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45 minutes ago, bananahamuck said:

  Fat510 has left out the part the Columbian has also "technically"  overstayed her student visa sooo .. 


But since the "let everyone vote regardless of them being able to actually prove who they are",  guy,  probably will let that die and not respond to it.. 


I think we already talked about me getting 2 mail in ballots every election including this last primary because i have never went by my legal first name. We all got a chuckle but it still sketchy as fuck . 


I remember when i used to take my son (FAT510) over to the firehouse to vote in person i remember the old lady that lived 3 houses away would ask for my ID even though she knew us by sight.. 


Last election it took 5 days to count my vote , ever though i deposited it in box less than 8th mile from where they actually count them ,, so there's thaaaat. 



And since we like to copy and paste 

Here's one from Thurston county, Washington web page where FAT510 lives

RCW 2.36.070

Qualification of juror.

A person shall be competent to serve as a juror in the state of Washington unless that person:
(1) Is less than eighteen years of age;
(2) Is not a citizen of the United States;
(3) Is not a resident of the county in which he or she has been summoned to serve;
(4) Is not able to communicate in the English language; or
(5) Has been convicted of a felony and has not had his or her civil rights restored.

I like it, make it Federal and part of the qualification for entry into the United States. Hell, make it the rule for working in the United States, permanent residency in the United States, qualification for social security. 

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2 hours ago, bananahamuck said:

  Fat510 has left out the part the Columbian has also "technically"  overstayed her student visa sooo .. 


But since the "let everyone vote regardless of them being able to actually prove who they are",  guy,  probably will let that die and not respond to it.. 


I think we already talked about me getting 2 mail in ballots every election including this last primary because i have never went by my legal first name. We all got a chuckle but it still sketchy as fuck . 


I remember when i used to take my son (FAT510) over to the firehouse to vote in person i remember the old lady that lived 3 houses away would ask for my ID even though she knew us by sight.. 


Last election it took 5 days to count my vote , ever though i deposited it in box less than 8th mile from where they actually count them ,, so there's thaaaat. 



And since we like to copy and paste 

Here's one from Thurston county, Washington web page where FAT510 lives

RCW 2.36.070

Qualification of juror.

A person shall be competent to serve as a juror in the state of Washington unless that person:
(1) Is less than eighteen years of age;
(2) Is not a citizen of the United States;
(3) Is not a resident of the county in which he or she has been summoned to serve;
(4) Is not able to communicate in the English language; or
(5) Has been convicted of a felony and has not had his or her civil rights restored.

Well make sure to vote twice then. They are giving you the opportunity, take advantage of it. It's not like they'd ever figure it out.

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17 hours ago, IZRL said:

Let's talk about this for a second. You accuse the right on running their compaign on "fear". There's a difference between running on speculative fear tactics vs showing people the other party's (left's) recent track record of them doing everything in their power to destroy this country. 


The only thing the Democrats have left in their arsenal is trying to demonize Trump with every ad saying "Trump is Hitler, he will be the end of democracy". There's nothing Trump did or has done to show that we would be at risk of this happening... <<< Fear mongering based on delusional speculation. 


On the other hand, the left has proven with actions that they are a threat to democracy. The right "reminding" Americans what the left has already done and how much worse it can get if they stay in office. Is a fact that just happens to be terrifying.


I'm not republican by the way, closer to an independent. I vote for who I believe is best for the country. I voted Democrat after how devastating the G.W. Bush administration was for this country(still affecting us 20+ years later) . Now the tables have turned somehow and the left are the blood thirsty psychopath democracy ending party. So even though I'm not 100% with Trump, he's miles less dangerous than the left at this time. 


That makes way too much sense for the average Trump hater to comprehend. 

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17 hours ago, IZRL said:

Let's talk about this for a second. You accuse the right on running their compaign on "fear". There's a difference between running on speculative fear tactics vs showing people the other party's (left's) recent track record of them doing everything in their power to destroy this country. 


The only thing the Democrats have left in their arsenal is trying to demonize Trump with every ad saying "Trump is Hitler, he will be the end of democracy". There's nothing Trump did or has done to show that we would be at risk of this happening... <<< Fear mongering based on delusional speculation. 


On the other hand, the left has proven with actions that they are a threat to democracy. The right "reminding" Americans what the left has already done and how much worse it can get if they stay in office. Is a fact that just happens to be terrifying.


I'm not republican by the way, closer to an independent. I vote for who I believe is best for the country. I voted Democrat after how devastating the G.W. Bush administration was for this country(still affecting us 20+ years later) . Now the tables have turned somehow and the left are the blood thirsty psychopath democracy ending party. So even though I'm not 100% with Trump, he's miles less dangerous than the left at this time. 


The evidence isn't lacking.  Your acceptance is.  He literally attempted a coup when he lost the last election.  He had alternate electors in place.  A roadmap to not certify the election.  A speaker who was given instructions.  And a VP who was the only person who didn't go along with it.  You had Trump literally sitting in wait when he was being told to tell the masses to stand down.  He only did that after his plan failed.  He has a new plan this time around and you will see it live.  Again.


I know you will tell me all of the MAGA bulletpoints on why the above if not true, and thats my point exactly.  The evidence is in your face, but accepting the truth would mean everything you've been heralding, and everything you want to be true isn't.  Thats a tough pill to swallow.  So onward, forward.  Lets get trump back in office, hire his russian assets to state critical positions, hand out more state secrets to foreign nations, and...   win?  


I've voted both ways before as well.  I wont vote for the guy selling the nation.  I won't vote for the guy who has the majority of his prior cabinet warning against hiring him back.  I won't go for the guy with the Military warning against him receiving military briefs.  Hell, as a convicted felon, he can't even get top secret clearance, so they would need to amend the law just for that.   

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Like attracts like. Birds of a feather. Where are all of Trumps appointees? Jail, just out or headed that way. Don't care at all for the Democrats but Trump back in???? you get the government you deserve.

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42 minutes ago, tr8er said:

The evidence isn't lacking.  Your acceptance is.  He literally attempted a coup when he lost the last election.  He had alternate electors in place.  A roadmap to not certify the election.  A speaker who was given instructions.  And a VP who was the only person who didn't go along with it.  You had Trump literally sitting in wait when he was being told to tell the masses to stand down.  He only did that after his plan failed.  He has a new plan this time around and you will see it live.  Again.


I know you will tell me all of the MAGA bulletpoints on why the above if not true, and thats my point exactly.  The evidence is in your face, but accepting the truth would mean everything you've been heralding, and everything you want to be true isn't.  Thats a tough pill to swallow.  So onward, forward.  Lets get trump back in office, hire his russian assets to state critical positions, hand out more state secrets to foreign nations, and...   win?  


I've voted both ways before as well.  I wont vote for the guy selling the nation.  I won't vote for the guy who has the majority of his prior cabinet warning against hiring him back.  I won't go for the guy with the Military warning against him receiving military briefs.  Hell, as a convicted felon, he can't even get top secret clearance, so they would need to amend the law just for that.   


That makes way too much sense for the average Trump hater.

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Some good points were made Mike. Its a good place to blow off steam and keeps it out of the rest of the forum. I looked around and you were right. There is really no political snippets or seeding or comments on other threads at all. Unlike FB, every post has someone making it political. I take back everything I said and apologize to anyone I may have offended.  

Edited by gh0stwerx76
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No apology needed but thanks, your stock is rising.


As to some of our other forums, often there is an accidental slip or reference but someone usually says: take it to Destruction and that's the end of it.

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1 hour ago, tr8er said:

The evidence isn't lacking.  Your acceptance is.  He literally attempted a coup when he lost the last election.  He had alternate electors in place.  A roadmap to not certify the election.  A speaker who was given instructions.  And a VP who was the only person who didn't go along with it.  You had Trump literally sitting in wait when he was being told to tell the masses to stand down.  He only did that after his plan failed.  He has a new plan this time around and you will see it live.  Again.


I know you will tell me all of the MAGA bulletpoints on why the above if not true, and thats my point exactly.  The evidence is in your face, but accepting the truth would mean everything you've been heralding, and everything you want to be true isn't.  Thats a tough pill to swallow.  So onward, forward.  Lets get trump back in office, hire his russian assets to state critical positions, hand out more state secrets to foreign nations, and...   win?  


I've voted both ways before as well.  I wont vote for the guy selling the nation.  I won't vote for the guy who has the majority of his prior cabinet warning against hiring him back.  I won't go for the guy with the Military warning against him receiving military briefs.  Hell, as a convicted felon, he can't even get top secret clearance, so they would need to amend the law just for that.   

What speaker are you talking about ? Pelosi was speaker of the house. You think she was given instructions from Trump ? LMAO. 

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17 hours ago, Fat510 said:


My fiance got a summons to jury duty in my town the other day and she's a Colombian here on a student visa.


Lol, she got those also when she was on a J visa. I just didn't mention it. This was in California, it is all based on driver licenses.

Edited by Dguy210
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2 hours ago, tr8er said:

The evidence isn't lacking.  Your acceptance is.  He literally attempted a coup when he lost the last election.  He had alternate electors in place.  A roadmap to not certify the election.  A speaker who was given instructions.  And a VP who was the only person who didn't go along with it.  You had Trump literally sitting in wait when he was being told to tell the masses to stand down.  He only did that after his plan failed.  He has a new plan this time around and you will see it live.  Again.


I know you will tell me all of the MAGA bulletpoints on why the above if not true, and thats my point exactly.  The evidence is in your face, but accepting the truth would mean everything you've been heralding, and everything you want to be true isn't.  Thats a tough pill to swallow.  So onward, forward.  Lets get trump back in office, hire his russian assets to state critical positions, hand out more state secrets to foreign nations, and...   win?  


I've voted both ways before as well.  I wont vote for the guy selling the nation.  I won't vote for the guy who has the majority of his prior cabinet warning against hiring him back.  I won't go for the guy with the Military warning against him receiving military briefs.  Hell, as a convicted felon, he can't even get top secret clearance, so they would need to amend the law just for that.   


"Attempted a coup", how? I've said on here numerous times that the jackasses who broke into the Capitol were wrong and I was cheering when they were getting convicted. I think Trump made the mistake of believing those idiots would actually protest peacefully.


So you and I disagree on whether Trump "purposely" incited the violent attack on the Capitol. Neither one of us can prove our position with 100% certainty. So we're back to you voting on speculation.


Let's have a little fun. Sell me on voting for the left. The catch is you can't use speculatation. You can't list things Trump "MIGHT" do. I've already listed all the destruction the left has bestowed upon this country in the short 3.7 years they've been in office(record breaking destruction in such a short time by the way). Give me some examples of good things they've done for us. Why should I vote for them over Trump.


Edited by IZRL
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1 minute ago, IZRL said:


"Attempted a coup", how? I've said on here numerous times that the jackasses who broke into the Capitol were wrong and I was cheering when they were getting convicted. I think Trump made the mistake of believing those idiots would actually protest peacefully.


So you and I disagree on whether Trump "purposely" incited the violent attack on the Capitol. Neither one of us can prove our position with 100% certainty. So we're back to you voting on speculation.


Let's have a little fun. Sell me on voting for the left. The catch is you can't use speculatation. You can't list things Trump "MIGHT" do. I've already l listed all the destruction the left has bestowed upon this country in the short 3.7 years they've been in office(record breaking destruction in such a short time by the way). Give me some examples of good things they've done for us. Why should I vote for them over Trump.





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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:


That makes way too much sense for the average Trump hater.

Hey you found a comrade in destruction. You've already given tr8ter more "likes" and "thank yous" in just his last 15 posts than you've given me in my 675 destruction posts 😂. Nice 👌


Edited by IZRL
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32 minutes ago, IZRL said:

Hey you found comrade in destruction. You've already given tr8ter more "likes" and "thank yous" in just his last 15 posts than you've given me in my 675 destruction posts 😂. Nice 👌



Well sometimes he says things I agree with. Some times it's a retort to someone else, maybe you, maybe John510 that is far more eloquent than anything I could attempt. Seems to me he has posted more just lately too. No worries, I can appreciate your views even if i don't agree with them.  

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3 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


Well sometimes he says things I agree with. Some times it's a retort to someone else, maybe you, maybe John510 that is far more eloquent than anything I could attempt. Seems to me he has posted more just lately too. No worries, I can appreciate your views even if i don't agree with them.  

Hahaha, i was only joking. I've given you about as many likes as you've given me in destruction. That's part of the fun. It's funny, sometimes I agree with half of what you say in a post, but I so strongly disagree with the other half. That I opt to not like the comment as to not give the impression that I agree with the entire comment. 

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25 minutes ago, Fat510 said:


Imagine rooting for the feds 



There might be some truth to the belief that the feds might have something to do with escalating the situation. But we all have free will and a brain that we can use to decide for or against doing something stupid.


Those idiots "chose" to break the law and they deserve to be held accountable for their actions. Noone put a gun to their heads.


If we expect for the left to take responsibility for their stupidity and for them to be held accountable for their crimes. We need to as well. It's either black and white for both sides or you can't complain about the left constantly fucking around in the gray.


We cant pick and choose when they should and shouldn't enforce the laws. This is one of my biggest gripes with the left. 

Edited by IZRL
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What I or you could do is quote your replay then remove that which I don't necessarily agree with or... highlight that which I do, to get around that then post a like heart or a thanks...



13 minutes ago, IZRL said:

... sometimes I agree with half of what you say in a post, but I so strongly disagree with the other half...




11 minutes ago, IZRL said:

Hahaha, i was only joking. I've given you about as many likes as you've given me in destruction. That's part of the fun. It's funny, sometimes I agree with half of what you say in a post, but I so strongly disagree with the other half. That I opt to not like the comment as to not give the impression that I agree with the entire comment. 




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4 minutes ago, IZRL said:


There might be some truth to the belief that the feds might have something to do with escalating the situation. But we all have free will and a brain that we can use to decide for or against doing something stupid.


Those idiots "chose" to break the law and they deserve to be held accountable for their actions. Noone put a gun to their heads.


If we expect for the left to take responsibility for their stupidity and for them to be held accountable for their crimes. We need to as well. It's either black and white for both sides or you can't complain about the left constantly fucking around in the gray.


We cant pick and choose when they should and shouldn't enforce the laws. This is one of my biggest gripes with the left. 


There is only one forgivable excuse for rebellion and that is if you succeed. Otherwise the ultimate and most severe punishment should be levied. 

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7 minutes ago, IZRL said:


There might be some truth to the belief that the feds might have something to do with escalating the situation. But we all have free will and a brain that we can use to decide for or against doing something stupid.


Those idiots "chose" to break the law and they deserve to be held accountable for their actions. Noone put a gun to their heads.


If we expect for the left to take responsibility for their stupidity and for them to be held accountable for their crimes. We need to as well. It's either black and white for both sides or you can't complain about the left constantly fucking around in the gray.


We cant pick and choose when they should and shouldn't enforce the laws. This is one of my biggest gripes with the left. 

I'm sure you're aware some of those "idiots" were just there watching and or doing nothing harmful to anything or anybody. And they had charges filed against them. I'm not condoning the behavior of what happened but some of that situation seems fishy to me. I won't get into it as it's already been beaten to death here some time ago. I will say if those were left supporting people nobody would have gotten into trouble.

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11 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


There is only one forgivable excuse for rebellion and that is if you succeed. Otherwise the ultimate and most severe punishment should be levied. 

Yes, the Jan. 6th thing is belittled on the right and extremely exaggerated on the left. The "protesters" should have been mowed down, just like the Black lives assholes, the second they stepped out of line. I would have supported both actions, (if both were taken)

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