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16 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I don't watch the news. It's funny though... you bitching about how Canada is, on the forum post called Destruction of America with almost 700 pages of items and causes for it's decline. 


Our closest neighbor to the North.

"Common ground" is found in the fact that everyone hopes and prays they have a good next door neighbor.


I had no idea that Canadians disliked the "states", as they call us, until I lived up there.

It was 1980, I was there during the winter Olympics.

Sitting in a room full of Canadians watching what in the end became, "The Miracle On Ice", was no fun at all.

Not dislike, more like hatred.


One of my friends uncles stated proudly, "I went to the states once",......

"got off the plane, looked around, got right back on the plane and flew back home".


He owned a good sized company that made roads deep into the pulpwood areas so the trees could be harvested.

All of his machinery and equipment was "Caterpillar", so I asked him, "if you dislike the US so much, why buy

Caterpillar equipment made there?" I said, "Hitachi" and "Fiat Allis" make good equipment, why not buy theirs?"

He just glared at me.

Like if he had a gun he would have shot me.


I asked around, "where are the closest machine shops?", people said "Seattle". I got on a bus and went there.

As the bus was making it's way there, Mt. St. Helens erupted. I arrived to ash everywhere.


It's not too often I bump into someone from Canada, but when I do they are here to see a doctor or dentist.

They've told me the wait times are really long for treatment up there. And there is some kind of "wage cap"

or something? Once a medical professional reaches their earning limit,.. they stop seeing patients,

go on vacation, or just take it easy, as opposed to basically working for free.

That causes a shortage of medical treatment providers.

It tough living up there, you really have to avoid getting sick or injured, many make due without treatment.


As for "not" watching the news,.... my mom was famous for that.

"I never watch the news", she would say, "It's depressing" she would say.

There was one of these California wild fires less than 2 miles from the senior community where she lived,.....

I called and asked her if she was going to be ok, she said, "what fire?"

It was Hilarious!


Of course not watching the news comes with a cost.

Like when a con artist attorney made the rounds in the senior community where my mom lived. 

He convinced her to sign over my fathers "one million dollar Lockheed life insurance policy".

He told her, "That's not life insurance, that's death insurance", "no one benefits from it until someone dies".

"We will invest that money, never touching the parent amount, investing just the interest"


That scam had been covered on the news for ten years or more, but, my mom never heard about it,

because she found the news "depressing".


You know what's depressing Michael?

Losing a million dollars.

That was my inheritance.


Not watching the news can be expensive,...... at least it was for me.


Your results may vary.




(have to laugh about it, no sense crying, that money is "poof gone", no amount of tears will ever change that)







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23 hours ago, john510 said:

Typically the pro hunting and fishing crowds that constantly deny they have any impact on fish and game populations. The solution is regulation and they don't like it. I have this discussion on a fishing website. You should hear these meat hunters denying that fishing the same kelp beds year round every day has any impact on fish populations. I've been fishing there for 50 years. It isn't what it used to be that's for sure. Not even close.


Seems like some fish species have declined here as well (too lazy to look it up). I know for sure, when I was a kid, as soon as you tossed a hook in the water with a corn kernel you'd have a blue gill. Now it's no where near as good as it was then.


But I don't think it's 100% angler's fault. I think the introduction of Common Carp and Asian Carp to AZ by the Gov is also a culprit. Common Carp are an invasive species that lower water quality, compete for food with native species, and they destroy breeding habitats. They also smother plants, invertebrates, and fish eggs.


Seems like every non native species the gov has introduced to fix one thing. Always Backfires and ends up causing more harm. Thank cant get anything right. 


More and more, angler's are catching and releasing (CPR). So things will slowly bounce back in my opinion.


Edited by IZRL
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4 hours ago, Jesse C. said:


Why not, you bitch about the U.S.A. 


On a post aptly called Destruction of America. I bitch about politicians not the USA. I might point out some willful blindness by members here as they sit in the back seat and argue about the driver as the car hurtles towards the cliff. 

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2 hours ago, MachineMan said:


Our closest neighbor to the North.

"Common ground" is found in the fact that everyone hopes and prays they have a good next door neighbor.


I had no idea that Canadians disliked the "states", as they call us, until I lived up there.

It was 1980, I was there during the winter Olympics.

Sitting in a room full of Canadians watching what in the end became, "The Miracle On Ice", was no fun at all.

Not dislike, more like hatred.


One of my friends uncles stated proudly, "I went to the states once",......

"got off the plane, looked around, got right back on the plane and flew back home".


He owned a good sized company that made roads deep into the pulpwood areas so the trees could be harvested.

All of his machinery and equipment was "Caterpillar", so I asked him, "if you dislike the US so much, why buy

Caterpillar equipment made there?" I said, "Hitachi" and "Fiat Allis" make good equipment, why not buy theirs?"

He just glared at me.

Like if he had a gun he would have shot me.


I asked around, "where are the closest machine shops?", people said "Seattle". I got on a bus and went there.

As the bus was making it's way there, Mt. St. Helens erupted. I arrived to ash everywhere.


It's not too often I bump into someone from Canada, but when I do they are here to see a doctor or dentist.

They've told me the wait times are really long for treatment up there. And there is some kind of "wage cap"

or something? Once a medical professional reaches their earning limit,.. they stop seeing patients,

go on vacation, or just take it easy, as opposed to basically working for free.

That causes a shortage of medical treatment providers.

It tough living up there, you really have to avoid getting sick or injured, many make due without treatment.


As for "not" watching the news,.... my mom was famous for that.

"I never watch the news", she would say, "It's depressing" she would say.

There was one of these California wild fires less than 2 miles from the senior community where she lived,.....

I called and asked her if she was going to be ok, she said, "what fire?"

It was Hilarious!


Of course not watching the news comes with a cost.

Like when a con artist attorney made the rounds in the senior community where my mom lived. 

He convinced her to sign over my fathers "one million dollar Lockheed life insurance policy".

He told her, "That's not life insurance, that's death insurance", "no one benefits from it until someone dies".

"We will invest that money, never touching the parent amount, investing just the interest"


That scam had been covered on the news for ten years or more, but, my mom never heard about it,

because she found the news "depressing".


You know what's depressing Michael?

Losing a million dollars.

That was my inheritance.


Not watching the news can be expensive,...... at least it was for me.


Your results may vary.




(have to laugh about it, no sense crying, that money is "poof gone", no amount of tears will ever change that)








The '80s????? that's over 40 years ago. If you remember the '80s... you really weren't 'there man'. I liked the music of the '80s, fell off the planet for 3 years, drank enough beer to float a battleship. I've changed a lot since then. Your results may vary.


I consider the US a good neighbor to the south and north west. Admittedly I don't travel much anymore and even then I didn't go around polling others if they hated Americans. You would think that if they did, I might hear disparaging remarks but I don't. I live in a small cocoon barely a town with a gas station, a tavern, a school, one set of traffic lights and just houses. I used to travel to Canby for the Datsun car show for 8? years was surprised that no one wore a gun, didn't even hear a gun shot. 

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:


The '80s????? that's over 40 years ago. If you remember the '80s... you really weren't 'there man'. I liked the music of the '80s, fell off the planet for 3 years, drank enough beer to float a battleship. I've changed a lot since then. Your results may vary.


I consider the US a good neighbor to the south and north west. Admittedly I don't travel much anymore and even then I didn't go around polling others if they hated Americans. You would think that if they did, I might hear disparaging remarks but I don't. I live in a small cocoon barely a town with a gas station, a tavern, a school, one set of traffic lights and just houses. I used to travel to Canby for the Datsun car show for 8? years was surprised that no one wore a gun, didn't even hear a gun shot. 


I swear every word I wrote is true.


I loved the 80's too!

Roller Skating!

The music, the vibe. I posted in "What u watching" a favorite of mine.

The Miami Vice car scene, "In the air tonight"

People say that it's more 80's than the 80's it's self,......LOL


"A Lot" of people say it changed television forever.


When I was up there I was on a farm on the outskirts of Beauséjour.

About 45 minutes drive from Winnipeg.


Before I felt so unwelcome I was considering to work and live up there.

I applied at a large company in Winnipeg, Chicago Blower.

Passed their testing on knowledge and inspection.

I'm proud to say the man told me I was the first ever to get 100%

 There was a question that no had ever answered correctly.

I got it right.


The question was: "What is the most basic function of an engine lathe"


I guess people would think of the most common operations,.... turning, generating diameters.


I thought about it before answering, my answer was,.....

"To remove material"

The look on that guys face, he reached out and shook my hand.


A good job, beautiful country, I was thinking of staying.



Michael, like about everything else, I figured the anti US vibe up there had only gotten worse over years.







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On 6/29/2024 at 4:57 PM, frankendat said:

Mother Nature will never find balance without human intervention because humans will not stop intervening on Mother Nature. I just responded to IZRL providing one of the reasons why this "fairy tale" balance will never, ever, happen. Go back in this thread where I posted on the "Destruction of Idaho" pictures of areas that were full of deer now subdivisions. Mother Nature cannot act that fast, nature deals with change slowly. 


            Too many SOUTHERN Californians? 

Maybe send them to Palestine ? 

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4 hours ago, bananahamuck said:






That is fantastic! Liberals cry fascism while embracing fascists dictates, Conservatives cry socialism while embracing government spending. The only silver lining, for liberals to enact their fascist desires they must disarm the American people. While those melon fuckers wet dream about it, mass disarming still seems a long way away. I squeal and will continue to squeal against ANY restriction on ANY weapon to postpone the Apocalypse, but if the Republicans can pull this election off (which I am starting to hope might happen) I will unbunch my panties a bit. 

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5 minutes ago, angliagt said:


          Too many SOUTHERN Californians? 

Maybe send them to Palestine ? 



The IDF can take care of them.

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5 minutes ago, frankendat said:

That is fantastic! Liberals cry fascism while embracing fascists dictates, Conservatives cry socialism while embracing government spending. The only silver lining, for liberals to enact their fascist desires they must disarm the American people. While those melon fuckers wet dream about it, mass disarming still seems a long way away. I squeal and will continue to squeal against ANY restriction on ANY weapon to postpone the Apocalypse, but if the Republicans can pull this election off (which I am starting to hope might happen) I will unbunch my panties a bit. 


I doubt it. Leopards can't change their spots.

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1 hour ago, MachineMan said:

A good job, beautiful country, I was thinking of staying.


Have never heard Manitoba called beautiful. To me it's merely to be endured while driving through it on way to somewhere else. The mosquitoes are gawd awful.

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23 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I don't watch the news. It's funny though... you bitching about how Canada is, on the forum post called Destruction of America with almost 700 pages of items and causes for it's decline. 

Yeaaaah.... 🤔 but we've brought up many other countries including China, North Korea, Russia, Ukraine, and Mexico. 


Why is Canada/Trudeau a forbidden 🚫 word in destruction again?

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1 minute ago, angliagt said:


            Too many SOUTHERN Californians? 

Maybe send them to Palestine ? 

Establish a secure military perimeter and bomb every inch of "Palestine" with daisy cutters and bunker busters. Take all those poor soles yearning to be free in south Cali, provide airfare and allow homesteading in (now) what will be known as Greater Israel. A new republic and free State, forever loyal to the United States but strict treaty bound allegiance and understanding with Israel. (Greater Israel may transition to a full fledged Democracy, in time)

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1 minute ago, datzenmike said:


Have never heard Manitoba called beautiful. To me it's merely to be endured while driving through it on way to somewhere else. The mosquitoes are gawd awful.


           It's not too bad if you drive through it at night.

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11 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


I doubt it. Leopards can't change their spots.

Sure they can and they have. The Democrats were the strong SUPPORTERS of slavery.

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7 minutes ago, IZRL said:

Yeaaaah.... 🤔 but we've brought up many other countries including China, North Korea, Russia, Ukraine, and Mexico. 


Why is Canada/Trudeau a forbidden 🚫 word in destruction again?


Trying to focus all my hatred of Trump. Don't want to blunt it bitching about Tr.... Ah I see what you did there.

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18 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


Have never heard Manitoba called beautiful. To me it's merely to be endured while driving through it on way to somewhere else. The mosquitoes are gawd awful.


I was there in the winter, it was about 40 deg below zero when we arrived at the border.

Got there in the winter and left in the winter.


Mosquitoes like you say,.... your right, I would have boogied out of there asap. 


It looked nice with all that snow everywhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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5 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I used to travel to Canby for the Datsun car show for 8? years was surprised that no one wore a gun, didn't even hear a gun shot. 

It's called concealed carry brother, and had I known, me and you would have took a walk and I would have let you shot mine when we were at Canby. I've held Concealed Carry Permits since I was 21 in three different states. Contrary to popular belief, most of us don't like people knowing we even have them. And a little fun fact, there's been over 5 million guns purchased in 2024 alone. As many guns and bullets as people have. If we were going to be a problem you'd know it. Most of the gun violence that we deal with is in the shithole cities with a bunch of gang bangers that don't know what the fuck they're doing thanks to the rappers and such.


And as far as all government, left-wing or right wing is attached to the same bird taking a shit on everybody. But I did also read about an interesting thread about Mr Elon Musk, apparently this AI that he is working on is going to be able to read the 1000+ page Omnibus bills that Congress keeps passing, flushing out all the BS to show where all the money is going. Will definitely see them turn up the heat on that poor fellow.

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1 hour ago, elmerfudpucker said:

It's called concealed carry brother, and had I known, me and you would have took a walk and I would have let you shot mine when we were at Canby. I've held Concealed Carry Permits since I was 21 in three different states. Contrary to popular belief, most of us don't like people knowing we even have them. And a little fun fact, there's been over 5 million guns purchased in 2024 alone. As many guns and bullets as people have. If we were going to be a problem you'd know it. Most of the gun violence that we deal with is in the shithole cities with a bunch of gang bangers that don't know what the fuck they're doing thanks to the rappers and such.




I was only kidding as in Americans being cowboys and everyone has a gun.

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3 hours ago, MachineMan said:


I was there in the winter, it was about 40 deg below zero when we arrived at the border.

Got there in the winter and left in the winter.


Mosquitoes like you say,.... your right, I would have boogied out of there asap. 


It looked nice with all that snow everywhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Not at all a fan of snow, having spent almost 40 years in southern Onterrible. Eight of them in a 521 daily driver. Now I see snow almost every day (fifty miles away) across the water on the Coastal Mountains on the mainland, and then there's a glacier maybe 12 miles up the valley. That's where snow belongs. Yes, I have driven past Winnipeg covered in snow.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:


Not at all a fan of snow, having spent almost 40 years in southern Onterrible. Eight of them in a 521 daily driver. Now I see snow almost every day (fifty miles away) across the water on the Coastal Mountains on the mainland, and then there's a glacier maybe 12 miles up the valley. That's where snow belongs. Yes, I have driven past Winnipeg covered in snow.

I put up with the snow most of my life and was never fond of it, until recently. It seems there are many who run from double digit zero and snow. While winter is not my favorite, I can handle it and less people is my favorite. I would be happy if the deep cold came back to Idaho. There was less prosperity but no homeless or crime problem. I didn't draw again this year for elk, it limits options. The late elk season (Christmas) used to be no draw, (anyone could buy a tag) and then easy draw, because no one wanted to hunt in the snow and the cold. There is always a chance to freeze to death, deep in the primitive area of Idaho, but that adds to the excitement.

Last time hunted the late hunt, it was T-shirt weather and hunters and there are many more entering the draw, this year I didn't draw a tag. See "people" above. I could blame it on Fish and Game mismanaging (because they do) or  the wolves killing off the herds (because they are) both are problems, but the biggest problem that is and has been the biggest problem, more people, more people destroying habitat with their homes, more people in the forest, more people applying for the draw and hunting...people suck.

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