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12 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Taking over Mexico would be no better than what Putin's doing in Ukraine.

Oh it would be a lot better, temporarily. Look at the freedom and privilege Mexicans get in this country that aren't even citizens. Free money, housing, healthcare etc. And look at how Mexico suppresses it's people with poverty, low pay and basic human rights. Did you know in Mexico and charged with a crime you're guilty until proven innocent ? Oh wait that sounds like our system in certain cases. With that said I wouldn't want our country annexing Mexico. We'd screw it up in a decade or less. I never could figure out how that country with so many natural resources and opportunity to be a first world country just can't seem to get their shit together.

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4 minutes ago, paradime said:

In a political debate, I consider using big words, raw data, and statistical figures as all in good fun.


Might be a bit obscure, but that term for "BS" was looping back to Norman Schwartskopf's press briefing at the beginning of the Iraq war.


Echoing Putin's scatological propaganda as truth shows complacence, and no understanding of your enemy's political motivations during a war. It's also an accurate  description of the Russian made foil hat you have on.


Political rhetoric on our debt bankrupting the country is the same two faced shit the dems and reps have been throwing at each other since Reagan was in office. It's a very real danger we face, but neither side or the self professed antiestablishment Trump has done F all to stop the tide. Greed left unchecked is a recipe for disaster. In fact, Karl Marx predicted trade globalization, governments falling under corporate control, loss of individual freedom to economic slavery, and the eventual collapse of global free market capitalism. Media fed sheeple are happy pissing up a rope blaming each other for their problems. If corporate controlled government is getting everything they want, why would they be motivate to restore individual freedom and the public's interest in our system of power? Abraham Lincoln said “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” The same thing applies to the political divisions we have today.


Wait, what? I'm not sure where your going with this? Your pretty much agreeing with most of what I've said on this thread. I've said both the right and the left are equally responsible for the current state of this country. I've said that the US gov is doing everything in their power to divide the left and the right (divide and concour). And that the only way we get out of this mess is to unite. I've also said that even tho I believe we need a republican in office. If there were another option on the right who had a chance to win. I wouldn't vote for trump. I also said that I was embarrassed that America would vote a clown like Trump into office. So im not a Trumper in any way if that's what you're thinking.


The left has just gone so far left they've done fell off the cliff. I've voted left in the past. But they've completely lost it, and have lost many old school dems in the process.


And the putin thing. If you believe anybody who listens to what the opposing side has to say. Makes them a idiot follower of them. You seriously have been infected with the new ideology the extreme left is poisoning this country with. Believe every thing your side says without question. And call everybody who disagrees or questions anything you say, crazy and walk away. I'm not trying to put you down in anyway. But to believe every word that the opposition says is false and taking everything your side says as gospel. Is just not a good way to navigate life. Especially when your side is constantly getting called out for lying or leaving facts out to align with their agenda.

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38 minutes ago, IZRL said:

I agree 100%. I've been saying this since the beginning of covid and most people look at me sideways. I've said this a couple times on this thread and Mike told me to take it to the conspiracy thread 😆. Covid was a way to thin out the older population. 


But, but wayno and I are still here.



34 minutes ago, paradime said:

Echoing Putin's scatological propaganda as truth shows complacence, and no understanding of your enemy's political motivations during a war. It's also an accurate  description of the Russian made foil hat you have on.


Yup, watching too much Tucker propaganda will do that.

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25 minutes ago, john510 said:

Oh it would be a lot better, temporarily. Look at the freedom and privilege Mexicans get in this country that aren't even citizens. Free money, housing, healthcare etc. And look at how Mexico suppresses it's people with poverty, low pay and basic human rights. Did you know in Mexico and charged with a crime you're guilty until proven innocent ? Oh wait that sounds like our system in certain cases. With that said I wouldn't want our country annexing Mexico. We'd screw it up in a decade or less. I never could figure out how that country with so many natural resources and opportunity to be a first world country just can't seem to get their shit together.


Have you ever visited Mexico and spent time with the people? Most only know Mexico by what traditional media shows them. And we all know all they show is the darkside cause that's what gets eyes. I've lived there as a kid and have spent a lot of time there as a grown up as I've always lived close to the border. And I can tell you that Mexicans as a whole seem to live happier less stressful lives than Americans. Yeah they don't have much money but that doesn't seem to lower their spirits. I grew up very poor but we didn't know anything else, so I was a happy kid. Most importantly we love our culture, traditions,and food. Ask any other race that has lived in Mexico for an extended period, what they think about the people, traditions, and the food. And you'll be surprised what they have to say. I agree with you on the US coming in and messing all that up for us.

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19 hours ago, IZRL said:

As a Naturalized US Citizen who was born in Mexico. I don't approve this message 🤣. Let's leave Mexico out of the equation. Mexico would most likely not agree to a peaceful take over. Trying to take the country by force would be too much of a shit show for the US for it to be worth it, and they know it. I'm sure most of you are aware that Russians have family in Ukraine and vise versa. Could you imagine being put in that predicament as a soldier on either side? This is the predicament some of us would be put in here in the US. So yeah, it would not be good for anyone.


13 hours ago, Jesse C. said:


Yeah, that would be a GIANT FUCKIN NO! 



So buying it is worth considering, but taking it is not? I watch the same news as you, the lawlessness of Mexico, how the police are either corrupt or outgunned, the poverty, the sex trafficking, the reasons only heartless assholes would deny people to enter the USA. Well, OK, let's save some souls. Oh, wait...I see, ya'll support savin' only if savin' is free. (but as an American tax payer, not free to me)

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12 minutes ago, IZRL said:


Have you ever visited Mexico and spent time with the people? Most only know Mexico by what traditional media shows them. And we all know all they show is the darkside cause that's what gets eyes. I've lived there as a kid and have spent a lot of time there as a grown up as I've always lived close to the border. And I can tell you that Mexicans as a whole seem to live happier less stressful lives than Americans. Yeah they don't have much money but that doesn't seem to lower their spirits. I grew up very poor but we didn't know anything else, so I was a happy kid. Most importantly we love our culture, traditions,and food. Ask any other race that has lived in Mexico for an extended period, what they think about the people, traditions, and the food. And you'll be surprised what they have to say. I agree with you on the US coming in and messing all that up for us.

If that is true, then why is there an border problem? Could it be those sneaking into the USA are not average everyday happy Mexicans, but rather they are the unhappy shitheels that do not want to live in a happy place? Let's band together and mine the border

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24 minutes ago, frankendat said:

So buying it is worth considering, but taking it is not? I watch the same news as you, the lawlessness of Mexico, how the police are either corrupt or outgunned, the poverty, the sex trafficking, the reasons only heartless assholes would deny people to enter the USA. Well, OK, let's save some souls. Oh, wait...I see, ya'll support savin' only if savin' is free. (but as an American tax payer, not free to me)


Neither buying it nor taking Mexico by force would be acceptable IMO. 


It's so funny. Do you realize that most of what you listed that makes Mexico and columbia a "bad" place is due to America's insatiable thirst for sex and drugs? The US has always been the number one customer of all that you just listed. So who's worse the one who's providing the service or the one who's stuffing their pie holes with it. No demand no supply. We just can't seem to break ourselves free of thinking America is always the good guy and everyone else is the bad guy. 


I don't agree with the open borders either. but no matter where you go. People will always want to go where they believe the grass is greener. 


Edited by IZRL
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1 hour ago, IZRL said:


Wait, what? I'm not sure where your going with this? Your pretty much agreeing with most of what I've said on this thread. I've said both the right and the left are equally responsible for the current state of this country. I've said that the US gov is doing everything in their power to divide the left and the right (divide and concour). And that the only way we get out of this mess is to unite. I've also said that even tho I believe we need a republican in office. If there were another option on the right who had a chance to win. I wouldn't vote for trump. I also said that I was embarrassed that America would vote a clown like Trump into office. So im not a Trumper in any way if that's what you're thinking.


The left has just gone so far left they've done fell off the cliff. I've voted left in the past. But they've completely lost it, and have lost many old school dems in the process.


And the putin thing. If you believe anybody who listens to what the opposing side has to say. Makes them a idiot follower of them. You seriously have been infected with the new ideology the extreme left is poisoning this country with. Believe every thing your side says without question. And call everybody who disagrees or questions anything you say, crazy and walk away. I'm not trying to put you down in anyway. But to believe every word that the opposition says is false and taking everything your side says as gospel. Is just not a good way to navigate life. Especially when your side is constantly getting called out for lying or leaving facts out to align with their agenda.


 Wait, are you saying you don't believe every word the left says is false, and everything in the right agenda is gospel? What you've said here gave me the impression you're voting for Trump again because you believe he'll drain the swamp this time and eviscerate all those F'n hippies who opposed him.  What part of my post is infected by  a side? 

Edited by paradime
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37 minutes ago, IZRL said:


Have you ever visited Mexico and spent time with the people? Most only know Mexico by what traditional media shows them. And we all know all they show is the darkside cause that's what gets eyes. I've lived there as a kid and have spent a lot of time there as a grown up as I've always lived close to the border. And I can tell you that Mexicans as a whole seem to live happier less stressful lives than Americans. Yeah they don't have much money but that doesn't seem to lower their spirits. I grew up very poor but we didn't know anything else, so I was a happy kid. Most importantly we love our culture, traditions,and food. Ask any other race that has lived in Mexico for an extended period, what they think about the people, traditions, and the food. And you'll be surprised what they have to say. I agree with you on the US coming in and messing all that up for us.

Yes I used to fish in Mexico often. Most of the general population are good people. Law enforcement and government are as corrupt as it gets along with some of the regular citizens. I quit going because of being bribed to NOT have my vehicle stolen when I was fishing and then the crooked cops that knew exactly who to target. Add in the Federales stopping you and sticking their M-16's into your vehicle at checkpoints and I'd had enough. Too dangerous for this American. You have zero rights down there even when you've done nothing wrong. As you probably already know the farther down you go the safer it seems to be. Getting farther down was the scary part. Haven't been back in about 15 years now but friends tell me it's only gotten worse. 

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9 minutes ago, paradime said:


 Wait, are you saying you don't believe every word the left says is false, and everything in the right agenda is gospel? What you've said here gave me the impression you're voting for Trump again because you believe he'll drain the swamp this time and eviscerate all those F'n hippies how opposed him.  What part of my post is infected by  a side? 

Not my argument but just about all of your posts are infected by a side. 

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2 minutes ago, john510 said:

Not my argument but just about all of your posts are infected by a side. 

That's been your argument from the beginning. If anyone who calls out Trumpian BS is infected than I'm an anti-vaxer.

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5 minutes ago, john510 said:

Yes I used to fish in Mexico often. Most of the general population are good people. Law enforcement and government are as corrupt as it gets along with some of the regular citizens. I quit going because of being bribed to NOT have my vehicle stolen when I was fishing and then the crooked cops that knew exactly who to target. Add in the Federales stopping you and sticking their M-16's into your vehicle at checkpoints and I'd had enough. Too dangerous for this American. You have zero rights down there even when you've done nothing wrong. As you probably already know the farther down you go the safer it seems to be. Getting farther down was the scary part. Haven't been back in about 15 years now but friends tell me it's only gotten worse. 


Your experience of Mexico seems to be border towns where the cartels are the most present and actively fighting each other for territory. Law inforcement and the military are owned and infaltrated by the cartels in those towns.  I agree that most border cities aren't the place to be. It does get a safer as you go south but I still recommend flying to those destinations directly and not driving to them. US plates will attract negative attention. Aside from some police officers and the cartels, Mexico is a wonderful place to live in 😆. For the most part the rule is stay away from bad neighborhoods, which is the rule everywhere.

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55 minutes ago, frankendat said:

If that is true, then why is there an border problem? Could it be those sneaking into the USA are not average everyday happy Mexicans, but rather they are the unhappy shitheels that do not want to live in a happy place? Let's band together and mine the border


Man I'm stuck in the middle of a royal rumble 😆. Can't keep up with all the conversations. 


Believe it or not mexicans are only a small part of what gets across the Mexican/US border. Every race that wants to get into the US goes through Mexico. It's the Chinese, Hindus, Arabs, South Americans, Russians, Africans and just about every other race that can't get in legally. And this has always been the case for most of America's history. 


And by the way your country's current administration and there agenda has blown everything out of the water. Can we really blame anyone one who sees the door to the magical land of Narnia suddenly wide open, and decide to walk through? 

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5 hours ago, paradime said:

Wait, are you saying you don't believe every word the left says is false, and everything in the right agenda is gospel? What you've said here gave me the impression you're voting for Trump again because you believe he'll drain the swamp this time and eviscerate all those F'n hippies who opposed him.  What part of my post is infected by  a side? 


That's a good question. I haven't really got into the main reason I'm voting the way I am this election.  Cause Its going to stir the pot more than I already have on this thread.  But since you asked, I'll tell you why I've come to the point in my life that I would vote for just about any clown that is not on the left in 2024. 


And it has nothing to do with cleaning the swamp (which I've never even mentioned). Nobody in the history of American presidents has ever really done anything they promised when they were trying to win an election. But yet people still fall for that bs election after election. In fact it has nothing to do with anything trump has said he's going to do or not do. I don't believe one man in a short 4 years can change the course of the Titanic(US)at this point. Nore have I ever believed that one man is the reason we are currently heading straight for an iceberg. Every administration over the years has done one thing or another to get us to where we are today.


(WARNING: Dems read ahead at your own risk)


The reason I'm voting right this election has everything to do with the lefts obvious push to destroy the minds and bodies of America's youth/children. The left has completely fallen off their rocker. They are actively turning your kids into medical cash cows. They are grooming kids to believe they could be any gender.  And if they show even the slightest sign that they could be in the "wrong body" for what they believe their gender is. They instantly push them in that direction so they can pump them full of puberty blockers and sex hormones- 💲chaching. They then push them to have sex change operations as young as 13 years old - 💲chaching. Then those kids have all kinds of medical complications after the surgeries/medication that usually last a lifetime-💲chaching. They are allowing practically gay porn to be available for kids as young as 5 & 6 to look at in school libraries. They are allowing boys to change in girls spaces. They are allowing boys to compete against girls in sports. They let pedophile grown ups parade naked around kids. Why else would a grown ass man want to do this in front of children if they weren't pedos. They are slowly sneaking in the whole "its ok to be a minor attracted person" pedophile bullshit into society. Don't even get me started on the pronoun bs. They are trying and succeeding at erasing history at schools. If you don't know the atrocities that have been afflicted by monsters in the past. How will you ever know if history is about to repeat itself. This whole push to mentally, surgically, and medically castrate kids also falls under the "trying to cut down on the world's population" agenda IMO. I can go on for a while on this woke shit. But I'll stop there. 


I don't believe Trump is going to fix or stop any of this. This ship is too far gone in my opinion. All I can hope for is that he slows this fucking psycho shit down. The fact that the current administration does nothing to stop this and actually fights tooth and nail to preserve this trash tells me they are guilty. And to be honest if someone votes left knowing all I've listed above. Than they're equally guilty. Everybody has their own reasons for voting which ever way they're voting this year. For me, this is the most important reason to vote right above all else. If you destroy the next generation there is no future for this country.

Edited by IZRL
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5 hours ago, frankendat said:


So buying it is worth considering, but taking it is not? I watch the same news as you, the lawlessness of Mexico, how the police are either corrupt or outgunned, the poverty, the sex trafficking, the reasons only heartless assholes would deny people to enter the USA. Well, OK, let's save some souls. Oh, wait...I see, ya'll support savin' only if savin' is free. (but as an American tax payer, not free to me)

       You do know that I met that as pure sarcasm,don't you?

As screwed up as this country is right now,I wouldn't be surprised

to see someone in Government propose that. 

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3 hours ago, IZRL said:


That's a good question. I'll tell you why I've come to the point in my life that I would vote for just about any clown that is not on the left in 2024. 


And it has nothing to do with cleaning the swamp (which I've never even mentioned). Nobody in the history of American presidents has ever really done anything they promise when they were trying to win an election. But yet people still fall for that bs election after election. In fact it has nothing to do with anything trump has said he's going to do or not do. I don't believe one man in a short 4 years can change the course of the Titanic(US)at this point. Nore have I ever believed that one man is the reason we are currently heading straight for an iceberg. Every administration over the years has done one thing or another to get us to where we are today.


(WARNING: Dems read ahead at your own risk)


The reason I'm voting right this election has everything to do with the lefts obvious push to destroy the minds and bodies of America's youth/children. The left has completely fallen off their rocker. They are actively turning your kids into medical cash cows. They are grooming kids to believe they are something other than what they were born as. So they can pump them full of puberty blockers and sex hormones- 💲chaching. They are then pushing them to have sex change operations as young as 13 years old - 💲chaching. Then those kids have all kinds of medical complications after the surgeries/medication that usually last a life time- 💲chaching. They are allowing practically gay porn to be available for kids as young as 5 & 6 to look at in school libraries. They are allowing boys to change in girls spaces. They are allowing boys to compete against girls in sports. They let pedophile grown ups parade naked around kids. Why else would a grown ass man want to do this in front of children if they weren't pedos. They are slowly sneaking in the whole "its ok to be a minor attracted person" pedophile bullshit. Don't even get me started on the pronoun bs. They are trying and succeeding at erasing history at schools. If you don't know the atrocities that have been afflicted by monsters in the past. How will you ever know if history is about to repeat itself. This whole push to mentally, surgically, and medically castrate kids also falls under the "trying to cut down on the world's population" agenda IMO. I can go on for a while on this woke shit. But I'll stop there. 


I don't believe Trump is going to fix or stop any of this. This ship is too far gone in my opinion. All I can hope for is that he slows this fucking psycho shit down. The fact that the current administration does nothing to stop this and actually fights tooth and nail to preserve this trash tells me they are guilty. And to be honest if someone votes left knowing all I've listed above. Than they're equally guilty. Everybody has their own reasons for voting which ever way they're voting this year. For me, this is the most important above all else. If you destroy the next generation there is no future for this country.


             You seem to assimilated to this country.That's one of my biggest complaints

with people coming illegally from Mexico - they WILL NOT learn,& use English while

in public,& they use their cell phone to translate for them.

          At work,I've been asked questions by them about where items in our store are

located,but can't help them because I can't understand what they are saying.Also,

many of their children behave badly while in our store,and the parents do nothing

about it. 

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8 hours ago, Steve240z said:

^^^^^^^^ pot   -   kettle     ^^^^^^^

I absolutely admit I'm on one side only. With what's happened in this country I have to be. I see no rationale with the left anymore, none. 

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9 hours ago, john510 said:

Not my argument but just about all of your posts are infected by a side. 


If we didn't take some kind of side then we wouldn't have anything to argue about.



9 hours ago, paradime said:

That's been your argument from the beginning. If anyone who calls out Trumpian BS is infected than I'm an anti-vaxer.


All politicians (or anyone in a position of power over others) should be called out unmercifully for their bullshit and it pointed out to their supporters and minions. When the butt-hurt flows, I know the arrow has flown true to it's target. Ridiculing of a politician (or anyone in a position of power over others) and doing it well, has to be one of the highest forms of humor there is. Many a truth is spoken in jest.

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12 hours ago, IZRL said:


That's a good question. I haven't really got into the main reason I'm voting the way I am this election.  Cause Its going to stir the pot more than I already have on this thread.  But since you asked, I'll tell you why I've come to the point in my life that I would vote for just about any clown that is not on the left in 2024. 


And it has nothing to do with cleaning the swamp (which I've never even mentioned). Nobody in the history of American presidents has ever really done anything they promised when they were trying to win an election. But yet people still fall for that bs election after election. In fact it has nothing to do with anything trump has said he's going to do or not do. I don't believe one man in a short 4 years can change the course of the Titanic(US)at this point. Nore have I ever believed that one man is the reason we are currently heading straight for an iceberg. Every administration over the years has done one thing or another to get us to where we are today.


(WARNING: Dems read ahead at your own risk)


The reason I'm voting right this election has everything to do with the lefts obvious push to destroy the minds and bodies of America's youth/children. The left has completely fallen off their rocker. They are actively turning your kids into medical cash cows. They are grooming kids to believe they could be any gender.  And if they show even the slightest sign that they could be in the "wrong body" for what they believe their gender is. They instantly push them in that direction so they can pump them full of puberty blockers and sex hormones- 💲chaching. They then push them to have sex change operations as young as 13 years old - 💲chaching. Then those kids have all kinds of medical complications after the surgeries/medication that usually last a lifetime-💲chaching. They are allowing practically gay porn to be available for kids as young as 5 & 6 to look at in school libraries. They are allowing boys to change in girls spaces. They are allowing boys to compete against girls in sports. They let pedophile grown ups parade naked around kids. Why else would a grown ass man want to do this in front of children if they weren't pedos. They are slowly sneaking in the whole "its ok to be a minor attracted person" pedophile bullshit into society. Don't even get me started on the pronoun bs. They are trying and succeeding at erasing history at schools. If you don't know the atrocities that have been afflicted by monsters in the past. How will you ever know if history is about to repeat itself. This whole push to mentally, surgically, and medically castrate kids also falls under the "trying to cut down on the world's population" agenda IMO. I can go on for a while on this woke shit. But I'll stop there. 


I don't believe Trump is going to fix or stop any of this. This ship is too far gone in my opinion. All I can hope for is that he slows this fucking psycho shit down. The fact that the current administration does nothing to stop this and actually fights tooth and nail to preserve this trash tells me they are guilty. And to be honest if someone votes left knowing all I've listed above. Than they're equally guilty. Everybody has their own reasons for voting which ever way they're voting this year. For me, this is the most important reason to vote right above all else. If you destroy the next generation there is no future for this country.


Aside from the hyperbolic overblown right wing rhetoric attacking the left agenda, I agree that the gender fluidity movement is a misguided fantasy that's gone way too far. I support the concept of teaching awareness and inclusion in sex education, but it's gone from acceptance to encouragement, to lock step doctrine in the bat shit crazy woke agenda. That said, with non-traditional sex ed, teen pregnancy is down 76% since 1990 and rates of higher education are up nearly 100%.


I grew up with and have many gay friends, including folks who identify as another sex. These are some of the most successful, high functioning, and deeply moral people I know. In fact, some are conservative republicans. I've seen open discrimination and violence against them first hand, and we both know the amoral close minded agenda that perpetuates this. Bat shit crazy happens on both sides when extremists set the agenda. I want off this crazy train, and that's my agenda.

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My wife wanted me to go to the farmers market in town with her last summer which is unusual because I am usually so filthy with grease or dirt by the time it opens she doesn't want to be seen with me. Or get in her car. Anyways I agreed and as we got closer to town her driving became a little erratic because she was focusing on my face or more importantly facial expression. She had "forgotten" to inform me there was a gay pride festival going on and was waiting for my reaction when I finally figured it out. Now I have no issue with gay folks and have been friends quite a few but the people at this gathering were definitely dealing with a whole lot of other issues than just being gay. We did take a walking loop through the middle of the festivities. There were what I called the "straight gays" tidy men in button down shirts walking small dogs then there were the "militant gays". Stout women with a pound of metal piercings in thier faces looking angry. I was really curious what they did for a living but afraid to ask. If that's what floats your boat have at it, but don't try force this type of lifestyle choice as being great to elementary school kids. Let them grow up first then decide for themselves.

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16 hours ago, IZRL said:


Man I'm stuck in the middle of a royal rumble 😆. Can't keep up with all the conversations. 


Believe it or not mexicans are only a small part of what gets across the Mexican/US border. Every race that wants to get into the US goes through Mexico. It's the Chinese, Hindus, Arabs, South Americans, Russians, Africans and just about every other race that can't get in legally. And this has always been the case for most of America's history. 


And by the way your country's current administration and there agenda has blown everything out of the water. Can we really blame anyone one who sees the door to the magical land of Narnia suddenly wide open, and decide to walk through? 

Maybe I have been brainwashed by 1000's of hours of Law & Order reruns (and the increasingly liberal spinoffs) BUT, it sure seems like you're misplacing blame- first attempting to paint demand as justifying supply and "leaving the door open" justifying robbery. America might be laying out on the beach with her tits hanging out, wearing come fuck me pumps, but if someone tries to fuck her without permission, it is still rape and they should be gutted like a fish. In the same vein, America might be laying out, with cash in her hands, but if someone tries to trade her drugs for that cash, it is still against the law in America and they should be penalized (penalties increased until behavior ceased) There are plenty of theories and incidents of bad behavior and bad policies blighting America, but freedom remains the right choice and as long as America is attempting uphold freedom. America is the "good" guy. My qualifiers on freedom are as defined by the Constitution, my only divergence (which was a Supreme Court misstep) is to apply Constitutional parameters only to American Citizens (while that distinction still has significance). Anyone who claims, that by being free America is "asking for it" and "gets what she deserves" , is the kind of person Law and Order has taught us they are and should be treated accordingly. 

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12 hours ago, angliagt said:


             You seem to assimilated to this country.That's one of my biggest complaints

with people coming illegally from Mexico - they WILL NOT learn,& use English while

in public,& they use their cell phone to translate for them.

          At work,I've been asked questions by them about where items in our store are

located,but can't help them because I can't understand what they are saying.Also,

many of their children behave badly while in our store,and the parents do nothing

about it. 

I agree that immigrants, off all nationalities, seem to now avoid the English language as a point of pride, which is aggravating, but the majority (not the totality) of children, without regard to race, creed, color, or national origin are ill behaved little shits that would benefit by a swift back-hand

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