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Jrock's powdercoat,, aka Captain Testicales workshop. 2017 so stop bumping


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Not a lot of chatter in here.....


Probably because we don't number our events ,,, or ,,,,,,,,,, maybe it's the lack of gigantic bouncing breasts in a video. 


















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It's cause we're all stuck in a shitty group message.



Yeah the group text thing is definitely filling my need to communicate with other humans for sure.




If anyone wants to bring their mud truck down, ( and their not a pussy) ,  i spent most of this week cleaning the downed trees out of my little track out in my back yard if you wanna have a go at it after the BBQ... It is about a 10 minute drive from BBQ ,  I have a wash down area so you wouldn't have to travel caked up with mud.  It's not really deep enough to break anything,,,, but anything with less than 33" will be struggling as fuck to even move around though so it's kinda fun.






Turns and branches are pretty tight in some spots so if your a pussy about that kinda thing be forewarned




OR , put some old snows on your 2wd and see how far you can get


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That blue 4x4 is not mine. It was for sale a couple months ago on Portland Craigslist. Listed as a full size Chevy 4x4 with 42" tires and they dropped a Datsun body on it.

I thought it looked cool so I saved some pics. :)


I told Jeff to go buy it but he wasn't interested.




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So on group texty i was reminded we never looked at people bringing stuff.


All we have right now is

i guess i will bring the hamburger patties,  buns and mustard & ketchup ,, maybe an onion and maybe a jar of pickles

QTip said he will bring drinks ,, not sure if cups

And finally Scalpum will apparently bring a scornful look only your mom can dish out.



I don't have a grill or card tables or one of those popup tents in case of rain,  at all

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I friendly reminder


Please no "peeling out" as tdaaj might have to  fire off a strongly worded letter to the facebook






























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