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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. Have you checked with a glass shop in the states just over the border.They are every where down here.Every glass shop i called can get them.I know that's not what you want to hear.
  2. I know it's not what you ask for but here's what i did with Powdercoat.
  3. I've used nothing but Autometer(NOT Autoguage)for 20+ years.Get a mechanical guage and then "T" it so your factory guage or idiot light still works.USe -4 AN or copper line at the minimum.Don't even think about the plastic line.
  4. Sounds like a ground issue.
  5. You have recipe for extreme mediocrity.
  6. Darwin in action is an "entertaining fellow"-isn't he?
  7. Carbs are completely inferior on a engine that was designed from the "get-go" with FI.If you're scared of wiring-see a therapist.
  8. I order TWO sets from Tom.The rest of you need to put up NOW.
  9. Yep.I have a header on the truck just because i came into it for nada.But just one little problem with it and NORAD is going to pick it up on their screens.I have a manifold patiently waiting on the shelf.
  10. Would this work? :blink: :lol:
  11. Mike-thanks.On mine the 5/4 wire isn't there.Mine is line the line drawing below that.THe two screw terminals and the post(push ontype). All i need now is the light harness.Hmmm,just thought of something-is the light harnes for the heater use the same type of plugy iny thingies? :blink:
  12. I need a diagram that shows the hook up for a 620 tach.I also need the wiring harness for the lighting for the tach. Thanks.
  13. http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=140446
  14. I dispise Chevies but how can you consider a Chevelle with a bed ugly?The Delorean wasn't ugly,neither was the Bricklin.More bored under-qualified automotive writers justifying their jobs.
  15. The belts now work,i just cocked my dangle and bingo!! :blink:
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