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Blue Lake 2015 Official


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I learned several styles of basket weaving as a kid.......my parents were big into crafts!    Sewing, bobbin lace, weaving, crocheting, knitting, spinning...........you name it, I've probably had my hands on it at some point.......pottery, wood working, ........anyway.

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Banana and Micro.....how is it I didn't cross paths with either of you at either show this year? :(


I feel glad and sad for you at the same time.. I'll let you decide which emotion attaches to which meeting :lol:


Sorry I didn't see you at Canby, Mike. Always good to chat you up.

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alright, I hope I don't get flamed for this!  I was one of the 3 people judging at Blue Lake this year.  I am BY NO MEANS a professional judge ,nor do I have any intention of becoming one.  I make it a general rule to never say anything negative about someone else's vehicle.  My "technique" used in my input during this years judging was mostly just me pointing out different aspects of the various datsuns,& Nissans that I liked.  With so many vehicles there this year ,it was difficult to choose.  if it were up to me ,there would be a few more classes added in a few of the catagories,stock & modified in 510 & 521 for example.  we tried to "spread the winning around" while judging.  for  example,if we were thinking a vehicle would be getting "best engine" then we didn't really also consider the same vehicle for other catagories.  it just seems more fair that way.


So here's the part I'm probably going to get flamed for.

I feel that we are going to HAVE TO start accepting the newer Datsun & Nissan vehicles being part of our hobby,& part of the community.  Older Datsun's are getting rarer,& more expensive all the time ,that's just fact.  unless you're INCREDIBLY LUCKY, you're probably not going to be buying a Datsun at a price that someone just starting out in this hobby can afford.  Most of us that do have them, aren't selling them cheap,& some of us are "hoarding" them, myself included.   a somewhat newer Nissan may be all that these new people can find, or afford.   At the rate people are "retiring" from this hobby lately, I personally don't think we should be turning away people, just because they happen to have a newer Nissan.   We're quickly getting to the point where we will need new blood at these events.    

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alright, I hope I don't get flamed for this!  I was one of the 3 people judging at Blue Lake this year.  I am BY NO MEANS a professional judge ,nor do I have any intention of becoming one.  I make it a general rule to never say anything negative about someone else's vehicle.  My "technique" used in my input during this years judging was mostly just me pointing out different aspects of the various datsuns,& Nissans that I liked.  With so many vehicles there this year ,it was difficult to choose.  if it were up to me ,there would be a few more classes added in a few of the catagories,stock & modified in 510 & 521 for example.  we tried to "spread the winning around" while judging.  for  example,if we were thinking a vehicle would be getting "best engine" then we didn't really also consider the same vehicle for other catagories.  it just seems more fair that way.


So here's the part I'm probably going to get flamed for.

I feel that we are going to HAVE TO start accepting the newer Datsun & Nissan vehicles being part of our hobby,& part of the community.  Older Datsun's are getting rarer,& more expensive all the time ,that's just fact.  unless you're INCREDIBLY LUCKY, you're probably not going to be buying a Datsun at a price that someone just starting out in this hobby can afford.  Most of us that do have them, aren't selling them cheap,& some of us are "hoarding" them, myself included.   a somewhat newer Nissan may be all that these new people can find, or afford.   At the rate people are "retiring" from this hobby lately, I personally don't think we should be turning away people, just because they happen to have a newer Nissan.   We're quickly getting to the point where we will need new blood at these events.    


Yeah, it's not a big deal. Canby has had these awards too. 


The judging seemed fair.

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 I don't think people are retiring from the hobby at the rate you think,, hell 6 Datsuners that live less than 5 mile radius and 6 more that live within a half hour from me didn't go to blue lake, but that don't mean they are quitting the hobby... And as for prices ,, young guys today never had the option of $200-$400 510s so $2500.  is nothing to them,, since they also won't work for less than 10-12 bucks an hour..


 I sold my 510 to a 18 year old from Springfield,,  he didn't go either.


About newer Nissans ,, i don't really care either way ,, whatever turns their prop is fine with me.

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I bet i have spent 24 hours just in stop and go traffic these last couple weeks... Hell i took from 3:10 till after 7 O-crotch to get from the University of Washington to home yesterday and that is with carpool lanes. .  Hell it took 2 1/2 to gt to Tacoma last Sunday..  What the hell?? 

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And the judges were out there for way more than 5 mins, They spent a good hour out there walking around, one of them bill even had to take a rest due to getting to hot out there walking around. They went back and forth several times, and even came back tos ee if any other cars registered in the time they were out there. Loren, Aaron , Aarons dad (sorry man forgot, i think it was larry?) and bill all did a great job.  Thanks again guys. 

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The awards should be weighted more towards the older RWD cars. (the ones that were actually Datsuns made by Nissan before it became Renault) The newer cars are more abundant with basically no history, so fewer awards should be hotly contested by more entrants, in theory. More added as more enter. But really, just how much would go into 'restoring' say a 2009 Nissan 'something or other' that it can earn an award? If a Yaris/Juke/Versa has any appeal surely it's by the newer breed of drivers..... and who would go to a car show to see one when they pass nine on the way there? They can wait their turn................. in about 40 years.

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