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2 hours ago, john510 said:

Only Trump shows that behavior right ? That fits so many to a tee. What's your point ? The self importance is kind of funny. He was the President and is running for the spot again. 

Never said he's the only one. Only that the shoe fits perfectly, and his daddy was the cobbler.  Funny how little Donny demonstrated all this behavior 40 yrs before he was a hot mess in the Whitehouse. America is tired of his crazy ass and won't make that mistake again. I'm sad the Republican Party hither their wagon to that guy. 

Edited by paradime
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2 hours ago, john510 said:

Calling him a narcissist is hypocritical. Is that a label that only applies to Trump ? I don't think so. Look at any famous person/politician. Ever heard one admit they were wrong or that their idea was a bad one ? That's the old pot meet kettle thing at it's finest. And please stop about the kindergarten level name calling. He's outnumbered 1,000 to 1 as far as that goes. What was the DNC about these last few days ? Calling Trump names so please stop. He's Hitler and he will destroy democracy. As they hand pick their candidate from a group of one. The whole convention was about Trump ! Does the lefts name calling bother you ? It all bothers me but I say what goes around comes around. I do wish Trump would take the high road but that isn't his thing. I can respect that somewhat. You know I've never heard anybody here say Trump was perfect ? I've never heard a Trump supporter anywhere say he was perfect. He's far from it. Trump doing this for his father is a new one. You'd be the first person I've heard say that. The TDS label comes from the years of irrational, illogical prediction and behavior from the left. None of it came true yet they still say it. What can you do ? You can't tell these people to slow down and take a deep breath to think about what they just said. It doesn't work. It's like dealing with a two year old. In 2nd or 3rd grade I'd never heard any of the talk you speak of. That would have been junior high for me. From what I've seen on your opinion/assessment of Trump supporters I'd guess you don't know even one and are just using the generic description of them because you don't know any better. 

The DNC attacks were dumb.  I'm not defending the dick jokes.  I know they are shifting their strategy to attack mode and it's disheartening.  Neither party would have acted like this before Trump though.  You should admit that to yourself.  He absolutely changed the entire campaign rhetoric.  Hopefully temporarily.  


You saying none of it came true fits what I said perfectly.  You ignore information and say it's fake news.  The government accused Trump of taking documents.  He denied it.  They went and found the documents, or most of them.  (none of it came true?)  Trump said, all you had to do was ask and I would have returned them.  to which evidence of the feds requesting their return repeatedly for over 1 year were produced.  (none of it came true?)  Trump stated that he put no pressure on Zelensky to investigate the Bidens.  So a recording of the phone call was released.  (none of it came true?)  Trump denied pressuring Georgia's Raffensperger.  Fortunately the phone call was recorded and released.  (none of it came true?)  Trump used his inauguration to extort almost 1 million tax dollars from the government.  Trump organization settled for $750,000.    Anyone could continue this list.  It's extensive.  He has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar more than the cookie monster.  But the Trump base will excuse all of it with "well, the left...", or "they deserved it...", or any number of other rationalizing excuses.  He is not perfect as you stated.  No one is, and I certainly don't hold him to that standard.  But I do hold anyone, and everyone to what they themselves commit to.  And his word, as he has proven is far and wide from his bond.  

Regarding knowing Trump supporters, I intimately do know some, but I'm the first to admit that I am in a liberal bubble.  I could count on two hands the Trump supporters I interact with frequently.  And frankly, this is a decent part of why I am here in this thread.  I'm not here to change anyone's opinion.  I'm here to expose myself to the other side of things.  Ratsun has no filters keeping eyes on happy thoughts.  It's the straight dope.  After all is said, I'm grateful for all of you for that.  And I'm here enjoying myself, certainly not getting my panties in a bunch.   

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1 hour ago, IZRL said:

Still waiting for you to sell me on why we should vote for the left. All you and Mike do is talk smack about Trump. Not once have you guys given a positive thing the left did for this country during this admin that might give us a reason to consider changing our vote. 


You're only argument is "Vote for the left because we hate Trump and you should hate him too".


Sad part about this, is that the left is only campaigning on 2 things as well. 


1. "Vote for Harris because Trump is the devil".


2. "If you vote for Harris, she will attempt to fix the shit she broke as VP". After Harris fucked up with the border, now she's saying she's gonna up border security a tad >>>"If you vote for me I'll try and put a band-aid on the artery I deliberately severed".


We GET it, you hate Trump. Give us a reason to vote for Harris other than "If Harris is president, that means Trump can't be". 


Thank god.   I was in a panic that you might have stopped waiting.  

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13 minutes ago, tr8er said:

The DNC attacks were dumb.  I'm not defending the dick jokes.  I know they are shifting their strategy to attack mode and it's disheartening.  Neither party would have acted like this before Trump though.  You should admit that to yourself.  He absolutely changed the entire campaign rhetoric.  Hopefully temporarily.  


You saying none of it came true fits what I said perfectly.  You ignore information and say it's fake news.  The government accused Trump of taking documents.  He denied it.  They went and found the documents, or most of them.  (none of it came true?)  Trump said, all you had to do was ask and I would have returned them.  to which evidence of the feds requesting their return repeatedly for over 1 year were produced.  (none of it came true?)  Trump stated that he put no pressure on Zelensky to investigate the Bidens.  So a recording of the phone call was released.  (none of it came true?)  Trump denied pressuring Georgia's Raffensperger.  Fortunately the phone call was recorded and released.  (none of it came true?)  Trump used his inauguration to extort almost 1 million tax dollars from the government.  Trump organization settled for $750,000.    Anyone could continue this list.  It's extensive.  He has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar more than the cookie monster.  But the Trump base will excuse all of it with "well, the left...", or "they deserved it...", or any number of other rationalizing excuses.  He is not perfect as you stated.  No one is, and I certainly don't hold him to that standard.  But I do hold anyone, and everyone to what they themselves commit to.  And his word, as he has proven is far and wide from his bond.  

Regarding knowing Trump supporters, I intimately do know some, but I'm the first to admit that I am in a liberal bubble.  I could count on two hands the Trump supporters I interact with frequently.  And frankly, this is a decent part of why I am here in this thread.  I'm not here to change anyone's opinion.  I'm here to expose myself to the other side of things.  Ratsun has no filters keeping eyes on happy thoughts.  It's the straight dope.  After all is said, I'm grateful for all of you for that.  And I'm here enjoying myself, certainly not getting my panties in a bunch.   

When I mentioned the predictions from the Dems about Trump I was referring to the predictions they made before he was even elected. You know, WW3, tanked economy etc. I can't remember all of them there were so many. Which ones came to be true ? You're confused as to what a prediction is. None of what you mentioned was predicted by anybody. If they were name names. 

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

When I mentioned the predictions from the Dems about Trump I was referring to the predictions they made before he was even elected. You know, WW3, tanked economy etc. I can't remember all of them there were so many. Which ones came to be true ? You're confused as to what a prediction is. None of what you mentioned was predicted by anybody. If they were name names. 

Azazel.  666.  End of days.   AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.    

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47 minutes ago, john510 said:

When I mentioned the predictions from the Dems about Trump I was referring to the predictions they made before he was even elected. You know, WW3, tanked economy etc. I can't remember all of them there were so many. Which ones came to be true ? You're confused as to what a prediction is. None of what you mentioned was predicted by anybody. If they were name names. 

You know he was referring to predictions regarding Trump's character (or lack there in) Everything on tr8er's list shows it came true. Before throwing more But Democrat stones, who made the 2 predictions on your list? If you can, name names. 

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:


1) I challenge you to go back through all of my posts and find even one instance where I ever even hinted that you should vote for the left. It never happened. You are right about 'talking smack about Trump' and 'he's the devil' though,... and he is a disgusting piece of shit. As for positive things about the left... as you well know there are none or next to none. So take my name off that list except for the talking smack part. That's why I'm here to show that the emperor has no clothes. "The enemy of your friend does not make me your enemy"


2) There is almost no way 45 will win, but never say never. In the extremely remotely thin chance he does and everything I warned you against comes to pass in the next 4 years, and the title of this thread becomes true, I'll be here to say I told you so.

1) Go back and re-read that post. I never said you told us to vote for the left. You are however, trying to discourage people from voting for Trump. Sooooo, in a way you're either saying we should vote for the left, or not vote at all, which is it? Which leads to my second response. 


2) Not sure how this makes any sense to you? We're back to baseless speculative fear mongering. First off your boogy man is gonna win. Secondly as I said to tr8ter before, 1 + 2 ≠ apple.  Facts are facts, a 2nd term with this admin is a bigger risk to America than a 2nd Trump term.


You are basically telling us that Trump "might" do what this admin has already done. We're already smack dab in the middle of the "Title of this thread" incase you haven't noticed. And we have this admin to thank for that, not Trump.


Not saying shit might not still go very wrong with Trump, always a possibility. But the facts say the odds of it going right are higher with Trump.

3 hours ago, tr8er said:

The DNC attacks were dumb.  I'm not defending the dick jokes.  I know they are shifting their strategy to attack mode and it's disheartening.  Neither party would have acted like this before Trump though.  You should admit that to yourself.  He absolutely changed the entire campaign rhetoric.  Hopefully temporarily.  


You saying none of it came true fits what I said perfectly.  You ignore information and say it's fake news.  The government accused Trump of taking documents.  He denied it.  They went and found the documents, or most of them.  (none of it came true?)  Trump said, all you had to do was ask and I would have returned them.  to which evidence of the feds requesting their return repeatedly for over 1 year were produced.  (none of it came true?)  Trump stated that he put no pressure on Zelensky to investigate the Bidens.  So a recording of the phone call was released.  (none of it came true?)  Trump denied pressuring Georgia's Raffensperger.  Fortunately the phone call was recorded and released.  (none of it came true?)  Trump used his inauguration to extort almost 1 million tax dollars from the government.  Trump organization settled for $750,000.    Anyone could continue this list.  It's extensive.  He has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar more than the cookie monster.  But the Trump base will excuse all of it with "well, the left...", or "they deserved it...", or any number of other rationalizing excuses.  He is not perfect as you stated.  No one is, and I certainly don't hold him to that standard.  But I do hold anyone, and everyone to what they themselves commit to.  And his word, as he has proven is far and wide from his bond.  

Regarding knowing Trump supporters, I intimately do know some, but I'm the first to admit that I am in a liberal bubble.  I could count on two hands the Trump supporters I interact with frequently.  And frankly, this is a decent part of why I am here in this thread.  I'm not here to change anyone's opinion.  I'm here to expose myself to the other side of things.  Ratsun has no filters keeping eyes on happy thoughts.  It's the straight dope.  After all is said, I'm grateful for all of you for that.  And I'm here enjoying myself, certainly not getting my panties in a bunch.   

Well I guess at least you're making an effort to have a conversation (mutual shit talk) with the other side. Which is more than i can say for most people on the left (civilians & politicians). 

3 hours ago, tr8er said:

Thank god.   I was in a panic that you might have stopped waiting.  

Sounds like you don't have anything good to say about this administration. Your silence answered my question. So I'll stop waiting. 


Edited by IZRL
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1 hour ago, paradime said:

You know he was referring to predictions regarding Trump's character (or lack there in) Everything on tr8er's list shows it came true. Before throwing more But Democrat stones, who made the 2 predictions on your list? If you can, name names. 

Everything on Traitors list weren't predictions from our left wing media and Trump opponents from before the election and right afterward. I didn't know you could predict a phone call and it's result. The document situation was never a prediction. Predictions about Trump from before his election ? look to CNN, Michael Moore, Mitt Romney, Chris Cuomo, Bloomberg, Clinton, the NY Times, Huffpost. My favorite, Rachel Madcow. What year was it Trump was supposed to be going to jail ? 2016 through 2024 now ? 

Edited by john510
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3 hours ago, tr8er said:

 You ignore information and say it's fake news.

Fake news from the left?!? No...never🤔😆. Even the left is starting to see it. Well what do you know, Trump was right about that. 


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9 minutes ago, IZRL said:

Fake news from the left?!? No...never🤔😆. Even the left is starting to see it. Well what do you know, Trump was right about that. 


Even my over 80 Mother is on to it. She commented the other day (She still watches mainstream TV and news) how all the channels use the same adjectives, Trump is "a threat to democracy", "frightened" Harris is "joyful", "promising" there were other terms employed for both candidates, but the descriptions were exactly the same. There is hard work trying to construct a narrative and repeat it until it is true --the American way.

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6 hours ago, paradime said:

Whether Americans see it or not, we stands on the brink of corporate plutocracy, and neither party is talking or doing a fucking thing to stop it.

A clear, correct and unassailable, position. Understanding that reality and the pain and depravity, awaiting the subjugated, why would you promote or support disarming fellow revolutionaries? Appealing to your personal safety was ineffective, appealing to the safety of your family, brought statistical silliness. How about, when the jackboots come, you understand they come at behest of those with much, why wouldn't you want those desiring to own weapons of war, fighting in front of you (The enemy of my enemy) I have no desire to ever own an automatic weapon. I never wish to carry or need that amount of ammo. I will hang back. But, I want every patriot who desires to unto the breech, to go forth fully armed.

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2 hours ago, john510 said:

Everything on Traitors list weren't predictions from our left wing media and Trump opponents from before the election and right afterward. I didn't know you could predict a phone call and it's result. The document situation was never a prediction. Predictions about Trump from before his election ? look to CNN, Michael Moore, Mitt Romney, Chris Cuomo, Bloomberg, Clinton, the NY Times, Huffpost. My favorite, Rachel Madcow. What year was it Trump was supposed to be going to jail ? 2016 through 2024 now ? 

Gotcha.   The Antichrist prophecies were abundant.  It was a trip!    And not about what aboutism at all, but it was true for Obama too.  People were translating passages and shit to pin details on both of them.  Tying Malachy’s prophecies to the U.S. election.  It’s sick as soon as it goes past amusement.  

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7 hours ago, IZRL said:

1) Go back and re-read that post. I never said you told us to vote for the left. You are however, trying to discourage people from voting for Trump. Sooooo, in a way you're either saying we should vote for the left, or not vote at all, which is it? Which leads to my second response. 


11 hours ago, IZRL said:

Still waiting for you to sell me on why we should vote for the left. All you and Mike do is talk smack about Trump. Not once have you guys given a positive thing the left did for this country during this admin that might give us a reason to consider changing our vote. 


I'm not trying to promote or sell the left, just dissatisfied with the right's choice.


11 hours ago, IZRL said:

You're only argument is "Vote for the left because we hate Trump and you should hate him too".



Never said to vote for the left. What's to do? well you could agitate for a better candidate or run yourself. Start up a group to lobby the GOP for someone better. Bitch and complain about their poor choice. Well, if we can just get past '24, Trump will be too old to run and tragedy will have been averted. Start writing letters.





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I keep hearing about project 2025 and thats not enough for me, As a well rounded person I have to actually research the facts not just the gossip and here's my summary. It comes from "heritage foundation" that has been offering their view of a perfect America for decades. It's nothing more than a think Tank of stuffies. Its shouldn't be taken any more serious than conservatives take the TV show "the view". In conclusion, you show me someone freaking out over it and I'll show you a feeble minded person ripe for manipulation.

hashtag fearporn hashtag clownshowpolitics  

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10 minutes ago, gh0stwerx76 said:

I keep hearing about project 2025 and thats not enough for me, As a well rounded person I have to actually research the facts not just the gossip and here's my summary. It comes from "heritage foundation" that has been offering their view of a perfect America for decades. It's nothing more than a think Tank of stuffies. Its shouldn't be taken any more serious than conservatives take the TV show "the view". In conclusion, you show me someone freaking out over it and I'll show you a feeble minded person ripe for manipulation.

hashtag fearporn hashtag clownshowpolitics  

Yea 2025 is just another tool the left is using to scare the hell out their sheep. Trump hasn't endorsed it or supported it yet they tie him to it because they don't have anything better to use against him.

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11 hours ago, frankendat said:

Even my over 80 Mother is on to it. She commented the other day (She still watches mainstream TV and news) how all the channels use the same adjectives, Trump is "a threat to democracy", "frightened" Harris is "joyful", "promising" there were other terms employed for both candidates, but the descriptions were exactly the same. There is hard work trying to construct a narrative and repeat it until it is true --the American way.

I wish my 82 year old mother would catch on to it. The View alone has her screwed up beyond repair. 

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Threat to democracy?


Well he is. Riled up a crowd that stormed the Capitol to overthrow the election and keep him in power. Did not said anything to stop it. Multiple counts of election interference. Paid off a whore to keep silent about an affair so that it wouldn't negatively impact the '16 election. That seems to me to be a threat to democracy.


While no money changed hands there was a hint of a job or appearance on Trump's Apprentice reality show so whore is applicable. Future goods and services.

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Blah, blah blah.  You are like a broken record, and I know you are old enough to get the reference.  You should really listen to your own blather with the same doubt you apply to everything else.  None of the things you repeat ad nauseum have actually had any affect whatsoever on "democracy".   Go read "Rigged" and get the real story on where the threat to "democracy' resides.

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12 hours ago, john510 said:

Everything on Traitors list weren't predictions from our left wing media and Trump opponents from before the election and right afterward. I didn't know you could predict a phone call and it's result. The document situation was never a prediction. Predictions about Trump from before his election ? look to CNN, Michael Moore, Mitt Romney, Chris Cuomo, Bloomberg, Clinton, the NY Times, Huffpost. My favorite, Rachel Madcow. What year was it Trump was supposed to be going to jail ? 2016 through 2024 now ? 


No argument there, only the predictions on his list were made shortly before they were fact, I'll repeat the reason I registered as Independent when I was 18: MSN is puppet show propaganda. Nothing but fear mongering that is turned up to 11 in an election year. Not unique in history or to one party, because their chicken little feed rhetoric works. Yeah, but the other side is ignorant right? 


Before throwing stones,  Projection, the mental process by which people attribute to others what is their own thoughts, feelings and behaviors.







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1 hour ago, paradime said:


No argument there, only the predictions on his list were made shortly before they were fact, I'll repeat the reason I registered as Independent when I was 18: MSN is puppet show propaganda. Nothing but fear mongering that is turned up to 11 in an election year. Not unique in history or to one party, because their chicken little feed rhetoric works. Yeah, but the other side is ignorant right? 


Before throwing stones,  Projection, the mental process by which people attribute to others what is their own thoughts, feelings and behaviors.






The difference between most of the fear mongering on the right vs the left.


Is that the left is trying to freak people out about things that "might" happen under Trump.


The right is mostly reporting what the left "has already done", and what they're actively trying to do. There's no need to make shit up or try to freak people out with what the opposition might do when the reality of America's current state in the wake of this admin is terrifying enough.


There's no comparison between someone who has already committed murder and someone you believe "might" have homicidal tendencies.

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52 minutes ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:


My asshole automatically puckers anytime I see the words "California" and "Bill" in the same sentence. And I don't even live there. 


Seems Californians love taking it in the ass, no pun intended 😆. They could vote their way off the sinking ship, but they'd rather go down with the ship waving the blue flag. 


Edited by IZRL
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37 minutes ago, IZRL said:

The difference between most of the fear mongering on the right vs the left.


Is that the left is trying to freak people out about things that "might" happen under Trump.


The right is mostly reporting what the left "has already done", and what they're actively trying to do. There's no need to make shit up or try to freak people out with what the opposition might do when the reality of America's current state in the wake of this admin is terrifying enough.


There's no comparison between someone who has already committed murder and someone you believe "might" have homicidal tendencies.


I agree with this statement, there is a lot of what if's from the left. That being said the only media I get exposed to is while I am in the house with my grandfather and fox news is reporting on what the left is saying!

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