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Looking for L16, 18, 20 downpipe

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Looking for L16, 18, 20 downpipe

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Scottsdale, Arizona United States
3 Questions
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I'm looking for a 2 into 1 downpipe for my 1976 710 wagon. I don't need the whole pipe if you have a partial one. Just need the connection for an early 510 exhaust manifold that fits the gasket shown below, and maybe 12-14" of the portion that necks down to a single pipe. From that point to the rear I will fabricate a 2-1/2 inch tailpipe and muffler. Thanks!

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Only the L16/18 had this 4 into 2 manifold. The L20B is 4 into 1. Congrats! I did the same thing on my 76 L20B.


Pretty much a header that never wears out...





I had to make my own dual down pipe. Modified a 240sx pipe...



What did you do about the intake joined to the exhaust manifold.



Mike, I'm using a Cannon intake manifold with a Weber 32/36. Yes, you're right about the cast iron header🙂. Definitely more go fast parts than a stock 710. Also plan to change stock distributor to a matchbox electronic ignition. Really just need the flange section of a downpipe to do what you've done.


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Do you know that the 68-73 510 down-PIPING is the same for the 710?  I agree if you are using the earlier exhaust manifold, you want the matching upper flange++ of the downpipe, but I bet the down-PIPING won't fit the 710 chassis......??  When you find a complete downpipe, you might just have the seller (sorry, I'm out of spares) cut it about 3-4 inches down from the flange, which will also save you mulla in shipping!  Any good muffler/exhaust shop can bend the down-PIPING to suite your 710 chassis.  If you know the 510 down-PIPING will fit, then never mind!! 🤪


Also, from what I have gathered, all of the 510 OEM downpipes were LONG, having the Y pipe (dual pipes) stretch almost down to the bend under the chassis.  I have seen a few really SHORT Y pipes, figured they were aftermarket replacements from back in the day, which might work well for you.......??  The LONGER the Y pipe, the better for performance, but I would think it would be marginal........??


Hope that helps!

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510/710 use the same L series engine and transmission. Steering box is generally the same. I would take the chance. Truck L16 down pipe has to bend around the torsion bars but no steering box so it may not fit in a car????


My down pipe (pictured) is from an '90s? S13 or 14 and it fits. Flange had to be swapped to an L series but...

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