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Status Updates posted by Raggleflaggle

  1. why do people ever watch any of theese "police solve child rape" tv shows?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. freetheoranges


      because Law and Order isn't on.... which is like every premise of every show..

    3. Fat510


      Lol yeah, and some people dont let their kids watch a show like Family guy, but they are totally okay for their kids to watch CSI and like every episode some chick got brutally raped and murdered

    4. MicroMachinery


      I know. Everybody knows that police don't ever actually solve anything.

  2. Birth. School. Work. Death.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bananahamuck


      Before kids we would just take a roadtrip.. Just get in car and drive to where it is different and have as much fun as we could find.


      but now i'm old and complacent so all is good.

    3. MikeRL411


      Ecclesiastices. "To all things there is a season." I won't bother you with the following verses.

    4. MicroMachinery


      "Turn, turn, turn"

  3. i need a datsun.

    1. MicroMachinery


      They're overrated.

    2. INDY510


      you'd need a sawzall too

    3. Busta Nut

      Busta Nut

      good idea Indy.....get rid of your sawwzall so you can't do any more damage....Haha!!

  4. ... and that was 'round about the tume i realized the girl scout was about Ten feet tall, and covered in green scales.

    1. MikeRL411


      So much for the theory that there are no ugly women in the bar at closing time!

  5. Gonna be a long three years, hope they made some special datsuns in Europe...

  6. is there any real benefit to swapping from a Z20 vs an L20B?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dr.feltersnatch


      z 20 will usually have more low end grunt but falls on its face around 4k rpm. l series head flows better and gives you more top end.

    3. Raggleflaggle


      Where is the L's power band at then?

    4. Fat510
  7. swazi z wheels for 150? good deal?

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      I would say yes even with bald roller tires on them or no tires at all. That's pretty fair. 100 per 4 rims bare is a very good deal in my eyes. Don't forget lug-nuts.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rhapakatui


      Cheated on your cousin?

    3. MicroMachinery


      They's a feudin' and a fightin'.

    4. flatcat19


      Is churt your ol'lady?

  9. what is the easiest state to aquire a title in?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      For Datsun age cars anyways...

    3. Raggleflaggle


      Won't you need to register/pass smog to get it titled in CA?

    4. laotsu
  10. noob question again. can i put a 4spd from a 260z on a KA?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raggleflaggle


      I mean, the L trans for a Z car and an L from everything else will both bolt to L/KA etc. Blocks?

    3. EastBay521


      use a naps z bell housing

    4. Raggleflaggle


      I've heard they only work right with truck trannys? Or something. Y/n?

  11. what's so bad about the "new classifieds" ?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. izzo


      I do like me some bike fucking nanners... wait, i don't think thats right

    3. izzo
    4. Laecaon


      Actually I hate it because its not designed well or intuitive. It leaves a lot to be desired. Its like the episode of top gear where James isn't mad that Jeremy cut a hole in his hood, its that it was done poorly and now looks like shit.

  12. i just want a 79 200sx to pilfer for parts..

    1. flatcat19


      Like the rear end and the crossmember?



    2. freetheoranges


      Boy that sounds like a dream

    3. Raggleflaggle
  13. will a z20 efi fit onto a z18?

    1. Raggleflaggle


      Noob question. Disregard.

  14. what kind of welding is best for a Datsun?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MicroMachinery


      Weddings are terrible for your Datsun

    3. INDY510


      my welds are the best

    4. jvb5577


      What are you welding? Body parts, frame?

  15. What dovyou guys do with your datsuns when you PCS?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raggleflaggle


      Saying like that implies that I didn't learn my lesson...

    3. 4thgearcruisen


      Girlfriend+lessonlearned=..fiancee? In what land sir?

    4. Raggleflaggle


      She can't steal my car if its already gone....


  16. so much shit, so little time...

    1. MicroMachinery


      Don't rush it; you'll blow out an O-ring.

  17. Mondays suck.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mrbigtanker


      nothing like a fuckin monday.

    3. MicroMachinery


      Looks like somebody's got a case of the Mondays..

    4. monkbonk


      Hello Tuesday!

  18. U620.

    1. wayno


      Does this mean you have bought one?

    2. Raggleflaggle


      Were it so easy..


  19. here i get an assignment for germany.. and within two weeks, both a good condition A10 and The Stinger Bee go up for sale.

  20. Did thry sell nissan patrols in germany?

  21. buy muy car back, dont buy it, buy it, dont buy it...?

  22. Whelp, looks like i'm getting married.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raggleflaggle
    3. Lonestar


      So your marring the gal that sold your car in the first place? Your logic isn't gone...it went to Mars for sight seeing.

    4. MicroMachinery


      I like where this status update is going...

  23. Assignment in europe. f#%&ing awesome. guess that puts off any chance of my datsun dreams coming true.

  24. Warning: '77 B210 GX in Sterrett, AL is stolen property.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monkbonk
    3. Raggleflaggle


      Yeah, I know It doesn't need a title in AL, but its still mine. I was supposed to be, and at first when I explained the situation he was being very cooperative "helping out the troops" and all that. But when he didn't get money for parts I have yet to see on it, then things turned sour and now he's trying to sell it. I'm gonna try and wait him out. Lowball the shit out of him at like 3-400 and see what he says, maybe?

    4. Lonestar


      Just keep your eye out for on the CL. Hopefully he won't try to part it out.

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