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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. Goon squad comes from the movies when a "mob boss" would send out his "Goon squad" to whack somebody.
  2. Because they are too fucking stupid to know the slang term is GOOK-not "GOON".
  3. Tell these phucking morons to walk out in the middle of the street,fall down and go phuck themselves.The term "goon squad" has it's origins in Hollywoods gangland movies(30s & 40's)as another term for Hit squad.Nothing racial or ethnical about it.And then you can show them a picture of themselves.
  4. I met Mike the other day.Great guy.The KC is as advertized,straight & rust free but a skeleton.He's on the east side of tow.Paul,you're in the NE corner-right?
  5. Z-train


    I tried them looking for tires for my RAM.SMoke & Mirrors is all they are.And i found the tires cheaper at Sears.F'em.
  6. Somebody down here is using the wrong calendar-X-mas stuff is in the stores already.
  7. Silencers are illegal ONLY on firearms.
  8. And people go "HUH"? when i tell them that the manifold on my LZ-23 is just a port matched L-18 intake.
  9. Sometimes a "good bluff"works wonders.Often times-not.
  10. Not the cops fault.Police can NOT(by law) arrest someone for a mis-demeanor NOT committed in their presence.
  11. http://phoenix.craigslist.org/nph/pts/1997992638.html
  12. Z-train


    Discount tires has 195/75-14s for $57.00 a piece.
  13. Z-train


    Well,based on what i've heard & read here,i gonna go with the Kumhos in the next month or so.So we'll see how they stand up to heat and daily driving.
  14. Z-train


    Thanks for the replys.I don't remember the model i was looking at but they are going to go on the wifes 620.So it's not like she's gonna be "carving the corners".And rain isn't an issue here the Desert.
  15. http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/farting-preacher-4/5ecd3a7b438e851651225ecd3a7b438e85165122-281182274394?q=farting%20preacher%20video&FORM=VIRE7
  16. Z-train


    This is probably a silly ass question(especially for this crowd),but has anyone used Kumhos in "normal DD usage"?
  17. Last i knew Lenses are still available at the dealer.
  18. No problem.For the record,i wasn't commenting on what you were/are doing.Just the amount of weight. And getting back to the "theme",my wifes 620 is going to be Plum Crazy and the shifter is a pistol-grip out of an A-body.And i'm going to put "Bumble-bee" stripes on the bed with 620 instead of "500". __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now,KTM-you were saying?
  19. For comparison: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYcFsZgRvf4 And there is no way that car is going to hit 145 in the 1/8th.
  20. You can't reason with mental patients. You get rid of them the same way you get rid of the KKK-ignore them.
  21. No,no,NO!It's called Oldsmaload.
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