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The big three.... assholes.

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This is just my thoughts and that is all they are worth.


My brother worked for ford and made a lot more doing production than i did doing maintenance for yamaha or that kia is offering. When laid of the union had it where they still got 85%. How can any company survive with having to pay people like that? And with all the epa and osha regs in this country. I only worked 1 place with a shity union and it would not let me talk about my oun pay with the company and i sure did not need a rep in there when i had a problem that knew far less than i did. the union had a place and now drives a lot of places into trouble. If i get a crew of good people i can run electric cheaper than any union shop would. These people need to learn that sometimes you need to work cheaper to get more work. Have none of these people took economics. Lees product sold at a higher price or more product at a lower price. See which way you come out better before you decide. I would take a half price pay cut before no work at all but it is up to those in a office and not for a floor vote.



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woah! Slow down there math guy... :o

I can convert that to feet and inches too with my Construction Master if you want me too. And I wrote that before I had my coffee this morning. Been a couple of weird days for me so I guess I was just blowing off some steam. It's all good in the Hood. Powder's coming this weekend and I got a season's pass that needs to be broken in. These clowns can stew in their own mess, I'm going riding.:D

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Many things have come to a breaking point lately. Too many cars at too high of a price have been built. Cars are stocked up at the ports with no where to go as it is. When peoples mortgages are in jeopardy they are not going to buy that bi-yearly new car. Everyone got the feeling that they could buy a new car and a home and parteee like 1999 for a bit. I was in the home market for a while until the prices almost doubled in a year. Now its back down and I make peanuts.....

The unions definitely make it hard for a company to make needed profit and outsourcing ruins peoples chances at a mediocre wage at home. There needs to be a realistic balance.

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The bailout should come from the oil companies, not the taxpayers. The Big Three in Oil (Exxon, Chevron and Shell) should pick their poison (GM, Ford, or Chrysler) and bail them out. Its the Big Three who fueled (pardon the pun) these record profits that the oil companies were raking in at our expense. $4+ per gallon last summer, and for what? So the oil companies can laugh it up at our expense? The oil companies should take heed of this very simple fact: If the big ass Suburban or Expedition or Ram truck fall off the road like flies, we will see gas below $1 per gallon. Care about profits? These guys all need to wake the hell up!

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The bailout should come from the oil companies, not the taxpayers. The Big Three in Oil (Exxon, Chevron and Shell) should pick their poison (GM, Ford, or Chrysler) and bail them out. Its the Big Three who fueled (pardon the pun) these record profits that the oil companies were raking in at our expense. $4+ per gallon last summer, and for what? So the oil companies can laugh it up at our expense? The oil companies should take heed of this very simple fact: If the big ass Suburban or Expedition or Ram truck fall off the road like flies, we will see gas below $1 per gallon. Care about profits? These guys all need to wake the hell up!


smartest thing said throughout the whole internet today, you get an attaboy! :cool:

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Think about it... the world (billions of years) and the people on it have been around for tens of thousands of years. Civilization for thousands more or less. And in the space of 80-100 years everything revolves around cars?????? The economy is intimately controlled and influenced by it???? How much or the worlds glass, rubber, steel, aluminum, copper and plastic goes into new car production each year????? worldwide!!!! We are no better than the former civilization on Easter Island that used up all the trees transporting huge stone carvings until they couldn't build boats to fish with, or escape. If we survive the collapse of civilization story tellers will say this about us to the young ones around the fires at night: "the Great Ones were arrogant and proud and wasted everything they had and the fall from heaven was far and hard"

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If GM came back out with a newer EV1 they get out of debt real soon. :D


I work with an engineer who was one of the heads of the EV1 project for GM and he said the project was TOO successful. So, they crusehd all of them. They totally fucked themselves, let em sink! I love GM trucks but theyre ideas on many of their products they call cars can lick my nuts. Ford has had quite a few lemons over the years as well. They also made some good decisions too like having the best sales ever when they bought the nissan quest and badged it the nissan villager as well as many of mazdas products. They recently rose in quality but I am afraid its a little to late for them as well.


I totally agree if anyone should bail these fools out it should be the oil companies doing the majority of the lending. peace.

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If we survive the collapse of civilization story tellers will say this about us to the young ones around the fires at night: "the Great Ones were arrogant and proud and wasted everything they had and the fall from heaven was far and hard"




The vision dims and all that remains are mememories. They take me back -back to the place where the black pump sucked guzzolene from the earth...

Edited by hang_510
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Back in the 70's, people used to make fun of Datsuns, VWs and Toyotas..people use to say crap like ha, ha, made in Japan, tin can and so on..then the oil embargo hit and soon people started buying Japanese cars, while the big 3 tried to do their best by catching up with cars like the pinto, Gremlin and pacers that looked like they cut them in half. Eventually the Japanese improve the quality of their cars and invested tons of money in efficiency and better fuel mileage cars, while American auto makers, like in the late 80's, 90 and 2000 started making big ass SUVS and trucks..then gas prices went up to like almost $5/gal while the credit market tighthen up and mass lay offs were happening. Guess people don't learn from their mistakes and these CEOs dragged us down while collecting millions of "bonuses".


Rescuing them is a catch 22, if we don't 3 millions jobs will be affected and more homes will foreclose.

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Rescuing them is a catch 22, if we don't 3 millions jobs will be affected and more homes will foreclose.

i read its more like 1-2 million(in realted industries as well) in every state that would be affected.




k-mart used to suck and fell to walmart, which sucks (rainman II)

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