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ima build a hemp oil powered diesel.


:poop: its already been done... http://www.hempcar.org/diesel.shtml


:cursing: In 1937 DuPont, Mellen and Hearst were able to push a "marijuana" prohibition bill through Congress in less than three months, which destroyed the domestic hemp industry.


the same stuff this country was founded on!


lets see if obama inhaled :cool:

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REEFER MADNESS!! ( Hemp oil.... no wonder my kitchen knives are all black IS IT 4:20, YET? yO bRIAN YOU WORKIN TO DAY ?? Shit my caps lock got pushed by mistake, again.... wow, mang, my hand just flew away!

Edited by datzenmike
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Not so much a peak in finding fuel but more of production:


World oil production



Lots of oil was found in the past but was too hard or expensive to extract. As the cost goes up it becomes 'cheaper' to get. To add to the confusion many oil companies over inflate their reserve estimates to boost their stock prices. How you car estimate how much oil is in the ground sounds like BS to me.


Wikipedia :

M. King Hubbert created and first used this theory in 1956 to accurately predict that United States oil production would peak between 1965 and 1970.


His logistic model, now called Hubbert peak theory, and its variants have been shown to be descriptive with reasonable accuracy of the peak and decline of production from oil wells, fields, regions, and countries,[2] and has also proved useful in other limited-resource production-domains. According to the Hubbert model, the production rate of a limited resource will follow a roughly symmetrical bell-shaped curve based on the limits of exploitability and market pressures. Various modified versions of his original logistic model are used, using more complex functions to allow for real world factors. While each version is applied to a specific domain, the central features of the Hubbert curve (that production stops rising, flattens and then declines) remain unchanged, albeit with different profiles.


(in just another 40 years, many of you will see this but I won't, oil production will be the same as 1950! when I was born ..mike)



Because supplies of oil and gas are essential to modern agriculture techniques, a fall in global oil supplies could cause spiking food prices and unprecedented famine in the coming decades.Geologist Dale Allen Pfeiffer contends that current population levels are unsustainable, and that to achieve a sustainable economy and avert disaster the United States population would have to be reduced by at least one-third, and world population by two-thirds.The largest consumer of fossil fuels in modern agriculture is fertilizer production via the Haber process, which is essential to high perennial corn yields. If a sustainable non-petroleum source of electricity is developed, this process can be accomplished without fossil fuels using methods such as electrolysis.


Agree but I should have been more specific, what I meant was typical fossil fuel as we know it. Yes they have found other ways to extract oil like shales in Canada and elsewhere but it is difficult to extract or that technology is not there yet or too expensive. Other variables to consider are nations like India and China whose appetite for fossil fuel is skyrocketing. Cars today may be much mroe efficient than cars back in the days but we have more cars out on the road and China and Indias consumer demands is going up. However, current recession and I am using this definition because no one wants to say the "D" or depression is dramatically slowing down demads for cars, trucks and other household items or equipment that uses energy or fuel. It won't be a matter of time before the economy picks up that these countries will demand more and will compete for resources.

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The world is not running out of oil, thats just flat out left wing fear mongering(spelling?) Save the planet BS, the world is at its hottest over the last ten years BS, GLOBAL WARMING is the biggest BULLSHIT there is, Gore and the rest of them are full of shit and they have been proven wrong. AS Obama would say check the air in your tires and save the planet, give me a break. I'm sure people will not agree with me but I can't stand to hear this shit. We shouldn't get political on here, but I don't know any better, sorry for my ranting.

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My father-in-law is a geologist, owner of a small oil company, and fierce conservative. His education and profession lead him to know / believe the following; oil IS a finite resource.


When I asked him what he thought about "the oil running out" his opinion was that as most known oil reserves, world wide, were producing less oil than they they used to, and as newly industrialized countries such as China and India are increasing consumption almost exponentially, that eventually there would not be enough oil to satisfy needs globally.


My feeling is that as Americans it is in our best interest to stop the importing of oil from middle east countries that, as we well know, often filter the profits they make from us to terrorist organizations, not necessarily "terrorist countries." As the old saying goes, "don't put all of your eggs into one basket," and I feel this applies to energies as well. Just think about how much would it benefit us as a nation (not saying nationalized) to develop new technologies that allowed us to harness power from our own environment in less intrusive ways, such as wind, water and solar. Sure, I think we should has less restrictive drilling, but lets concentrate adding to our options as well.


How many of you out there knew that there are companies developing what amounts to solar cells that can be printed out on to plastic sheets (http://nanosolar.com/)? How great would it be to be able to go down to home Depot or Lowe's and buy new recyclable solar panels when ours were producing less watts than normal. No more filling the pockets of power companies who happily inconvenience us, but start racking up the fee's when we're not as prompt as they'd like us.


Anyway, I'm no hippie, no tree hugger, I'm a conservative who thinks the Republican party is either out of date or too far left. But I don't think that these views on energy are very partisan, it's just working out the details that is the hard part. Unfortunately, it's not in our politicians best interest to solve the big problems, or they'd be out of jobs.

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Man, This site is great. All I said was Obama drove a datto. And I get all this info on bio fuels, global warming, were running out of oil and so on. I think we have enough oil under our own soil that we won't run out anytime soon. I make my living from the oil industry. When we had a bunch of wells here in so Cal I was always busy, The the treehuggin froglickers came along and they shut almost all of them down, Now we buy all our oil, :( If they open up some drilling that would be great, Don't get me wrong I want the planet to survive, But we also have to survive,

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Hey Sickdrift, about the electric companys, what about all the coal we have. We can produce clean coal energy and electicity would not be as expensive as it is now, but with Obama in there now we might as well forget about it, along with Palossi (don't have a clue how to spell her name) and the rest of the lefties in washington they are gonna do what ever it takes to basically ruin this nation. So much of politics is basic common sense and either they have none or it doesn't go with their agenda. I just don't get some of the crap they do. I don't want to be one big happy global family. Half the countries around the world are so screwed up as it is. Keep America, America.

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If we push for electric cars before we are prepared for it think what your electric bill will churn up to.:eek:

I strongly disagree with a lot of you. How can you even think oil is infinite. We use millions of barrels a day in this country,let alone the rest of the world.

I would speculate that based on supply and demand if an alternative was available and became common that fossil fuels would become more abundant and eventualy much cheaper for us old schoolers.

If you get a new car every couple years,as a lot of people do,than you probably dont care what it runs on so long as it has plenty of power and is economical.

Left wing save the planet bs?(shoulda stuck with your first post)..enviro nazis?.what a joke..You could spread the air in LA on toast its so thick with pollution. And from high enough in kitsap county on a clear day I can point to I5 seattle area based on the brown cloud hovering. You think that shit just disappears into a magical rainbow that eats shit. No,we breath it and it falls to the ground and leeches into every part of our eco system.

I know I pollute every time I step on the gas. We are a destructive force on the planet but yes,it will be here long after we are gone regardless how we treat it.

So that should piss somebody off.Sorry:fu::D

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And for the record,there is enough oil reserves to fuel us for generations to come.All we have to do is kill the enviro-NAZI's and go get it.


But, ...but the lawyers wouldn't allow it!!!!!


I know. I know.... kill the lawyers first.



FOR THE RECORD: I ride my bicycle to work. Almost 50 mikes a week. Used less than a tank this summer in my Datto. Now the price is down I'd like to go out an pollute some.

Edited by datzenmike
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Hey Sickdrift, about the electric companys, what about all the coal we have. We can produce clean coal energy and electicity would not be as expensive as it is now, but with Obama in there now we might as well forget about it, along with Palossi (don't have a clue how to spell her name) and the rest of the lefties in washington they are gonna do what ever it takes to basically ruin this nation. So much of politics is basic common sense and either they have none or it doesn't go with their agenda. I just don't get some of the crap they do. I don't want to be one big happy global family. Half the countries around the world are so screwed up as it is. Keep America, America.


Obama is a huge supporter of clean coal. His point is that if the coal companies cant get clean then fuck off. Coal is one of the filthiest sources of power. Thats why China is being hit so hard with global enviro shit during their industrial revolution. They build a new coal burning plant every week.

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they really need to allow nuclear power to come back... I mean shit if the the damn navy can run on it, and those guys don't come back from sea glowing, then theres obviously safe ways to implement it.


The major problem with nuke is where to put the used up radioactive material. They try to can it up and bury it in the mountains but most locals to those areas do not like it. Otherwise it can be considered the cleanest. After all it is basically steam power.

we experimented with making hydrogen at work this summer for fun. Not a perpetual source of fuel but the source for it is infinite. Tons of water to create it and when you burn it,guess what you get...water. Water has way more potential energy in it than petroleum.

BTW the original deisel engine concepts were made to run on peanut oil. Hemp takes the least to grow and yeilds the most over just about any plant we know of.

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The major problem with nuke is where to put the used up radioactive material. They try to can it up and bury it in the mountains but most locals to those areas do not like it. Otherwise it can be considered the cleanest. After all it is basically steam power.

we experimented with making hydrogen at work this summer for fun. Not a perpetual source of fuel but the source for it is infinite. Tons of water to create it and when you burn it,guess what you get...water. Water has way more potential energy in it than petroleum.

BTW the original deisel engine concepts were made to run on peanut oil. Hemp takes the least to grow and yeilds the most over just about any plant we know of.


Well what does the navy do with their left overs?

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Hey guys well i hate to brake it too you but for those of us who dont have to go to smog, most of us will pass. I mean i had a sweet science project on that. My car the 710 stock no upgrades failed...barly. But with the add of a K&N filter we passed. Then add an exhust and the air filter. i emit only about less than 5% less than any hybrid on the road to day. It was so crazy. Because my car smells thick with gas but yet it runs like it runs on water. Its amazing. No one belived me until i went to state and then scientist where astonished and i found out that now one of them owns a Datto! preety cool guy so yea, most not all Datsun run extremly well and clean. SO GO DATTO!

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If we push for electric cars before we are prepared for it think what your electric bill will churn up to.:eek:

I strongly disagree with a lot of you. How can you even think oil is infinite. We use millions of barrels a day in this country,let alone the rest of the world.

I would speculate that based on supply and demand if an alternative was available and became common that fossil fuels would become more abundant and eventualy much cheaper for us old schoolers.

If you get a new car every couple years,as a lot of people do,than you probably dont care what it runs on so long as it has plenty of power and is economical.

Left wing save the planet bs?(shoulda stuck with your first post)..enviro nazis?.what a joke..You could spread the air in LA on toast its so thick with pollution. And from high enough in kitsap county on a clear day I can point to I5 seattle area based on the brown cloud hovering. You think that shit just disappears into a magical rainbow that eats shit. No,we breath it and it falls to the ground and leeches into every part of our eco system.

I know I pollute every time I step on the gas. We are a destructive force on the planet but yes,it will be here long after we are gone regardless how we treat it.

So that should piss somebody off.Sorry:fu::D



Get up from the computer,walk outside,fall down & go fuck yourself.


"Brown" in the air is DUST you twit.And i lived in L.A. for 20 years so i know the score.

No one said oil is NOT finite.Another problem you have-reading comprehension.There is just a lot more of it than "they" are letting on.


In L.A. a "smog alert" is triggered when particulate matter reaches 80 PPM.The air blowing on-shore is aready at 50 PPM.What does that tell you?


And enviro-Nazis is accurate.If we really wanted to help,we would kill every fucking one of them.


Next time do your homework before you open your yap and prove to the world that you're a safe distance from genius.

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Get up from the computer,walk outside,fall down & go fuck yourself.


"Brown" in the air is DUST you twit.And i lived in L.A. for 20 years so i know the score.

No one said oil is NOT finite.Another problem you have-reading comprehension.There is just a lot more of it than "they" are letting on.


In L.A. a "smog alert" is triggered when particulate matter reaches 80 PPM.The air blowing on-shore is aready at 50 PPM.What does that tell you?


And enviro-Nazis is accurate.If we really wanted to help,we would kill every fucking one of them.


Next time do your homework before you open your yap and prove to the world that you're a safe distance from genius.

Apparently the smog has affected your brain if you think the nasty cloud hovering over LA is "dust". :lol::lol::lol:
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