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13 minutes ago, tr8er said:

You said:


They are FOR ;  mutilation and perversion of children, DEI, censorship (ending freedom of speech), attacks on Christians/Christianity(freedom of religion), weaponization of DOJ, division through race & gender, Racism, unnecessary endless wars, defunding police, chaos through making previously illegal crimes now legal, socialism, terrorism, making parents criminals if they don't affirm gender, taking kids away from their parents for same trans ideology, controlling and using social media against us, forced an experimental vaccine on us and fired those who didn't comply, opened borders to terrorist, sex/drug traffickers, and all other forms of criminals, made it ok for men to parade naked in women's spaces and around children, allowed male rapist prisoners to be put in women's facilities if they said they were women (women were raped), Palestine protest where jews were being attacked, making being proud to be an American racist, replacing the American flag with gay flag in schools, allowing cities to burn to the ground because of their leniency towards criminals, drugs, and refusing to clean things up, and making it nearly impossible for families to afford to eat or to have a roof over their heads.


I thought you were trying to make a joke.  You wanted me to take you seriously?  The respectful thing is to not engage sometimes.  Literally every parse above takes an extreme right wing smear tactic, feeds it cocaine for a week, inseminates it with Bannons chum, takes the baby and raises them under the love of Marjorie Taylor Greene before they are ripe for print.  Either you just like exaggeration, and are having fun, or you are clueless.  Check yourself, I'm not into it.  


Wow, you're actually saying that Americans are imagining these things? So there's really no reason for me to take you seriously or engage with you in here. 


As much as Mike and paradime disagree with me and I with them. They have yet to deny reality to make an argument for the left.


You sir, are on a whole nother level. I think I'm gonna do us both a favor and block your comments.


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22 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

This is why I have no issue with live rounds used on people actively destroying other people property. Eliminates the need for all of that stuff. Rioting would quickly fall out of fashion. 

Most if not all states hold laws aligned with the castle doctrine.  Look to the rooftop Koreans in California.  Shot looters without consequence from my recollection.  So riots and looting happen regardless.  I was almost in Minneapolis during Floyd protests.  There was a Rage concert the Sat. after.  They cancelled.  I imagine that was a good idea for the city.  

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Saw a parade in Afghanistan a while back, saw tanks and the black hawk helicopters all the best tools of war. 86 billion worth actually. I had some free time and wanted to see if i could find one of their news sites. I did, apple has a translation feature too I discovered. Well I find a rabbit hole and fell hard into it. Nation after nation I read and read. Either our few news networks are lying or the entire world is because they don’t talk too much about Trump, just focus on our involvement in everyone’s business, specifically during and after Covid-19. Not only am I not willing to cast a vote to democrat mission, I don’t think I ever will again. As for trump, It’s been very easy to not know much about him at all. I don’t care about the politicians as people, beyond policy, corrupt ability, and willingness to do a good job, right now more than ever because currently 2/3 Of the planet have begun to  preparing for war, even talk of the potential BIG war. I cringe at the idea of our boys and girls getting conscripted and sent to die by the very weapons us heavily taxed citizens, parents paid for and delivered. Absolutely unforgivable. Kamala backed her  boss every step of the way. If you know something is wrong and you have the power to right and you don’t then you are corrupt, may it be moral corruption it is still an unacceptable value to support in someone who is supposed to represent our great country. I liked ramaswami then Kennedy and now I just feel disappointed. I feel trump has better policy. Didn’t watch the debate, didnt have to, I remember 2016-2024 and remember I was too busy to pay any attention to politics until Covid, because it sucked and it never stopped, just kept sucking. My vote goes to it not sucking. 45/47. 

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8 hours ago, tr8er said:

I'd only want the organizers to be doing time.  I see J6 as a much bigger issue, but you are right that those who were just there, and even went in, shouldn't do time.  Those Proud boys and Oath Keepers and others who made it happen.  They are the ones I see should be made an example of.  You try to interfere with the democratic process, spend life in jail.  Others are not evil, just following the leader.  


BLM is a movement that grew out of protest.  I don't think there was an organizer of the riots.  So no heads to spend serious jail time.  Many, many participants who should be tried for vandalism and theft.  But that isn't jail time in most cases, and pretty difficult to pin any of it on individuals.  So how to do prosecute?  You would need video footage or reliable witness testimony to prosecute them.  Most were masked even if they were caught on camera.  Then you take them to court and prosecute them at cost to the state judicial.  If they are found guilty, its parole and a fine with damages 9 out of 10.  Small crimes, on a mass scale.  Trust me, neither party wants to encourage the government to use excessive force to stomp public protest.  They need to do what they did.  Contain, diffuse, and when they can safely do so, protect property.  If they attack a cop, throw them in jail.  There were a ton of arrests and prosecutions that resulted, but not compared to the damage done.     

Of course you see J6 as a bigger issue. All four hours of it were probably very frightening for you. The furry horned man almost became President and Nancy Pelosi was almost hung. You don't think BLM is an organizer and promoter of riots ? I honestly don't even know how to respond to this without being completely insulting. BLM does have a leader, you know that right ? Patrisse Cullors, do some fact checking on her and get back to us.

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6 hours ago, IZRL said:


Wow, you're actually saying that Americans are imagining these things? So there's really no reason for me to take you seriously or engage with you in here. 


As much as Mike and paradime disagree with me and I with them. They have yet to deny reality to make an argument for the left.


You sir, are on a whole nother level. I think I'm gonna do us both a favor and block your comments.


No shit. Sometimes I think he's just trolling with some of the shit he types.

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9 hours ago, IZRL said:




As much as Mike and paradime disagree with me and I with them. They have yet to deny reality to make an argument for the left.





Argument for the left? Never. I argue against Trump and the wilful blindness of Republicans and the insanity of MAGA voters. Destruction is a waste of my and your time pointing out supposed 'facts' to people that don't give a shit about them and lob equal amounts back. It's not even entertainment let alone good entertainment.


Bitch all you like the rest of America will decide, not you. You're just along for the train ride yelling "You're going the wrong way!"  

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3 hours ago, john510 said:

Of course you see J6 as a bigger issue. All four hours of it were probably very frightening for you. The furry horned man almost became President and Nancy Pelosi was almost hung. You don't think BLM is an organizer and promoter of riots ? I honestly don't even know how to respond to this without being completely insulting. BLM does have a leader, you know that right ? Patrisse Cullors, do some fact checking on her and get back to us.

The organization was born from the ashes of those Floyd riots.  Which is what I thought we were talking about.  

i just re-read my comment.  I was clear that it IS an organization that was started by those riots.  BLM didn’t organize them.  The riots organized BLM.  If you need help with your response next time, I can help.  

Edited by tr8er
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15 hours ago, datzenmike said:

There is one, and only one excuse for insurrection, and that is if you win. They should all rot in jail for life, if not hung on lamp posts. You're way too soft John. If it was Harris that incited rioters to the Capitol you'd shit your pants about it. Yeah, you would.


Antifa, BLM were riots against society and there are laws to cover that. Jan 6 was a riot against the very fabric of democracy, and America. Judgement should be swift and the severest.  


Ugh.  "They should all rot in jail for life, if not hung on lamp posts".................and you rattle us for criticizing liberals!  John is correct, in differentiating between those that were simply present at the J6, but are being wrongly arrested & prosecuted, & those that were actually seen on camera/video damaging property etc.  I agree that those people should be prosecuted, as do most conservatives.  Are you aware that the guy in the fur hat & horns was NOT a part of the violence & damage?  But he was hunted down, arrested & jailed!! (I think he is now out of jail).  The point is, that the J6 situation has been PROVEN to have been weaponized by the left, in an attempt to smear Trump.......................and thankfully, many (obviously NOT you) have seen through their lies & are going to vote accordingly..............for MAGA TRUMP!!!!!!!!! 😎

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2 hours ago, tr8er said:

The organization was born from the ashes of those Floyd riots.  Which is what I thought we were talking about.  

i just re-read my comment.  I was clear that it IS an organization that was started by those riots.  BLM didn’t organize them.  The riots organized BLM.  If you need help with your response next time, I can help.  

Do yourself a favor and brush up on the history of the BLM organization. I won't bother pointing out when it was organized and created. Don't take my word for it. Use Google and fact check yourself. If you need help with stuff like this find it on your own. A hint. Treyvon Martin and George Zimmerman. Start there. 

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There are J6 defendants that have received longer sentences than the Weather Underground members convicted of bombing the US capital in 1983, it was also bombed in 1971.

Trivia question: Whose political career was begun at a WU members house?

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14 minutes ago, john510 said:

Do yourself a favor and brush up on the history of the BLM organization. I won't bother pointing out when it was organized and created. Don't take my word for it. Use Google and fact check yourself. If you need help with stuff like this find it on your own. A hint. Treyvon Martin and George Zimmerman. Start there. 

I appreciate it.  I had the foundation on the wrong protest.  It’s never been something I follow but I now know it goes way back to 2012.  Rose from the Treyvon Martin murder.  Another sad time for mankind.  Thanks.  

Im not a proponent of looting, or rioting, or destroying property, or having police kill unarmed citizen or criminals.  

and you are correct.  Attacks on our government are much more concerning.  And the masses of folks who showed up to hold signs should not be prosecuted at all.  That’s free speech.  The ones organizing the crowd to interfere with Congress should be made an example of.  Read the report.  Call it bullshit all you want.  The facts that are referenced within point to a small number of very guilty individuals who had every intent that day of sedition 

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1 hour ago, yenpit said:


Ugh.  "They should all rot in jail for life, if not hung on lamp posts".................and you rattle us for criticizing liberals!  John is correct, in differentiating between those that were simply present at the J6, but are being wrongly arrested & prosecuted, & those that were actually seen on camera/video damaging property etc.  I agree that those people should be prosecuted, as do most conservatives.  Are you aware that the guy in the fur hat & horns was NOT a part of the violence & damage?  But he was hunted down, arrested & jailed!! (I think he is now out of jail).  The point is, that the J6 situation has been PROVEN to have been weaponized by the left, in an attempt to smear Trump.......................and thankfully, many (obviously NOT you) have seen through their lies & are going to vote accordingly..............for MAGA TRUMP!!!!!!!!! 😎


If you follow along with a crowd bent on anything illegal then you are counted with  them. Now I'll give you that if you can separate observers from those actually involved in the mayhem sure. I'm pretty sure Trump encouraged them in a speech to march down to the Capitol. Don't know what he intended but that's inciting insurrection. 

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4 hours ago, Ooph! said:

One of many examples of BLM / ANTIFA leadership that does not exist


Black Lives Matter executive accused of ‘syphoning’ $10M from BLM donors, suit says




And after they prove somebody stole the money nothing will happen to them. They'll just write it off as a loss.

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1 hour ago, tr8er said:

I appreciate it.  I had the foundation on the wrong protest.  It’s never been something I follow but I now know it goes way back to 2012.  Rose from the Treyvon Martin murder.  Another sad time for mankind.  Thanks.  

Im not a proponent of looting, or rioting, or destroying property, or having police kill unarmed citizen or criminals.  

and you are correct.  Attacks on our government are much more concerning.  And the masses of folks who showed up to hold signs should not be prosecuted at all.  That’s free speech.  The ones organizing the crowd to interfere with Congress should be made an example of.  Read the report.  Call it bullshit all you want.  The facts that are referenced within point to a small number of very guilty individuals who had every intent that day of sedition 

Attacks on our government AREN'T much more concerning to me. Attacks on the good people in this country are concerning to me. Especially when the government/law enforcement just sits back and watches. That should be a big concern for the average citizen. We already know the government will protect itself from even the smallest of threats. Will they protect you ? 

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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Argument for the left? Never. I argue against Trump and the wilful blindness of Republicans and the insanity of MAGA voters. Destruction is a waste of my and your time pointing out supposed 'facts' to people that don't give a shit about them and lob equal amounts back. It's not even entertainment let alone good entertainment.


Bitch all you like the rest of America will decide, not you. You're just along for the train ride yelling "You're going the wrong way!"  

Well, I agree with one snippet of your comment "Destruction is a waste of my and your time". ⬅️👍.


"I argue against Trump and the wilful blindness of Republicans and the insanity of MAGA voters." ⬅️ You've said this multiple times in here. But when I ask you to list examples of what MAGAS are doing that is so crazy or what Republicans are willfully blind to, so far, you can't list anything. Have you any examples finally or are you still just saying it to say it?

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14 minutes ago, IZRL said:

Well, I agree with one snippet of your comment "Destruction is a waste of my and your time". ⬅️👍.


"I argue against Trump and the wilful blindness of Republicans and the insanity of MAGA voters." ⬅️ You've said this multiple times in here. But when I ask you to list examples of what MAGAS are doing that is so crazy or what Republicans are willfully blind to, so far, you can't list anything. Have you any examples finally or are you still just saying it to say it?

He says it just to say it. A broken record.

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14 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

This is why I have no issue with live rounds used on people actively destroying other people property. Eliminates the need for all of that stuff. Rioting would quickly fall out of fashion. 

You mean like how they do in Iran? Or did you forget the sarcasm font? This isn't Aimed at you specifically, but to the selective ignorance of why people are rioting.over police brutality. Those ignorant are the same people who say they're being opposed by our "police state"..


Wether we agree with it politically or not, protest riots, anti-establishment rebellion, and civil unrest are not new to the U.S. because we're a free country. There have been over 500 incidents of this in our history listed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_incidents_of_civil_unrest_in_the_United_States


And that doesn't include the many thousands in racially motivated incidents of violence against minorities. Until the civil rights movement, the justice system turned a blind eye to institutionalized segregation and racial discrimination. That freedom led to mob linchings, arson of minority schools churches and businesses, assassination of their leaders, destruction and/or seizure of personal property, and countless acts of terror/assault. It's patriotic when the majority riots to protect their safety and rights. When minorities rebel against the same injustice, their riots are always characterized as "senseless crimes of vandalism, violence, and motivated by selfish political opportunism". Now, would you have an issue with live rounds being used on the people actively destroying our capital building on J6? Or were those crimes justifiable acts, then say it wasn't motivated by selfish political opportunism? The usual suspects downplay or out right deny this history as liberal brainwashing designed to Destroy America!!! In reality this has nothing to do with the party politics that do nothing but fan the flames. When it comes to harming others with violence vandalism and looting, NONE of it is justified IMO, but it's never that simple. I try to understand why it's happening no matter who is doing it. Then I shoot them.


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2 hours ago, IZRL said:

Well, I agree with one snippet of your comment "Destruction is a waste of my and your time". ⬅️👍.


"I argue against Trump and the wilful blindness of Republicans and the insanity of MAGA voters." ⬅️ You've said this multiple times in here. But when I ask you to list examples of what MAGAS are doing that is so crazy or what Republicans are willfully blind to, so far, you can't list anything. Have you any examples finally or are you still just saying it to say it?




Like John you will deny the source as leftist. So instead do your own homework, go to google and type 'insanity of MAGA supporters' or 'crazy MAGA supporters' or anything negative or calls into question MAGS's supporters mental state. There's lots of the stupidest, ignorant, red neck, moronic, waste of skin, gaped tooth people you will ever see. I suppose all parties have them but MAGA appeals to the lowest IQ the most.


You'll say it was AI generated content then there's no sense going further skip to willful blindness below.... 


As for willful blindness by the GOP, look at anything I have posted about Trump's very poor character. It's practically ALL about poor character.  I had to argue with someone to get them to admit that he's a convicted felon. WTF? denial much? Everything I said is true and very troubling. What party would support such a piece of shit? Well simply put they ignore it. They (and you) have little choice. This is politics today no one cares what they vote for. "Yeah, yeah, he's a piece of shit alright, but he's our piece of shit and the only chance we have of beating those liberals."


So look at a few you tubes and read my posts it's a waste of time but it's your time wasted not mine. When done (if you even do it) you will say (without acknowledging that there are crazy retarded thinking MAGA supporters nor that what I said about Trumps character is pretty damn true) "You complain a lot but don't offer any fix of the problem" First I don't have to, as I feel that pointing out the problem is the first step in fixing it. No one, or few, will admit there is a problem in the first place they just want to bitch about the other side. Who do you contact to voice your displeasure with the GOP's choice say at the local level? Band together, petition your representatives. Spend half the time you spend bitching about the Democrats and get off your ass and do something. I can point but I can't do it for you. No, it's easier to be blind.

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