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Everything posted by Kirden

  1. Might be going a different direction on my 620. Thinking about air ride and possibly a VG instead of the LZ...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mrbigtanker


      fuck your 620.lol get a 521,and i am sticking tounge at you right now.Hope your doing better after the lost of your father.

    3. Kirden


      If I could find a 521 I would, but I can't, and I don't wanna be like tanker... Maybe rich, does 521 come with winning lottery numbers?

    4. mrbigtanker


      Yes the numbers are 12345678 and mega number is 9

  2. I'd be interested in a steel one once you come up with a price. Can't wait to see what you come up with :thumbup:
  3. Figured this would be the best place since not many people have the fwd datsuns. Maybe this guy has some parts you can use: http://atlanta.craigslist.org/nat/pts/4353622381.html
  4. Gad to see you back at it. Any additional information on the L-KA trans you were putting together? Sorry if I missed it somewhere along the way.
  5. Video or it didn't happen... So, mine dropping it off at my house Monday? It's my birfday yo :P
  6. Just a heads up for anyone wanting a good quality header for a better price than this joke of a shop, give Kirk Racing a call. The A-series headers are the original Nismo design. The L-series are long tube headers. Note these are race headers with large 1.5" primaries and 2.5" outlet. http://www.kirkracing.com/
  7. Thought about this the other day, and the honda 2.2 was the first one that came to mind, but it's a heavy beast. You could go with a FWD SR or CA, but not sure about the width.
  8. Got my Bogg Brothers R1 manifold for the A15, ordering my kirk racing headers today. Very exciting stuff :P

    1. r0p0doe


      I thought you were going LS..

    2. Kirden


      Very funny... that is going in the F10 sport wagon

  9. Just found out my dad has passed. Roller coaster day. My head is still spinning

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. tdaaj


      Dang, very sorry to hear this.

    3. Mikeystoy


      Thats what I did, and I was fine.....until I read a eulogy.

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Oh man :'( My most heart felt condolences to you and your family. Lost my dad a long time ago so I know how you feel. Hang in there!

  10. Just received the official job offer for my promotion at work. Paperwork signed and finalized :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PrimeLuxeZ
    3. jrock4224
    4. Kirden


      Thanks guys, took 5 years to get this far, but well worth it.

  11. Hope you get everything fixed, but I just wanted to say that I really like your fuel hose clamp
  12. Just got off the phone with Steve. Absolutely shocked at the price. All of that work done for under $350 shipped. I had allocated almost double that cause of the exchange rate. Looks like I have $200 dollars for burritos! EDIT: Notice I said shipped, shipping may vary. I am on the east coast.
  13. Thanks guys. The spare dyna lite should be here today. If it comes in early enough I'll break it down and get them sent to jrock this week. Tomorrow starts my work week so if it doesn't get here in time they won't ship out until Tuesday. Also, thanks for your condolences ericsB210. I'm sorry to here about your pop as well. Best wishes to your family and his good health. My dad's cancer is just so volatile that it's hard to know what's going to happen. He went from being up and about with weekly visits to the doctor to bed ridden with hospice in a little over a week.
  14. Wow man, thanks a ton. This is why I love ratsun :thumbup:
  15. It's my B210, but it is a long way off and all of my builds are on hiatus untill this calm down with the family. Just wanted to share cause I had ordered these prior to shit hitting the fan.
  16. Yes sir, that would be awesome. There are 20 per wheel.
  17. I'll just drop these here as well... R1 manifold for my oval port A15 from bogg brothers. Threaded bosses on the first and last runner to anchor the carbs for boost, r1 style connector ends, and shiney to boot! The section across the middle was for manufacturing only and will be removed prior to install.
  18. Just got some pics of my completed manifold from bogg bros. Enjoy the candy: The bar across the middle was to keep the spacing correct during manufacturing. Threaded bosses on the first and last runner are to anchor the R1s so that they don't pop off under boost, and the ends are made to use R1 connectors. There is also a single vacuum port for the brake booster.
  19. Well, looks like I'll finish up the wheels but after that this project may be on hold for a while. My dad doesn't have much longer so I'm going to fly my sister out to see him. Thanks for tuning in. I'll update once the wheels are finished and my bogg manifold gets here, but the rest will be slow going.
  20. Just got a call, looks like my dad is doing worse than I thought. Going to pay to fly my sister out here to see him.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mrbigtanker


      Sorry Kirden worse as in life or death or is he really just sick,sorry about that anyway.

    3. Kirden


      He has been fighting cancer for the past two years. They took him off treatment because it's not helping. Stage 4 in his liver, colon, and lungs.

    4. Lonestar


      Our prayers are with you and your family my friend. Lost my Grandmother just before this last Christmas. I feel your pain man.

  21. Oooh, shiney. I shall name this build pretty boy :P
  22. I'm confused, you look happy there :confused:
  23. Well, that's one way to get on your boat...
  24. God... that's my ugly ass 620's engine bay. PO Decided he would vomit ford blue on everything. Can't wait to pull the engine and get rid of that crap.
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