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insurance company

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I have a clean record and keep the truck in the garage.  The insurance said the truck has to be in show quality for them to insure it. i put a $5000 worth on it and the underwriters said its not worth that much and it needs to be more then $10000 for them to insure it.

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Datsuns aren't worth anything to anyone but us.

Example: A friends wife has multiple health problems so he was trying to get on the company tit to be able to pay for it ... They asked if he owned any "collector" type vehicles and he was truthful and said about 6 all Datsuns.. The person looked them up,  and all of them put together didn't meet the maximum for not getting social security.



I carry broadform,, it isn't that much more expensive and i can drive whatever / whenever i want.

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Did you talk to them direct? They have relaxed some of their rules and not everybody you talk to knows. 

Earlier this year I called them to confirm something and their customer service said I couldn't do that. I told them that was not what I was told when I got the policy and they checked and said Yes that's covered now. Stated value of my old Chevy is only $4000 and that would be top dollar on Ebay. $2500 on Craigslist all day

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Datsuns aren't worth anything to anyone but us.


I carry broadform,, it isn't that much more expensive and i can drive whatever / whenever i want.



never heard that term before. Google wants to make it look bad but if it's sold in a state surely it has to meet the state's minimum requirements which is all the hell I want.


In Texas (and other states) you can do a surety bond:



Here's what you need to know...


•Surety bonds are a valid alternative to traditional car insurance coverage

•Not all states allow surety bonds

•You should research your options before deciding whether alternative car insurance is right for you

Generally, most people today purchase auto insurance because it is required by law. Each state has its own laws concerning their citizens’ civic responsibility, and individuals must abide by these laws to prevent being penalized.


However, there is an alternative to commercial automobile insurance for drivers in many states; they’re called surety bonds. Surety bonds are expensive, but they may be right for you.




Hagerty is raped on the yelp! reviews. That's kinda scary.




I had Progressive for ten years for cars but State Farm for the house. SF begged me to let them "bundle" so they could drop my rates. I left Progressive, my rates went up by $100 a month and I now own (according to my SF insurance cards) a 1955 Chevrolet Maverick and a 1980 Datsun 280ZX that has the same VIN as my '80 A10 because that's the most expensive rate they can charge me and they claim they can't decode my wagon's VIN because it isn't a modern seventeen digit code.


Between the wife and I we've made eight trips to their office. We are going back to Progressive. In thirty years of car ownership I have never encountered a more useless and indifferent auto insurance company than State Farm and that includes the New Jersey system that (before 1991) had an underwriter's association for their underwriter's association.

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Datsuns aren't worth anything to anyone but us.


Example: A friends wife has multiple health problems so he was trying to get on the company tit to be able to pay for it ... They asked if he owned any "collector" type vehicles and he was truthful and said about 6 all Datsuns.. The person looked them up,  and all of them put together didn't meet the maximum for not getting social security.



I carry broadform,, it isn't that much more expensive and i can drive whatever / whenever i want.





never heard that term before. Google wants to make it look bad but if it's sold in a state surely it has to meet the state's minimum requirements which is all the hell I want.


In Texas (and other states) you can do a surety bond:



Here's what you need to know...


•Surety bonds are a valid alternative to traditional car insurance coverage

•Not all states allow surety bonds

•You should research your options before deciding whether alternative car insurance is right for you

Generally, most people today purchase auto insurance because it is required by law. Each state has its own laws concerning their citizens’ civic responsibility, and individuals must abide by these laws to prevent being penalized.


However, there is an alternative to commercial automobile insurance for drivers in many states; they’re called surety bonds. Surety bonds are expensive, but they may be right for you.




Hagerty is raped on the yelp! reviews. That's kinda scary.




I had Progressive for ten years for cars but State Farm for the house. SF begged me to let them "bundle" so they could drop my rates. I left Progressive, my rates went up by $100 a month and I now own (according to my SF insurance cards) a 1955 Chevrolet Maverick and a 1980 Datsun 280ZX that has the same VIN as my '80 A10 because that's the most expensive rate they can charge me and they claim they can't decode my wagon's VIN because it isn't a modern seventeen digit code.


Between the wife and I we've made eight trips to their office. We are going back to Progressive. In thirty years of car ownership I have never encountered a more useless and indifferent auto insurance company than State Farm and that includes the New Jersey system that (before 1991) had an underwriter's association for their underwriter's association.


I have carried a boradform insurance policy for over 30 years. Called a Broad Form, Named Driver policy, it insures me, not the vehicle, for minimum limits of liability and very limited medical. I can drive any passenger vehicle, but no motorcycles or commercial vehicles. These days it runs about $300 a year to keep the policy in place. I think it was around $175 a year way back when I first got it.


For me it made sense. Regular policies insure each vehicle individually. Since I was in my early 20's I have owned and driven more than one vehicle simultaneously, and keeping 2, 3 or 5 separate policies was eating up my beer money.


The only time I ever had a full coverage policy was when I bought the Ram new in 2001 and the Legacy new in 2005. I carried the required collision and comp to satify the finance company, and the day I made the last payment on each I cancelled the policies.

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I have a Broad-form insurance policy also(insure my licence), but I am paying around $600.00 a year for it.

I have other insurance also, my work truck has Amica as it is used for business, and the Roadster and NL320 have Haggerty, I fork out a fortune for insurance of one sort or another, it's my largest monthly expense.

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Why use a "classic company"?

That may be why you are running into restrictions.

I have always used my "classic" cars like regular cars and insure them with a regular car insurance company and I've never had an issue.

We have had home and auto with Country Insurance for years.  When I switch which vehicle I drive I just send our agent an e-mail and I'm good to go. 

The non drivers are all covered with "comprehensive" policies in case a tree falls on the garage or driveway or something like that.  Super cheap.


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FK Hagerty and Grundy. They both told me no way because I ocassionally drive the 510 to work a whole 15 miles. It was ok that I put about 5k miles on it each year but when I told them no I don't take it to car shows it isn't a trailer queen it's a driver well, they said we insure classic show cars WTF make up you GD MIND. So, FK them both, back to Liberty Mutual and drive it when and where.

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never heard that term before. Google wants to make it look bad but if it's sold in a state surely it has to meet the state's minimum requirements which is all the hell I want.


In Texas (and other states) you can do a surety bond:

.Maybe it's not approved type of insurance in Oklahoma .. On another note if you are reading this,, my dad just got back from trip to Wyandotte Ok and he said it was flooded as shit.. I told him it has been hot as hell here,,,, dust bowl,,, lol .



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.Maybe it's not approved type of insurance in Oklahoma .. On another note if you are reading this,, my dad just got back from trip to Wyandotte Ok and he said it was flooded as shit.. I told him it has been hot as hell here,,,, dust bowl,,, lol .



Oh, if it makes sense and can save me money it's most likely illegal. Wyandotte! Good God! That's just barely in Oklahoma!


I changed my insurance back to Progressive yesterday and somehow that dropped my rate by $20 + there's a "snapshot" device that will most likely save us an additional few bucks as it'll be on the Escape and the wife drives that and she's a really good driver. Progressive has a policy that says if you return your policy to them within three months of leaving you get all your bennies back so that made me happy.


She went into State Farm's office yesterday (our ninth trip there in a month) to cancel our car insurance there. Her request resulted in the firing of a young lady who had been on the verge of termination. The agent asked the wife to leave one car policy with him and that is supposed to drop the price of our homeowner's policy by $900 a year. She's going to add her Maverick back Monday which should lower the price of our Progressive policy by another $20. It's a shell game that you never win but sometimes saves you a few bucks.

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