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My fortune was right (a free 620!)


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I had chinese food for lunch yesterday, and my fortune read, "A four-wheeled adventure will soon bring you happiness"... I thought it was pretty cool, but who knew it would be true!


A buddy of mine called me shortly after that, and said a kid his Dad worked with has a 74 Datsun truck, and whoever goes and gets it first can have it, because he's moving and can't leave it at his mom's house and can't take it. So I call the kid, and he says "If you come get it tonight, it's yours, but I lost the keys, and the headlights don't work"... So I proceed to pack up the vehicle recovery kit in the back of the GTO, (lengths of wire for hot wiring, starter fluid, battery, air tank, remote starter, misc tools, etc), go pick up my buddy and we head over there.


Turns out it's a 79 k/c w/ a 5 speed! By now it's gotten dark and I forgot the flashlight. Hotwired it, got it running, has a bad vacuum leak I couldn't find in the dark, e-brake won't come off, no head lights... We decide to drive it to my friend's Dad's house about a mile up the road and leave it there for the night. Take off down the road, and the e-brake frees up. Backfires out the carb a couple times (looks pretty cool at night)... Make it there, drop it off, and came back today with a trailer to get it... Just got it home.


Didn't have time to mess with it today, just got it home. Wiring's pretty F-ed, it's got a major draw somewhere, it totally drained my Optima red overnight. Not sure what to do with it yet... I was eyeing a std cab short bed 620 to buy for a project before I got this for free... Here's a couple pics.








Needless to say, I'd have to say the fortune was right. :)

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After some detective work, I've determined that the vacuum leak is from the brake booster. Capped off the line, and it runs fine. Now I just need to get the head lights, and gauges working... From my experience with Datsuns with bad wiring, there must be a fusible link somewhere or two that I need to replace.

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