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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. All kidding aside,you are in for a rough road.If she is this calous with your plans & money,then there really is no limit to what she'll try to pull. :(
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/03/13/world/asia/satellite-photos-japan-before-and-after-tsunami.html
  3. I wouldn't go that far...yet.
  4. Has traffic on your local CL evaporated in the past couple of months?In Southern Az. i use to find 6 to 10 new listings a day in Tucson.And now all i see is a friggin Haynes maual for sale.It's like all the local Datsun stuff went "POOF".Phoenix is the only action close.What say ye?
  5. There is SOME adjustment.Odds are it's long gone,though.
  6. Bingo. And he's fucking with the producer of the show.
  7. Other than a project to keep you busy,there is no point to a propane conversion.
  8. Ya'll are forgetting something:In Hollywood,ratings are KING.And 2&1/2 men was the top-rated comedy because of Sheen.This carries more weight than you realize.And lets not forget Robert Downey Jr. Busey wins this poll easy.
  9. Read up on the producer Sheen has the pissing contest with.He ain't no saint by a long stretch either.THis is a typical Hollywood power struggle gone nuclear.But on the other hand if you had a liberal lunatic like Martin Sheen for a dad,both your oars wouldn't be in the water either.
  10. Busey hands down.He fell off his HD without a helmet and smacked his grape back around 1986-ish.He IS nuts.Sheen remains to be seen.
  11. This is one area you don't want to skimp on.Spend the money and get a good one with a warrantee.
  12. That pic is just last year.It's made by Braswell.They use FOUR of them on IHRA Mountain motors(800 CI) :blink:
  13. Z-train

    LZ-23 results

    32/36 Weber U-67 head not from Rebello Compression i want to say is around 9.8 Cam lift,i can't begin to guess at.You can hear it if you know what to listen for.And it's big enough to prevent me from using a KA-24 computer to drive an FI system for it.
  14. Z-train

    LZ-23 results

    O.K.-even though it SEEMS as i'm stringing you guys along,it is NOT my intention(except the manifold teasr).I have ZERO paperwork on the motor.Which means one thing only-it never came home from the machine shop.I was down there yesterday but the head guy had called off sick.I will try again tomorrow.If i strike out there ,the only choice is getting specs out of Rebello. I envited anyone interested to harass me off line on my e-mail(it's in my profile) Bill THe manifold is from a L-18 and it has been port matched to the head.And that is ALL.No porting of the manifold or head what so ever.
  15. Z-train

    620 KC guys

    I got a closer look today.ANd my initial "look-see" was deceiving.I see where i can get maybe a 1/4 inch layer of"whatever" in there. BTW-my diamond plate is 2.0 mm thick.
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