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1 hour ago, tr8er said:

We are not a democracy.  That word merely represents the idea that we are hoping to best represent in our republic.  The democratic model doesn't scale up easily, so the model is best not applied to nations.  We try to ensure that the people have their voices heard, and that their interests are represented in the vote.  We have done a decent job of that because thus far we have not allowed a party or person to stand above our founding charter.  


Frankendat is spot on with capitalism, and you can project on the implications in a democracy.  Especially one where we grant personhood to corporations.  The richer the rich get, the poorer the poor get.  Or middle class etc.  Capitalism in and of itself sees no issue with that.  Regulation is not a bad thing.  It is just rules.  Regulation is why you cant shoot for three at the free-throw line.  As with all things, regulations are ever evolving and devolving.  The tenth amendment puts strains on having those regulations be consistent across states, but that has some advantages as well as disadvantages. 


Fantasizing about pre-Civil War financial systems or social constructs is nothing new, and holds no more merit this time than any of the others.  The Civil War did bring about some changes.  Namely the 12th - 14th amendments.  None of which were related to financial systems.  All of which were related to clear dissolvement of slavery.  Financial slavery is a very real thing, though you are not talking about financial slavery, you are talking about usury and debt.  Which feels like slavery without the whole actual slavery part.   

"We are not a democracy" Tell that to the Democrats that keep saying they're trying to save it. I think everybody's taking the term out of context anymore. I know we're a constitutional republic but democracy is easier to say. And we know what it means when it's said. 

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3 minutes ago, john510 said:

"We are not a democracy" Tell that to the Democrats that keep saying they're trying to save it. I think everybody's taking the term out of context anymore. I know we're a constitutional republic but democracy is easier to say. And we know what it means when it's said. 

Dudes in here posting definitions of Democracy and pointing to aspects of the US voting machine that don't fit the definition.  So it seemed relevant.  Semantic arguments are obnoxious though.  I don't mean not go there.  

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23 minutes ago, tr8er said:

Dudes in here posting definitions of Democracy and pointing to aspects of the US voting machine that don't fit the definition.  So it seemed relevant.  Semantic arguments are obnoxious though.  I don't mean not go there.  

Do you think we should be trusting the voting machines ? I don't trust them myself. I want every actual vote counted. I don't want votes based on an algorithm. I also don't trust that we can have dishonest and desperate people controlling those machines. and yes we can have dishonest people (we do) counting ballots. 

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4 hours ago, Dan. said:

Like already said, Public means I can do whatever I want so long as I do not injure other people. A democracy is a government of peoples feelings, like Starbucks. It may seem like a public place, but break the Starbucks rules and you'll be outta there faster than your ding dong in an ant hill.

And you're confusing my point of how a democracy(noun) is a self-appointed government (tyranny).


Your points are confusing because they're a convoluted mess jumping to conclusions that make no logical sense. Case in point, giving an oxymoron definition for democracy somehow leading to tyranny. Seriously WTF? I have no idea what dictionary you got that from, but thinking BS = credibility is all I see. Does awarding yourself the German Iron Cross as your avatar pict have something to do with it? If you want to piss like a big dog your first day out, you better come prepared if you want any respect around here. 

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13 minutes ago, john510 said:

Do you think we should be trusting the voting machines ? I don't trust them myself. I want every actual vote counted. I don't want votes based on an algorithm. I also don't trust that we can have dishonest and desperate people controlling those machines. and yes we can have dishonest people (we do) counting ballots. 

The motivations to sew distrust in voting systems are as real and weaponized as any vote tally manipulation.  MAGA basically all believe there is vast vote manipulation.  Why?  Because they expected more votes?  So they test machines before and after as well as auditing them for issues.  I don’t have this inside scoop on this but i know there was nothing found wrong with them after independent audit.  

that said.  Sure.  Any computer can be manipulated.  But most counties use the machine to print out your ballot.  And you check it and cast it.  The incidence of complaints would have been exorbitant if the machine were printing the wrong pick for president.  

or it’s the tabulating machines which would be the likely target.  Yet that is entirely verifiable and verification was performed without issue.  So…

so I think there is error and cheating going on.  And I also believe there will always be regardless of safeguards.  I do not believe it’s one party cheating.  Even though the majority of verified cheating is for Trump.  I expect both sides cheat to an unimportant degree.  

the real problems are gerrymandering, foreign campaigns of influence, and what we will see this November/December as the 24 election results are not certified and overturned because of suspected election tampering.  

Illegal immigrants are trying to vote in some states.  Georgia and Michigan reports about 50/year because states check.   I support more penalties for that.  But it isn’t changing the vote.  I’d expect California has the biggest issue with this.  

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7 hours ago, Dan. said:

Okay figured out the quote thing great. My point is that nobody even knows what government is anymore. The Civil War was not about slavery, it was about the financial system. Would you rather have physical slaves or financial banking slaves? Today everyone is a financial slave, just take this online forumn as example. Nobody has any rights, but we all have the privilege to use the forumn, so long as we do not upset the forumn masters. That is the definition of democracy. The illusion of freedom. Today's financial slavory

More Chihuahua BS. No argument that slavery was a significant part of the financial system in the Southern states, but it ends there. The Civil War which was, for confederate states, about their own state's right to control trade tariffs. For the US government under Lincoln, it was about preserving the union, but freeing the slaves with the 13th amendment was only used as a tool to bring down the rebellion, win the war, and save the U in the USA. Not giving black people equal rights fucked the US up a tree.


The financial slavery we have today is a product of corporation's legal rights as individuals that was granted in the SCOTU ruling on Citizens United. Now, corporations control our democratic system, enslaved our system of government, and gave us the unchecked greed in our financial system. Hope that wasn't too confusing.

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4 hours ago, paradime said:



The financial slavery we have today is a product of corporation's legal rights as individuals that was granted in the SCOTU ruling on Citizens United. Now, corporations control our democratic system, enslaved our system of government, and gave us the unchecked greed in our financial system. Hope that wasn't too confusing.

I am a little unclear on the financial slavery topic. I get we need to work to make money to eat but most people I see complaining about financial slavery have brought their own fiscal issues down on themselves. I have lived bare bones in the back of my datsun at one point so I do have a reference point at the bottom. Life is very comfortable now but only through fiscal discipline. Most welfare recipients drive newer vehicles and have fancier phones than me but my 2 small homes are paid for and I have no debt. People can laugh at my beater whips all day. I can sling wrenches to keep em rolling and feel beholden to no one. Although I will admit I don't add much to the consumer economy. Never bought much new.

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9 hours ago, tr8er said:

The motivations to sew distrust in voting systems are as real and weaponized as any vote tally manipulation.  MAGA basically all believe there is vast vote manipulation.  Why?  Because they expected more votes?  So they test machines before and after as well as auditing them for issues.  I don’t have this inside scoop on this but i know there was nothing found wrong with them after independent audit.  

that said.  Sure.  Any computer can be manipulated.  But most counties use the machine to print out your ballot.  And you check it and cast it.  The incidence of complaints would have been exorbitant if the machine were printing the wrong pick for president.  

or it’s the tabulating machines which would be the likely target.  Yet that is entirely verifiable and verification was performed without issue.  So…

so I think there is error and cheating going on.  And I also believe there will always be regardless of safeguards.  I do not believe it’s one party cheating.  Even though the majority of verified cheating is for Trump.  I expect both sides cheat to an unimportant degree.  

the real problems are gerrymandering, foreign campaigns of influence, and what we will see this November/December as the 24 election results are not certified and overturned because of suspected election tampering.  

Illegal immigrants are trying to vote in some states.  Georgia and Michigan reports about 50/year because states check.   I support more penalties for that.  But it isn’t changing the vote.  I’d expect California has the biggest issue with this.  

You keep assuming things that just aren't true. You think all Trump supporters believe the voting was manipulated ? What kind of crap do you read ? On one hand you say nothing was found wrong and then say there is error and cheating going on ? well which is it ? And all the cheating was for Trump. Jesus. I'm not even going to take this any farther.

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5 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

I am a little unclear on the financial slavery topic. I get we need to work to make money to eat but most people I see complaining about financial slavery have brought their own fiscal issues down on themselves. I have lived bare bones in the back of my datsun at one point so I do have a reference point at the bottom. Life is very comfortable now but only through fiscal discipline. Most welfare recipients drive newer vehicles and have fancier phones than me but my 2 small homes are paid for and I have no debt. People can laugh at my beater whips all day. I can sling wrenches to keep em rolling and feel beholden to no one. Although I will admit I don't add much to the consumer economy. Never bought much new.


The above. Financial slavery is pretty much self imposed. I have no credit cards and pay with cash (rarely these days) and my debit card. If I don't have the money, I don't buy it. By my age if I don't have it I don't need it. I don't drink, smoke, gamble or whore around. My needs are simple and my wife works. She gives me an 'allowance' that is more than I need but I can spend it on anything I want. Everything else is covered. 

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15 minutes ago, Ooph! said:

This can't be true. According to the Democrats and mainstream media there are no problems at all with legitimate voting. But Biden won the last election so of course everything was done perfectly. I wish Trump could win just so we can hear the left start crying about the stolen election. Like last time he won.

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37 minutes ago, john510 said:

This can't be true. According to the Democrats and mainstream media there are no problems at all with legitimate voting. But Biden won the last election so of course everything was done perfectly. I wish Trump could win just so we can hear the left start crying about the stolen election. Like last time he won.

And the solution? Those affected won't have their votes counted in local races but will in federal races (president/house/senate).


Being in AZ, I was wondering if I might be one of those but it only affects people who got their driver's license prior to October 1996 and were issued a replacement and registered to vote after 2004. One voter was found to not be eligible to vote at all. But still, they would be just fine casting a federal vote just not local.

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