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46 minutes ago, yenpit said:


Mike, really?  First, if I do not vote, yet somebody criminally uses my name & vote to vote for a democrat, THAT is a problem, THAT is illegal.  In 2020, it was not necessarily LIVING peoples ballots stolen, it was DEAD people.  There has been plenty of studies & proof on this, but you will will NEVER see any of it reported in main stream media.  Most has been labelled conspiracy theories.  Did you watch 2000 Mules or any of the Epoch Times documentaries?  Fascinating & scary as hell! 😕😳   


Wait wait wait....that would be voting by proxy. I was talking about voter registration. Or paying students to go door to door getting eligible voters to register to vote. Still waiting for an example of how that would be


Epoch Times ??? lol a little toooo far right, slightly right of MAGAs.  




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1 hour ago, john510 said:

If you think a ballot harvester/volunteer looking to sign up voters isn't influencing or suggesting who to vote for I have some oceanfront property to sell you just north of Phoenix Arizona. It's dirt cheap and I'm willing to negotiate. Don't be so trustworthy of those with an agenda and are full of hatred for the opposing party. That would be foolish. And to be fair here I wouldn't approve of it if the right made it common practice. It should be illegal everywhere no matter who does it.


I said I have no idea how this works. You haven't answered my question. How is going out and registering people to vote influencing their choice???? Is not registering simply proving you live (somewhere) and are eligible to vote? I need more information. 

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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:


I said I have no idea how this works. You haven't answered my question. How is going out and registering people to vote influencing their choice???? Is not registering simply proving you live (somewhere) and are eligible to vote? I need more information. 

I answered you choose not to accept it as reality. Let me try this, ballot harvesters target a neighborhood or town known to be left leaning. They get many registered to vote. They target the poor or uneducated. Who do you think those people are going to vote for ? Never mind that probably doesn't clear it up for you either. 

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This is what you said......


5 hours ago, john510 said:

If you think a ballot harvester/volunteer looking to sign up voters isn't influencing or suggesting who to vote for I have some oceanfront property to sell you just north of Phoenix Arizona. It's dirt cheap and I'm willing to negotiate. Don't be so trustworthy of those with an agenda and are full of hatred for the opposing party. That would be foolish. And to be fair here I wouldn't approve of it if the right made it common practice. It should be illegal everywhere no matter who does it.


That's no explanation. You claimed something but don't elaborate how there is fraud.


Do they tell them who to vote for? Do they march them down to the voting station and help them choose? Is not registering to vote simply getting your name and address on some official list so you can enter a voting station and vote at a later date??? Yes or no!


If some collage kid with a Vote Biden pin helps me register to vote in 9 months, how is that that influencing be? Are all Californians retarded? SMH

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3 hours ago, Duncan said:

Regardless of what or how it is said, it is illegal for the Federal Govt to give money directly to people for anything related to voting.  This came directly from years of Tammany Hall controlling everything about nominating ringer candidates, and how people voted in New York.  This actually went on until FDR got elected and it was made illegal.  You may not agree with it, but it is what it is. 


I actually learned this in grade school.  I rather doubt US history is taught in Canada.  


Now go out and yell at the kids playing to be quiet and get off your lawn..






Keeping it real, since the 2000 election fuckup, the fed has ponied up directly for the cost of conducting federal elections. 



As for the use of Federal Work-Study Funds for Voter Registration.




This letter provides updated guidance on the use of Federal Work-Study (FWS) funds to support voter registration activities.


On April 21, 2022, the Department published Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) GEN-22-05, regarding requirements for distribution of voter registration forms. 1 Since publication of GEN-22-05, the Department has received several requests for review and clarification of its position, particularly with respect to employment of FWS students in voter registration activities by public entities. As a result of that review, the Department is today clarifying that FWS funds may be used for employment by a Federal, State, local, or Tribal public agency for civic engagement work that is not associated with a particular interest or group, consistent with 34 CFR § 675.22(b)(5). This work can include supporting broad-based get-out-the-vote activities, voter registration, providing voter assistance at a polling place or through a voter hotline, or serving as a poll worker. We believe this reading is supported by the language of 34 CFR § 675.22(b)(5) and adheres to the meaning of the regulation when read as a whole, namely promoting student employment in the public interest while ensuring that such work is neither associated with any faction in election for public or party office, nor constitutes political activity.




CFR § 675.22 took effect October 27, 1997




FSW was instituted in 1964 and I was a participant when I went to college in '88

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OK so it is legal to pay students? to go out and register voters. Makes sense that the federal government has an interest in getting as many people as possible involved in voting, so unless I misunderstand what registering to vote entails, just how is this harvesting votes for one political side?  

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I don't think there is any notable fraud on this matter, but for sure there was an uptick in effort to "get out the vote" to left leaning individuals during the last couple elections - a very strong push to get young, progressive-minded people who normally wouldn't bother; the kind of people you wouldn't really want deciding anything important.  Really, what do a bunch of liberal arts majors taking out 200k in student loans know about fiscal responsibility or running anything?

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14 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

If you're half an idiot and vote based on what someone tells you to do then I'm giving you an upgrade to full idiot. 


Not even saying they were coerced or told to vote a certain way, just that the democrats have worked very hard to get everyone who leans their way to vote.  Unfortunately, that's now a lot of short sighted people, and screw what's good for the nation as a whole.


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4 hours ago, thisismatt said:


Not even saying they were coerced or told to vote a certain way, just that the democrats have worked very hard to get everyone who leans their way to vote.  Unfortunately, that's now a lot of short sighted people, and screw what's good for the nation as a whole.



Sure, I know that song. And the BS wheel spins round and round, Dens crying Reps suppress their votes, cuz that's our election way! 🎵


Like it or not, an 18 yr old American has the same right to vote as you or me. I registered to vote my senior yr of High School, and my first Presidential election, I voted for Reagon. After Iran Contra, I regretted it, but I learned the truly ugly meaning of politics, and that integrity has nothing to do with a party's professed values. It was another 5 yrs before I went to college, and by then I was already the battle hardened political cynic you known love today. 

Edited by paradime
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4 hours ago, thisismatt said:

 just that the democrats have worked very hard to get everyone who leans their way to vote. .


That's the job of the party isn't it? GOP isn't working very hard for the same thing? Not even to pick sides here but I think the job of the party is to find and promote the best candidate for the job. Neither side has done this. We have a Dementia riddled corpse on one side and a raving lunatic on the other. This is the best america can come up with for the top job in the US?

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11 hours ago, thisismatt said:

I don't think there is any notable fraud on this matter, but for sure there was an uptick in effort to "get out the vote" to left leaning individuals during the last couple elections - a very strong push to get young, progressive-minded people who normally wouldn't bother; the kind of people you wouldn't really want deciding anything important.  Really, what do a bunch of liberal arts majors taking out 200k in student loans know about fiscal responsibility or running anything?


9 hours ago, thisismatt said:


Not even saying they were coerced or told to vote a certain way, just that the democrats have worked very hard to get everyone who leans their way to vote.  Unfortunately, that's now a lot of short sighted people, and screw what's good for the nation as a whole.



5 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

That's the job of the party isn't it? GOP isn't working very hard for the same thing? Not even to pick sides here but I think the job of the party is to find and promote the best candidate for the job. Neither side has done this. We have a Dementia riddled corpse on one side and a raving lunatic on the other. This is the best america can come up with for the top job in the US?


So nothing really illegal going on just one party trying to get elected and what one party can do so too can the other. In GOP states they probably have drives to get voters registered also. I just don't see how even a less than average idiot can be coerced to vote 9 months in advance. But propaganda and the need to 'fit in' will have it's effect over time and on the other hand the opposition party also has it's propaganda machine working.

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14 hours ago, datzenmike said:

This is what you said......



That's no explanation. You claimed something but don't elaborate how there is fraud.


Do they tell them who to vote for? Do they march them down to the voting station and help them choose? Is not registering to vote simply getting your name and address on some official list so you can enter a voting station and vote at a later date??? Yes or no!


If some collage kid with a Vote Biden pin helps me register to vote in 9 months, how is that that influencing be? Are all Californians retarded? SMH

Where did I say there was fraud ? Again if you can't see the influence you can't be taught or learn anything at this point. You just said it "College kid with a Biden pin helps me register to vote" Who would you guess the dumbass that never registered to vote would vote for ? I get it, you're just playing along here.

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Are not the Republicans allowed to do some registering also? Are you saving the idiot public from this? What about campaign signage is this unfair also? Rallies? Commercials? All's fair unless it's not.

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14 hours ago, thisismatt said:


Not even saying they were coerced or told to vote a certain way, just that the democrats have worked very hard to get everyone who leans their way to vote.  Unfortunately, that's now a lot of short sighted people, and screw what's good for the nation as a whole.



Voting is still private, right? There's nothing to stop the public voting against them, no real personal consequences. 

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Ballot harvesting is usually aimed at older or disabled people who would have trouble voting normally; just send these 'altruistic' individuals around to collect the ballots for them to save them the trouble.  Oh, you haven't filled it out yet, no problem, just tell us who you like and we'll do it for you.

I think that this is falling by the wayside as it's rather small potatoes; the more effective way is to just put up cardboard in the windows of the counting rooms and run the same stack of ballots through the counters again and again until you get the results that you want. 

There was a Coast to Coast show about a Wiki cabal that keeps anyone from correcting errors on pages that they want to keep marginalized, this is the same mindset that ruins the elections, social media sites, and everything that could be jeopardized by free exchange of ideas.  They get away with it because they have the bottle, the other side "don't want to stoop to their level", or have bad  optics.  They just lack the will to win at any cost, and like the old adage goes: Those who would beat their swords into plowshares will wind up plowing for those who didn't.

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Complete neutrality is the first mandated rule for keeping FWS voter registration drives from being used to promote any single faction, group, constituent, or party. This whole F'n over hyped non-issue is media propaganda for idiots who blindly trust what they're told. As long as it lodges in their brain that it's yet another corrupt left wing conspiracy, who cares if using Federal Work-Study for campus voter registration is legal, and serves the interests of ambitious young adults. Not saying this isn't a DNC strategy, or they don't peddle the same BS propaganda as the GOP. Just underlining the absurdity of believing one side's sewage factory over the other, when all they're serving is shit on a red or blue plait.


BTW, is there a source for these students waring Biden pens, or was that just another steaming pile of BS? 

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So the Dems do have an advantage that their indigent are concentrated in city's and are easy to round up via busses and promise of a free lunch. I couldn't imagine trying to herd those cats. Rural conservatives definitely have to put in more effort to make it to the polls. Now are they just not making it or just far outnumbered?

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1 hour ago, paradime said:

BTW, is there a source for these students waring Biden pens, or was that just another steaming pile of BS? 


I was speaking sarcastically. I can't see how some collage kid wearing a Biden pin (to show his bias/agenda) could help me register to vote and what coercion/indoctrination would be used to turn me into a Manchurian Candidate in 9 months at voting time. 

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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:

So the Dems do have an advantage that their indigent are concentrated in city's and are easy to round up via busses and promise of a free lunch. I couldn't imagine trying to herd those cats. Rural conservatives definitely have to put in more effort to make it to the polls. Now are they just not making it or just far outnumbered?


So..... free ride and a lunch to go vote for whoever you want? I'm down for a meal.

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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:

So the Dems do have an advantage that their indigent are concentrated in city's and are easy to round up via busses and promise of a free lunch. I couldn't imagine trying to herd those cats. Rural conservatives definitely have to put in more effort to make it to the polls. Now are they just not making it or just far outnumbered?


Popular political analysis is that higher turnout favors Dems, but WhoTF really knows. Also consider that in 2020, 37% of Trump supporters voted in person on Election Day, while 17% of Biden voters did the same. In general, unlike rural counties, urban polling places are usually near by. Could be from voting rhetoric leading up to the election, or a reflection of the different attitude and beliefs about CV-19 maybe?

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7 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Are not the Republicans allowed to do some registering also? Are you saving the idiot public from this? What about campaign signage is this unfair also? Rallies? Commercials? All's fair unless it's not.


3 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

So the Dems do have an advantage that their indigent are concentrated in city's and are easy to round up via busses and promise of a free lunch. I couldn't imagine trying to herd those cats. Rural conservatives definitely have to put in more effort to make it to the polls. Now are they just not making it or just far outnumbered?


1 hour ago, datzenmike said:


I was speaking sarcastically. I can't see how some collage kid wearing a Biden pin (to show his bias/agenda) could help me register to vote and what coercion/indoctrination would be used to turn me into a Manchurian Candidate in 9 months at voting time. 


I would say yes, liberals are more concentrated, and it is easier to throw a net around, and easily persuade, the ones who previously were indifferent to casting a vote.  Persuade, not coerce, especially in CA where absentee mail-in voting is for anyone, not just those who have an issue getting to the polls.  I always did absentee, never wanted to gather with a bunch of people to vote in person.  Where I live now, I have to vote in person and TBH I have not been going.



1 hour ago, paradime said:


Popular political analysis is that higher turnout favors Dems, but WhoTF really knows. Also consider that in 2020, 37% of Trump supporters voted in person on Election Day, while 17% of Biden voters did the same. In general, unlike rural counties, urban polling places are usually near by. Could be from voting rhetoric leading up to the election, or a reflection of the different attitude and beliefs about CV-19 maybe?


Yeah, maybe we'll see a bit of a shift this upcoming election now that more people have woken up to the covid grift.  But, on the other hand, maybe not.  People get conditioned to the "way things are", like gas prices and inflation where nothing ever returns to the way it used to be and we just move along

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50 minutes ago, thisismatt said:

People get conditioned to the "way things are", like gas prices and inflation where nothing ever returns to the way it used to be and we just move along


California is pretty famous for passing 5 year temporary tax increases, that specifically say it's for school improvement projects, etc, etc.  Once they come to the end, the taxes are supposed go back down.  Every one of those that I paid attention to were quietly voted very long extensions by the State Congress.  Nobody ever notices, unfortunately.  I'm also pretty sure the money is used for other things after the extensions are passed.


I really think the high wage people would stay here in the State if they were getting their money's worth in services compared to what they are paying for.    


The last I heard, the State spends around $50k annually per inmate that is incarcerated in the State.  They must be living well. 









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