do. Is he a "salesman"? Sure, I can see that "style" of a person in him...........but that tells me, that he can "sell" his ideas regarding this country, to just about anybody. Did you watch the Laura Ingraham interview, from the other day? I think somebody just posted it.......? Watch it & then tell me how bad orange man is!! So what if he sounded arrogant!! You guys with all your talk about mean tweets, arrogance, obnoxious, his PAST business dealings etc................I do not give a rats ass. We had it good 2016-2020. We WILL have it good again, when he is re-elected! However, either way the election goes, I think we will ALL be in for a rough ride. I firmly believe that the left will, once again, incite an insurrection (yup, 2020 was the left!), here in the States. I think it will be REALLY bad this time, as the left does not give a damn about We The People..........only about their ability to control We The People! I had hopes for DeSantis, hopes for Ramswamy, I paid attention & learned about Haley these last few months & I simply do not think any of them would have had the balls. Haley is a RINO, so no way in Haiti, I will ever vote for her. Brandon & his cronnies, are complete idiots. America is at its weakest point internationally, as we likely have ever been. I liked Obama, when he was in office, but what I have learned since then, shows me that he (and the Clinton's), were simply "conditioning" us for what was to come, if the left was able to stay in power. That agenda was sidetracked when Trump won in 2016. So what did they do? Immediately went for his throat & have continued the "witch hunt" since then. The left will do ANYTHING to keep Trump from winning in 2024. Good luck, left scum!! Show me ANYBODY else, that could FIX this awful mess we are in right now & run this country as it should be run & we can discuss it. But NOBODY else with balls enough, has stepped up. That said, we are left with "bad orange man". Works for me!! 😎
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