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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. Z-train

    620 Recall

    A 620 "recall" is when someone RECALLS how great they were/are and laments selling theirs.I get this 4-5 times a month.
  2. Z-train

    620 Tailgate

    Rotten bastard you.Posting porn.......
  3. Traffic school. www.ticketassassin.com
  4. Everyone has a breaking point.The government just increased our flood insurance $2600.00 per year even though we live in the mountains and our property hasn't flooded...EVER.And this was the day after a story appeared in the news that the Federal flood insurance program was in the red. Be interesting to know the real story as opposed to the one that will be published.
  5. I was in the Happy Chef last week and the owner told me that business is still 30% down.Isn't there a cruise at that supermarket on 4th on Saturday nights?
  6. Ahhhhhhhhh-look at the last line in his post. DOH!!!
  7. Everyones pretty cool except for little bastards with sunglasses & headphones. THe "get together" question begs the next question:When is the Datsun swap meet in Phoenix gonna happen again?Need more cookies.
  8. Snobirds are driving me nuts this year.Not like last year or the year before.And Logans was a friggin' zoo Friday night.
  9. You are treading on thin ice.Keep running your mouth.
  10. Pullers work MUCH better than pushers. Any electric fan will require charging systems up-dates. Right now with a 180 stat in my truck,i have half the factory three-core blocked off with cardboard just to get it up to temp (30 degrees ambient air temp. Like Mike said,if it's over heating-there is another problem. My 810 auto/AC car runs 195-200 in 115 degrees with a factory 3-core radiator.
  11. Next year will be the second anniversary of my 26th birthday
  12. Z-train

    71 4dr

    I thought a "header" was what you fell on that caused you to buy it in the first place.
  13. I have a set on my RAM.I use them fro removing paint off the car in front that does stupid shit in front of me.Like stopping in a lane where they have the right-of-way.
  14. I just heard they'e re-mastering the first two Ozzy LPs with RR.
  15. Iris got screwed.When he couldn't produce another "Ah -leah" on his follow up LP,the record company dumped him.Shame. Randy & Fred
  16. Like-wise,Mike.And cheery it was. over 30 people at my sis in laws place.My wife is taking the wheel barrow back out to the barn after rolling my ass in the house.
  17. As i head out to Christmas dinner,i thank you for this image.I now won't be inclined to eat so much.
  18. Sorry,Dude-no sale.Synchro's "breaking in"means that they are wearing.Wearing means the clock is alreading ticking on their eventual demise.Put it togewther and beat on it.If it comes apart that means something was wrong in the assembly.No transmission(auto or stick) gets a "break-in"from the factory.If a "break-in"was required,the factory would do it. By "micro-machining" the synchro's,you are actually shortening their life.Also,gears don't work by "friction"They work by "interference".There might be some"friction" but it is in consequential in a new or rebuilt box.
  19. All anybody wants is info....
  20. First let me say this-I like Tom.Stand up guy.Having said this,he is handling this in the wrong way.No communication gives the APPEARANCE of skull duggery. On the internet,it is natural to think scam.Unfortunately,it's a way of life for some.And this is re-enforced by lack of news/communication(what ever you want to call it. I have paid for two sets up front.And have purchased and received 4 other gaskets-so i'm qualified to speak.If i were coming up on "paint time",i'd be hotter than a two dollar pistol.But i'm mellower than that(go ahead-laugh).Actually,no 1/4 gaskets is keeping me from replacing windows. Defense of a friend can be a good thing-EXCEPT when the friend has done his fair share to cause the ruckus.(Please refer to line 1)
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