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Everything posted by Kirden

  1. Psh, who needs hot water... Every time I see your truck I want to kick the person who painted my truck. Covered perfectly good orange with shitty house paint put on with brushes and rollers... So, did you ever decide which route you are going for the engine?
  2. LOL! You guys got me scared to come to Canby... Maybe I should wear a dress and heels so I can throw off the brown-eye bandit
  3. Ship it to me for my B-day tanker. I could use a nice truck to caravan down to Savannah on St. Pattys since that is my b-day :P
  4. HAHA! I've been paying taxes, SS, Medicare, and 401k since I was 17. Stopped hitting the street corner when I got out of pull ups...
  5. St. Patty's/my B-day is close... I'm getting too old for this partying shit.

    1. mrbigtanker


      To old come on son,i was drinking when i was growing up and going to work right after and for very very very long hours.

    2. Kirden


      That was ok when I did physical work. Now my job requires thinking and 14 hour days staring at a computer...

  6. I wear a belt, cut out the corn rows... and have had a job since a was 13 :P Hell, I've had this one for over 5 years which is more time than most kids pay attention in school now.
  7. I can't help I'll only be 26 in 2.5 weeks... I wish I was older cause I don't understand kids these days...
  8. There have been far less attractive conceptions than being conceived cause daddy didn't want to dribble on his datsun seat... Probably not many places more cramped though :P
  9. It does look weak... Get something useful:
  10. Old people... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-NOS-Chrome-Roof-Rack-OEM-Datsun-Accessory-510-610-710-810-210-411-WAGON-/281275258487?pt=Vintage_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item417d4fd677&vxp=mtr#ht_835wt_1102
  11. I saw that one, looks to be in good shape. I'd get close pics though, might need chrome work.
  12. Better find a body beater Mr.Big. Wouldn't want to ruin those booty shorts with all that dust and putty :P
  13. God forbid Mr.Big work on his datsun... :fu:
  14. Haha, that'd be interesting at least. Do hot pink on one half, neon blue on the other :P
  15. I'd be cool with hot pink, make em scream :P Basicly anything brighter than that black. Gold/bronze, hot pink, something neon. Get creative mang, no hatin from the deep south :P
  16. Won the spare wheel off fleabay. Just waiting for it to get here then they will all be on their way up. 5 centers total in that lovely montana gold :)
  17. Woot! just won a spare dyna lite for $70 shipped :P Just have to wait till it gets here, break it down, then the centers head to jrock for a recoat. After that the barrels might get a widening treatment. New outer lips to bump them to 7"
  18. The guys sold it... He had it posted for over 5K and it's off CL now. Not sure if he got the asking price but it was a really nice car.
  19. Contacted the ebay seller just now. He says he doesn't ship international if you click contact seller, but I have my fingers crossed. Sorry for the thread jack, here's more toys:
  20. I've sent a few emails to them with no response yet. Keep hoping to find one stateside :P
  21. My contribution: Lowered via 300lbs of parts in the trunk/back seat :P Knowing this, either my springs are really worn in or the spring rate is horrible. Really wanting stiffer rear suspension so I'm thinking of going with composite springs built for a 2" drop.
  22. That's amazing :wub: I want that grill so bad but can't find one to save my life :( Everyone wants this grill insteadl: Overrated imo... But I love this color scheme :P Just a side note on lowering the B210, their axle is smaller diameter than most block kits. Some people have gotten away with squeezing the u-bolts to pop them through the shackles, but the proper after market blocks for these cars are $145+ shipping... http://www.ebay.com/itm/DATSUN-1200-SUNNY-REAR-LOWERING-BLOCKS-5cm-2-NISSAN-B10-B110-B120-B122-B210-/370996860424?pt=Vintage_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item566122d608&vxp=mtr These blocks are also more narrow than most other kits. IMO you could probably get some block made cheaper here in the US and then source the u-bolts. Maybe old live axle toyotas have similar sized axles?
  23. Too much whiskey + no fucks to give = up making coffee at 6AM? Tried my hardest to have a hang over to no avail :(

    1. MicroMachinery


      Never too much whiskey.

    2. Kirden


      I finished half a fifth. Not the most I've drank, but it was enough for me not to remember breaking down the last wheel :P

    3. mrbigtanker


      your a damm drunk.now choke yourself.

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