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Status Updates posted by Raggleflaggle

  1. I fail to understand how any of you people get cheap/free datsuns.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Draker


      mmm.. datsun cereal

    3. '70dime


      tell everyone you know that you are looking for one, show them pictures tell them to tell their friends, then when they come across one, you'll be their first thought

    4. LeviGideon
  2. Somebody please buy my Datsun.

  3. how man times am i going to type datsun into craigslist before i realize it's the same stuff that was there yesterday?

    1. flatcat19


      Story of my life.

    2. Great_Escape


      About the same amount I do. Obsessed much.

    3. ArchetypeDatsun


      Lol I do the same hoping 810's will pop even more I see parts lol haven't got lucky yet.

  4. IneedHelp is only here because he needs help.

  5. A10 hatch: acquired.

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